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RT @FigaredoJoseM: Debemos devolver la fuerza y el espíritu al entorno rural:

1) trabajo -recuperar industria, fortalecer agricultura y ganadería, explotación forestal, etc.-,

2) natalidad,

3) educación.

Todo está interconectado.

@juan_ggallardo 💪🏼💪🏼


And that's a wrap! Thank you to all our speakers & guests for a very successful Summit and to our President @marcomarsilio for hosting the local and regional politicians here in Abruzzo!


And now we move to a round table of conservative young MPs, mayors and councillors from all parts of Europe to share with us their perspective on the future of regions & the various challenges they face
-@FigaredoJoseM @Cebula_Mat @gabrielkroon1 @dansinibaldi


"Main repercussion of demographic decline is cultural. We need people to have desire to want children therefore families must be at centre of all public policies"
- @juan_ggallardo


"Demographic decline is a problem we all share. Main problem in Castilla y León is low birth rate so we are implementing public policies to revert the situation such as tax incentives"


"We have a regional partnership with Ukraine whose original goal was to monitor river level, but now its main function is to send humanitarian aid to help refugees"
- Oszkár Seszták


"Biggest challenge in our region is desertification and its impact on agricultural activities. We are working hard to address this"


"In addition to infrastructure we must work on other services such as digitalisation. Opportunities are there to make a difference to inland areas which would allow those who live there to get an education & the services they need.
- Senator Guido Quintino Liris, Italy


"Main problem with demographic change is low fertility & birth rate. We have to reduce fertility gap and for that we need pro-family policies with appropriate funding. Hungary is an excellent example in this field"
- Ádám Karácsony


"Demographic decline is worrying. We must put family back at centre of national & European policies. Conditions must be created to allow family to expand through developing infrastructure and structed interventions"
- @Donatella_Tesei


"We have a lot of immigration from Ukraine. Some of them are planning to stay. This is a challenge but one that should be turned into an opportunity"
- @JurajDroba │


"In Bratislava we are having opposite problem to depopulation & demographic decline – as the richest region in Slovakia we have a huge inflow of people coming to work, study & live"


"Tackling these issues is of strategic importance - the revitalization of inland areas must be top of the political agenda"
-@fabiorampelli, MP, Deputy Chair of the Italian Chamber of Deputies


"The depopulation of inland areas, that we have been witnessing for decades, contributes to the loss of an enormous social heritage with devastating repercussions"


RT @EliaDelmiglio: Oggi a per partecipare al vertice sul localismo nell’ambito delle giornate di studio organizzate dal @ECR_CoR

Le sfide delle comunità locali: tra calamità naturali e declino demografico. Non si poteva scegliere luogo migliore:


"I believe that President Marsilio's choice to hold the Summit in L'Aquila represents a sign of hope and rebirth."
-@RaffaeleFitto, Minister of European Affairs, Italy


“The issues addressed today certainly represent some of the main challenges that local communities will have to face in the coming years. National Recovery and Resilience Plans and Cohesion Policy are two important tools at our disposal"


"Civil protection acts on behalf of local community but to further limit damage we need better tools in terms of prevention at European level”
- @MauroCasinghini, Director of Civil Protection Agency, Abruzzo Region


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