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RT @UNHCRYemen: EU humanitarian support to UNHCR in 2022 provided registration, documentation, and refugee status determination to 15,721 refugees and asylum seekers in Yemen.

@EU_ECHO @ECHO_MiddleEast



While in Lebanon today I have met with some of the 🇱🇧 representatives as well as our humanitarian partners to discuss the difficult situation in the country with Lebanon’s population facing increasing poverty levels, food insecurity, and disease outbreaks.


The EU will not let the people in need down.

We are continuing to support the most vulnerable in with initial €60 million in humanitarian aid for this year for the most vulnerable people, including Syrian refugees and Lebanese people.



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EU Commissioner @JanezLenarcic just announced new funding during his visit to Lebanon. Check out why our funding to partners such as @UNHCRLebanon is indispensabe 🎞 👉🏾🎞
Protecting the most vulnerable in Lebanon:!KffdPc


RT @JanezLenarcic: I am visiting 🇱🇧 which is facing multiple crises, putting more and more people at risk.

Lebanon also hosts some 1.5 million Syrian refugees, the highest number of refugees per capita in the world.

Around 4 million people need humanitarian aid to meet their basic needs.


1️⃣6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ ولادة أطفال آمنة 👶🏾👶🏾👶🏾
لا وفيات أمومية.

لقد أثمرت شراكتنا مع @UNFPAJordan خلال العقد الماضي في مخيم الزعتري في الأردن.

معًا ، نحافظ على سلامة الأمهات السوريات مثل دعاء ومولودها الجديد.


1️⃣6️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ safe deliveries 👶🏾👶🏾👶🏾
and NO maternal deaths.

Our partnership with @UNFPAJordan over the past decade in Jordan’s Zaatari camp has paid off.

Together, we are keeping Syrian moms like Doa'a and her newborn baby safe.


After 8 years of war, Yemen remains one of the worst
humanitarian crises in the🌍 with almost 70% of the population in need of aid.
The 🇪🇺 continues to support vulnerable Yemenis, with €136 million in 2023.
But only a political solution can stop the suffering.


أقل من 40٪ من الأسر في فلسطين لديهم إمكانية الوصول إلى المياه الصالحة للشرب، ومعظمها في الضفة الغربية.

يعمل الاتحاد الأوروبي و @UNICEFpalestine معًا للتخفيف من مشكلات المياه من خلال إصلاح أنابيب المياه وتحسين الوصول إليها.


Less than 40% of households in Palestine have access to safe water, most of them in the West Bank.

The EU and @UNICEFpalestine are working together to mitigate water issues by fixing water pipes and improving access.


Last week, more aid from Austria, Finland, Bulgaria and Cyprus arrived through the Mechanism to support Syrians affected by the earthquake.

Together, showing the power of 🇪🇺 🤝.


في اليمن، غالبًا ما تدمر الأمطار الغزيرة والرياح العاتية المخيمات التي يعيش فيها نازحون مثل صعدة البالغة من العمر 50 عامًا.

يساعد دعم الاتحاد الأوروبي على ضمان حصول العائلات اليمنية مثل عائلة صعدة على مياه نظيفة ومرافق للطوارئ.


In Yemen, heavy rains and strong winds often damage camps where displaced people like 50-year-old Sadah are living.

EU support helps ensure Yemeni families like hers have clean water & emergency facilities.


الاتحاد الأوروبي يتخذ إجراءات لمعالجة أزمة الصحة النفسية في اليمن!

بالتعاون مع @WHOYemen ووزارة الصحة ، نقوم ببناء قدرات العاملين الصحيين المحليين وإنشاء وحدات للصحة العقلية في المرافق في جميع أنحاء البلاد.


The EU is taking action to address the mental health crisis in Yemen!

Together with @WHOYemen and the Ministry of Health, we are building capacity of local health workers and establishing mental health units in facilities across the country.


RT @WFP_MENA: is a month when families gather around food. 🌙

The and region has an unparalleled Ramadan atmosphere. Here are some remarkable shots of the magic of the streets of in during the holy month of .


Rehman* was married off to an abusive man at age 15.

''During our year of marriage, I lived a very hard life full of violence and abuse,'' she says.

At a safe space for women and girls at her displacement camp, she found the help and empowerment she needed.


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