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RT @KosmaZlotowski: W tydzień interesujących wizyt i spotkań. Dziękuję za wszystkie rozmowy o sprawach lokalnych, krajowych i europejskich. Gratulacje dla @SzSz_velSek i powodzenia w nowej roli!


Our former ECR Member @M_Fedriga, participating in a workshop, calls for more institutional collaboration between border territories to enhance opportunities for youth

RT @regioneFVGit: Oggi a il governatore @M_Fedriga nel corso del workshop "Mobilità dei giovani oltre i confini regionali: come superare gli ostacoli". L'evento ha visto anche la partecipazione del governatore della


RT @JakubChe: Europejski Komitet Regionów @EU_CoR@ecrgroup⁩ zdecydowaną większością głosów przyjął moją opinię dot.pakietu energetycznego w sprawie gazu,wodoru i emisji metanu.Transformacja energetyczna nabiera strategicznego wymiaru z uwagi na wojnę w🇺🇦 i jest kluczowa dla przyszłości


RT @JarekStawiarski: Negocjacje z Komisją Europejską zostały zakończone ! Projekt dokumentu Fundusze Europejskie dla Lubelskiego 2021-27 został złożony do KE. jako pierwsze w kraju złożyło ten projekt. Już niedługo ponad 2,4 mld euro będzie do dyspozycji beneficjentów z województwa lub.


“We need 3️⃣ key elements to make cross-border public services work⤵️
1-strong legal framework;
2-permanent cross border structures;
3-more sustainable ways of financing.”
member Pavel Branda, cross-border public services @EU_CoR 2022


Our ECR President @marcomarsilio had very fruitful discussions today with @CoR_President Vasco Alves Cordeiro on making the voice of local and regional authorities stronger in Europe


“The EU macro-regional strategies are more than ever a unique tool to address common problems within an integrated framework of enhanced cooperation”

President @marcomarsilio during workshop on the Mediterranean macro-regional strategy organised by Nikola Dobroslavić


"The statistics do not reflect the real situation in my region in Slovakia. We still need financial support for environmental projects, education and culture. Cross-border regional cooperation requires much more support than we are currently receiving"
- Mayor Peter Švaral


RT @juan_ggallardo: En el día de la Hispanidad, hemos defendido en el @EU_CoR la necesidad de más políticas a favor de la familia y la natalidad.

La ingeniería social verde y de género está debilitando a las democracias europeas y nuestros enemigos lo saben.

Falta sentido común y sobra fanatismo.


“Europe needs less climate fanaticism and more defense of common interests & way of life. We need less relativism and more policies in favour of birth rates & families. We need more common sense in Europe”

@juan_ggallardo during today’s debate on the future of Europe


"If we want to keep working efficiently among different regions, the resilience of our digital systems needs to be strengthened"
- Adam Banaszak│digital resilience│


"Illegal immigration has to stop. We need preventive measures & physical infrastructure at the external borders. Member States should be able to put their own rules in place. Hungary alone has prevented 200 000 illegal migrants entering the EU"
-Anna Magyar


needs less climate fanaticism and more defense of common interests & way of life. We need less relativism and more policies in favour of birth rates & families. We need more common sense in Europe”

@juan_gallardo during today’s debate on the future of Europe


"Where I would have concerns is if there were a revision of the Treaties, which I fear would lead to a centralisation of powers rather than their devolution giving less of a voice to Member States and regions"
-@bianchimatteo79 │


In debate with @dubravkasuica @bianchimatteo79 appeals to European Commission to invest more in local dialogues with citizens & synchronize its actions with Members of @EU_CoR & other elected representatives of local government


"The future belongs to children and to next generations so let's not ruin it for them. Future of Europe must have family at its centre so that our lives can be continued by our children and that it doesn't fail because of lack of material support"
- Anna Magyar on


"We have to invest in European security of supply. Without chips & semi-conductors we will have no modern technology. It is very important that we further develop good trade relations with Taiwan and other like-minded countries"
-@ILPOHeltimoine1│European Chip Acts │


"The newly introduced regulations should ensure we achieve climate goals, but should take into account extremely difficult situation on energy market. I hope that new gas package & methane regulation will mark beginning of a new chapter in the European energy sector"


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