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RT @DouglasCarswell: Moving the dial in Mississippi - recent policy wins:

1. Largest income tax cut in our state’s history ✅

2. Universal occupational licensing law ✅

3. Bill to combat Critical Race theory. ✅


Nothing wrong with Imperial measures, and a bonfire of regulations (if ever it actually happened) would be great.
But none of it amounts to a gill, a dram or a twip as long as ministers are spending money like drunken Corbynistas.


@British_Airways Thanks. I did DM and got the reply below. The reference number is BAMAD26558. Where is it?

! I'm still learning and didn't quite catch that. I can help with things like booking a flight, getting information about COVID-19, and learning about refunds and rebookings.


@British_Airways Now that’s not quite true, Si, is it? As soon as possible would have meant the next flight. Here we are 18 hours on and nothing. My daughter goes to her language class first thing in the morning with no clean clothes, book or laptop.


@British_Airways Do you really want to do this, Chris? OK. Since this morning, you have also lost my bag on a one-leg flight. I was told it would be on the next flight. It wasn’t. The children have no clothes, washbags or books. The Madrid official said, “Ay, señor - así es British Airways”.


RT @harryph: .@DanielJHannan: “Outside the EU, Britain could have become freer and more competitive. We had a Conservative Government with an 80-seat majority, for Heaven’s sake. We could have scrapped Brussels regulations, flattened and simplified taxes, embraced global markets...


You know what? Why not just “declare war” on the entire property-based market system?
Petrol stations are not a monopoly. They compete on price.
The trouble with performative Leftist populism is that people take you at your word and start expecting state action on everything.
RT @Telegraph: ⛽ Boris Johnson declares war on rip-off petrol stations.

'Furious' Prime Minister vows to name and shame those who fail to pass on fuel duty…


I try to cut @British_Airways a lot of slack. The pandemic was horrendous for airlines. But, a year after the lockdown, service has gone off a cliff. The website regularly malfunctions. The helpline has a wait of hours. Even the terminal staff, once so cheerful, are grumpier.


RT @latimeralder: 'If you pay people for the better part of two years to stay home, and cover the cost by printing more money, there is bound to be inflation.'


But nobody ever thought beyond tomorrow's headlines when they imposed the disastrous LockDowns.


RT @wilkinsoncape: If you’re not reading articles by @DanielJHannan on a regular basis, then you need to fix that.

Get a subscription to the @Telegraph - so many UK issues are the same as those faced by South Africa.


@Miss_Snuffy I mean, I get what you're saying: that drill videos are dangerous. I'm all for parents and schools telling kids that they're not OK. Though criminalising them for the general population - rather than cracking down on the actual violence - strikes me as excessive.


@Miss_Snuffy Who says it's OK for black men to kill one another? Or for anyone to kill anyone else? Satanists, maybe; not libertarians.


Two ways to tackle the cost of living crisis:
1. Reduce the cost of living by cutting taxes - not least on energy.
2. Raise taxes even further and use the proceeds to subsidise selected households.
Conservatives should pick 1.
This administration picked 2.


@Miss_Snuffy Trust me on this, best of heads: no libertarian denies that values and culture matter.


@mattwridley @anya_hurlbert Be of good cheer, Master Ridley! Congratulations!


@b_judah If you haven't already come across it, I strongly recommend "Glorious Misadventures" by @owenmatth. A wonderful account of Rezanov's attempt to seize California for the Tsar, and of Russia's North American moment more generally.


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