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Werk je aan de preventie van infectieziekten in ?

Help ons om preventie verder vorm te geven op Europees niveau!

Word nu lid van de ‘European Prevention Community’


W ramach niedawno rozszerzonego mandatu , pracujemy nad stworzeniem wspólnoty praktyk w zakresie zapobiegania chorobom zakaźnym, która zapewni szkolenia w zakresie profilaktyki, współpracę i wsparcie ze strony ekspertów z UE/EOG.

Dowiedz się więcej!


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Zajmujesz się prewencją chorób zakaźnych w Polsce?
Potrzebujemy Twojej pomocy!

Kształtuj razem z nami profilaktykę chorób zakaźnych w całej Europie.

Dołącz do “Wspólnoty Praktyków Europejskiego Centrum ds. Zapobiegania i Kontroli Chorób - ECDC"!


RT @Eurosurveillanc: @ECDC_EU @ECDCPHT @Epiconcept @EU_Health What is required of professionals working in applied field today & what will they require in future?

The updated core competency set by @ECDC_EU and @ASPHERoffice set will serve as the basis for harmonisation of approaches


ECDC boosted

Avian influenza is a highly contagious viral disease that occurs primarily in poultry and wild water birds❓

Learn more in our updated webpage 🐔🦆



Here’s to the at the working for a safer 🇪🇺 – evaluation of medicines, disease control, environmental science, food & chemical safety.

Get inspired by their stories in this thread. 🧵

Meet Anastasia Pharris from .


Always a pleasure to host our colleagues from @EU_Health here at in Stockholm!

Ingrid Keller, Francisco Pérez-Cañado - thank you for your visit and fruitful exchanges!


RT @ECDCPHT: .@DrAlazebi & Dr Elbukhari from the Libyan National Center for Disease Control visited this week.

We talked about a strengthened Preparedness and Response capacities in & creation of a fully functional Emergency Operation Centre.


RT @ECDCPHT: 23 – 27 Jan, @ECDC_EU and @Africa_CDC, together with its regional partners, organised a simulation exercise workshop in Tanzania.

The aim was strengthening the response capacities of African Union Member States for public health events.


RT @SandraGallina: caused considerable strain on our hospitals during autumn and winter.
Thanks to our new Framework, RSV is now set to be included in the EU list of notifiable diseases, meaning stronger surveillance, preparedness and response.


And after the press conference, Director Andrea Ammon participated in media interviews with the Slovenian Press Agency @STA_English & Slovenian .


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Today, Director took part in a media statement with @MinZdravje Loredan, Mario Fafangel (Head of the Centre for Communicable Diseases and ECDC Management Board member) & Marta Grgič Vitek (National Vaccination Coordinator at the Centre for Communicable Diseases).


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This week, Director Andrea Ammon visited Slovenia. She met the Slovenian Minister for Health, the ministry & the Slovenian National Institute of Public Health () representatives to discuss ways to tackle , improve & boost vacc. rates


The measures can be adjusted when the period of high community transmission is over.

Vaccination for seasonal and should be offered to all healthcare facility staff.

Read more:


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Additional IPC interventions include ensuring physical distancing measures, particularly in common areas and home visiting services for vulnerable patients, and if feasible, avoiding crowded outpatient and emergency services.


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IPC mitigates the spread of respiratory viruses within healthcare facilities:

- administrative measures (triage & placement of patients)
- standard precautions (e.x. ) with use of personal protective equipment ()
- environmental measures (cleaning & ventilation).


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The simultaneous circulation of different viruses poses a significant challenge for the management of large numbers of patients with respiratory viral infections and may lead to outbreaks in .

Read our full press release:


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