Humanitarian aid: EU🇪🇺 increases funding to €1.7 billion for 2⃣0⃣2⃣3⃣ including €382 million for people in need in the Middle East & North Africa 🌍!Yn3wqH
RT @NRC_MiddleEast: "Breathe in, breathe out" 🧡
In 2022 we provided more than 2,500 children across #Libya with psychosocial support through the Better Learning Programme. The programme helps children establish a sense of safety and enhance their self-belief.
قرابة 12 عامًا من الحرب والنزوح والمعاناة...
بتمويل من الاتحاد الأوروبي ، تقدم @CAREAustria الدعم النفسي والاجتماعي والحماية للسوريين النازحين داخليًا.
Almost 12 years of war, displacement, suffering…
With EU funds @CAREAustria is offering psychosocial support and protection to internally displaced Syrians.
RT @UNICEFpalestine: As the new year begins, no effort should be spared to protect the lives of children.
Since January, 4 children were killed in the West Bank. Violence must end.
Every child has the right to life, to protection & to grow up free from violence & fear.
RT @WFPYemen: 📽️This is the story of Hend, Mustafa & Samir. But also the story of millions in #Yemen who struggle to provide for their daily needs.
With @ECHO_MiddleEast's support, @WFP is working tirelessly to deliver food assistance to the most vulnerable families in this challenging time.
RT @EU_ECHO: Access to health care is crucial for pregnant women. But when you live in a conflict zone, a simple check-up may be out of reach.
We're making sure that 🤰🤱 in Aleppo receive the care they need.
@UnfpaSyria @WFP_Syria @ECHO_MiddleEast
يعمل الاتحاد الأوروبي ومفوضية الأمم المتحدة السامية لشؤون اللاجئين @unhcralgeria لتلبية الاحتياجات الإنسانية للاجئين المعرضين للخطر.
لا يزال الصحراويون بحاجة إلى الغذاء والتغذية والمياه الصالحة للشرب والرعاية الصحية والتعليم. 🙏
The EU and @UNHCRAlgeria work together to meet the humanitarian needs of vulnerable refugees.
The Sahrawi continue to need access to food, nutrition, safe water, healthcare and education. 🙏
RT @NRC_MiddleEast: In 2022 we provided more than 2,500 children across #Libya with psychosocial support through the Better Learning Programme. The programme helps children establish a sense of safety and enhance their self-belief.
Meet Samir, a casual worker and father of 6.
EU support to @WFP is preventing millions of Yemeni families like Samir's from going hungry.
بدعم من الاتحاد الأوروبي ، تعقد @UNICEF_Yemen جلسات مع مديري المدارس وأولياء الأمور.
موضوع واحد ساخن للنقاش: توفير مرافق نظيفة وآمنة للرياضة والألعاب لتشجيع الحضور المنتظم.
With EU support @UNICEF_Yemen is holding sessions with school principals and parents.
One hot topic of discussion: providing clean and safe facilities for sports and games to encourage regular attendance.
RT @EUinSyria: #Syria: Read the full statement by High Representative @JosepBorrellF and Commissioner for Crisis Management @JanezLenarcic on the renewal of UN Security Council resolution on cross border humanitarian assistance:
RT @DanStoenescuEU: Statement by High Representative @JosepBorrellF & Commissioner for Crisis Management @JanezLenarcic on the renewal of UN Security Council resolution on cross border humanitarian assistance: 👉🏻 @EUinSyria @eu_eeas @ECHO_MiddleEast @EU_ECHO
RT @UNFPAYemen: #DidYouKnow that 6 out of 10 births in #Yemen take place without a skilled birth attendant.
This is why we are helping to train #midwives across the country with the generous support of @EUinYemen.
No #woman should die giving life.
RT @WFP_MENA: Have you ever tried the Syrian 'Makdous'? 🍆🧄🌶️
🎥 Discover how a signature dish of the most basic ingredients is becoming out of reach for the millions of people in Syria who are facing unprecedented hunger.
RT @haaretzcom: EU demands reparations from Israel for demolition of Palestinian structures it funded
2/2They met w/ students affected by the demolition of Sfai Al Fouqa School in Masafer Yatta. In Hebron, the group was briefed by the Governor, discussed economic perspectives w/ the business community & met w/ HR defender Issa Amro, following his recent arrest by IL authorities.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Updates on EU-funded humanitarian projects in the Middle East & North Africa from @EU_ECHO's Amman-based communication team