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As the @UN_Water Conference comes to an end, we remain fully committed to supporting towards achieving clean water and sanitation for all, including those in humanitarian crises.

Access to safe water is a basic human right - let's treat it as such! 💧


How does the 🇪🇺 humanitarian aid help?

🔸 In 2023, €136 million in humanitarian aid.
🔸 Provide food, health care, education, water, and shelter, among other life-saving assistance.
🔸 Advocate for unrestricted humanitarian access and an end to the conflict.


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Did you know❓

1⃣ The war in is entering its 9th year.
2⃣ It is one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.
3⃣ Almost 70% of the population requires humanitarian assistance.
4⃣ Over 17 million people face acute food insecurity, more than half of them children.


8️⃣ years of conflict
8️⃣ years of displacement
8️⃣ years of struggle

As the crisis in Yemen enters its 9th year, 70% of the population needs assistance & protection.

Kudos to our humanitarian partners for making a difference in so many lives. @EUinYemen


مع دخول الأزمة في اليمن عامها 9⃣، يفتقر 20 مليون شخص إلى إمكانية الوصول إلى الخدمات الصحية الحيوية.

بفضل دعم الاتحاد الأوروبي و @IOM_Yemen ، يستطيع فنيو المختبر في مستشفى الحصون في مأرب مواصلة الاختبارات الأساسية.


As the crisis in Yemen enters its 9️⃣th year, 20 million people lack access to critical health services.

Thanks to the support of the EU and @IOM_Yemen, lab technicians at Al Husoon Hospital in Ma’rib are able to continue essential testing.


RT @Concern: WASH=water, sanitation & hygiene 🚰🚽🧼

Disease & illness can spread in communities and informal camps due to lack of clean water and poor sanitation facilities. It's why Concern’s WASH programme, with funding from @ECHO_MiddleEast, is so important to our work in northern Syria.


بفضل دعم الاتحاد الأوروبي، سيتمكن مئات العائلات في موقع النزوح في الست في مأرب من الوصول إلى المياه الصالحة للشرب بعد انتهاء @IOM_Yemen من العمل على نظام المياه الجديد.

معًا، نصنع فرقًا للمحتاجين. 💧🙏



Thanks to EU support, hundreds of families in the Al Sit displacement site in Ma’rib will have access to safe water after @IOM_Yemen's finishes work on the new water system.

Together, making a difference for people in need. 💧🙏



RT @UNICEF_EU: ✏️Maximise education support for children
✏️Build crisis-resilient education systems
✏️Mobilize respond resources

Thank you @EU_ECHO, @JanezLenarcic, 🇪🇺🇺🇳 partners for being driving force to bring change for millions of 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 who interrupted learning due to crises


RT @unhcralgeria: UNHCR ensures that potable water is provided to Sahrawi refugees in the five camps near Tindouf. @unhcralgeria and partners appreciate the support of @ECHO_MiddleEast for making the delivery of water possible to the refugees through the water innovation project


RT @Refugees_EU: With its partner, @EU_ECHO, UNHCR is providing emergency relief to people in northwest Syria who were affected by the earthquakes there.

The trucks pictured are part of an operation to deliver much-needed tents as quickly as possible.


The EU is teaming up with @ACF_MiddleEast to ensure that water from storms and floods doesn't prevent students in Gaza from going to school.

The aim is to help students learn despite the challenges posed by adverse weather.



Half Syria’s population relies on unsafe water.

The EU & @Concern are improving water and hygiene conditions in camps for displaced people.

On 💧🌍 let’s remember access to safe water is a critical humanitarian intervention.

@EUinSyria @EU_ECHO


RT @UNFPAYemen: In
⚠️ 1 woman dies every 2 hours giving birth
⚠️ 1.5 million pregnant and breastfeeding women are acutely malnourished
⚠️ 7.5 million women require access to gender-based violence services

More details are here:


RT @RESCUE_EU: IRC staff members in include frontline health workers who are essential in meeting the most pressing needs Yemenis face today. 🩺

Thanks to @EU_ECHO, pharmacists like Khalid ensure families without access to medicines and health supplies can get the support they need. 💊


With the help of the EU, @NRC_MiddleEast is providing vital psychosocial support through the Better Learning Programme for children in Beita, West Bank.

Read this eye-opening article:


الحصول على النقد لتغطية الاحتياجات الأساسية أمر بالغ الأهمية للعائلات الضعيفة في لبنان.

يقدم الاتحاد الأوروبي و @WFPLebanon بطاقات إلكترونية لضمان عدم تعرض الفئات الأكثر ضعفًا للجوع.


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