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RT @EIMPublishers: We are looking forward to our🇭🇺member @Telexhu speaking about the European Media Freedom Act at tomorrow's event hosted by @GreensEFA @DianaRibaGiner, along with @AnnaHeroSal, @JoanBarata, @enricb, @renatemargot, @eldaelda, @article19org.


Hala Ahed was also hacked and spied on with spyware, a 'weapon of war' as defined by maker NSO. And this is exactly how it should be treated and regulated.

That is why it is essential to establish a regulatory framework as broad as possible to control its use and abuse.


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We welcome one of the winners of the @FrontLineHRD Human Rights Defenders Award, lawyer @Hala_Deeb.

A tireless defender of women's & workers' rights and of freedom of opinion, expression and peaceful assembly in Jordan.


La Hala Aheb també ha estat infectada i espiada amb . Aquesta 'arma de guerra' com la defineix la mateixa NSO. I, justament així és com s'ha de tractar i regular.

Per això és imprescindible establir un marc regulador el més ampli possible que en controli l'ús i l'abús.


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Rebem una de les premiades per @FrontLineHRD als 'Human Rights Defenders at Risk', l’advocada @Hala_Deeb.

Incansable defensora dels drets de les dones, dels treballadors i de la llibertat d’opinió, expressió i reunió pacífica a Jordània.


Com a ciutadana de , només et puc donar les gràcies per haver portat el canvi a la ciutat fent-la més verda, justa i feminista; preparant-la pels reptes del s.XXI.

Com a companya de projecte, només dir-te que necessitem moltes més Mireies. Amb tu @mireiaingla!
RT @naciopolitica: 🔴Plega l'alcaldessa de Sant Cugat, Mireia Ingla, després de la patacada electoral d'ERC


RT @GrupBarnils: Demà serem al Parlament Europeu per participar en una jornada sobre la European Media Freedom Act impulsada pels @GreensEFA @DianaRibaGiner.

El president @enricb serà un dels ponents de la conferència sobre independència editorial i protecció dels periodistes.


Demà ens trobarem amb periodistes i professionals dels mitjans comunicació per debatre sobre la , el nou reglament que estem negociant per protegir el pluralisme i la llibertat de premsa arreu d'Europa.

📲Ho podreu seguir en línia aquí:


E non temete. Né @FratellidItalia né la @LegaSalvini né gli attacchi mediatici di @berlusconi ci spaventano o ci fanno desistere. I movimenti reazionari sono combattutti da ogni lato, anche dal Parlamento europeo.


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Ecco perché è così importante un che garantisca uno standard minimo di indipendenza, pluralità e trasparenza per tutti i media europei, a prescindere dal Governo in carica. Difendiamo la libertà di espressione e di informazione!


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Non sto spiegando niente di nuovo. Lo stiamo vedendo in Ungheria, dove non ci sono quasi più media indipendenti che possano esercitare il loro quarto potere. La situazione è molto preoccupante.


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Il fascismo NON è democratico. Preoccupa che l'estrema destra stia collocando i suoi propagandisti nelle posizioni di leadership dei media pubblici. Non li renderanno più critici e pluralisti, ma li trasformeranno in oratori di odio, paura e cospirazioni.


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Oggi vediamo i media italiani di destra e di estrema destra molto nervosi. Stanno attaccando me e @GreensEFA perché vogliamo che @europarl_en emetta una risoluzione contro la nomina di Roberto Sergio, noto personaggio di estrema destra, a capo della .


RT @cultura_cat: 👏 El diari britànic @guardian dedica un article a l’exposició “Following the fish”, proposta del pavelló català a la 18a Biennal d’Arquitectura de Venècia.

Posa la mirada en les històries que s’amaguen darrere del @sindicatomanter.




And make no mistake. Neither @FratellidItalia, @LegaSalvini or @berlusconi's media attacks will scare us into giving up. The reactionaries will be fought everywhere, including in the European Parliament.


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That's why is so important in guaranteeing a minimum degree of democratic independence, plurality and transparency for all European media regardless of the current government. We defend free speech and information before their attacks.


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That's nothing new. We see it in Hungary, where there are almost no independent media left exercising their role as the Fourth Estate. The situation is of grave concern.


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Fascism is NOT democratic and we are concerned that the extreme right is placing its propagandists in leading public media positions. They won't make them any more critical or pluralistic, but will turn them into mouthpieces for hatred, fear and plots.


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Italian right-wing and far-right media getting very nervous today, attacking me and @GreensEFA because we want @europarl_en to issue a resolution against the appointment of Roberto Sergio, a well-known far-right figure, as head of the .


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