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RT @DanielJHannan: The “one-off” spending increases during the pandemic have - exactly as predicted - become permanent. Governments find it much easier to spin the taps open than to screw them shut. People now expect every problem to be solved by state expenditure.


RT @DanielJHannan: @TheCivilSavant No, but a neutral civil service would be nice. And, as a glance at your bio confirms, we don't have one.


@TheCivilSavant No, but a neutral civil service would be nice. And, as a glance at your bio confirms, we don't have one.


Why would Unionists want to join an Irish polity that portrays them like this? And why would people who see them this way want them?
RT @politicsIN: Via @ianknoxcartoon @irish_news


@Madz_Grant In vain men shook their fists at the pitiless foes that swarmed before the gates. But soon there were few in Minas Tirith who had the heart to stand up and defy the hosts of Mordor. For yet another weapon, swifter than hunger, the Lord of the Dark tower had: dread and despair.


Democracies, as the saying goes, get the leaders they deserve. If most voters like being paid to stay at home, see government intervention as the answer to most problems and believe that inflation should be tackled through even higher spending, politicians will respond.


All the parties now seem to agree that the solution to inflation is to raise more money through tax and give it to selected households.
Wouldn't it be cheaper, fairer and more efficient to tackle inflation, thus addressing the problem at source?


The “one-off” spending increases during the pandemic have - exactly as predicted - become permanent. Governments find it much easier to spin the taps open than to screw them shut. People now expect every problem to be solved by state expenditure.


If you want to criticise the PM, at least criticise him for something meaningful. Pausing for cake between meetings is not an offence. Imposing retrospective taxation in the manner of some Bolivarian caudillo, on the other hand…


Last night, unremarked and unreported, the US Senate passed @SenMikeLee's resolution calling for a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom.
Here is the excellent senator introducing his measure last year.


Lots of countries, including Russia, export weaponry. Arms sales are an established part of the legal international order.
RT @KyivIndependent: ⚡️Media: NATO members informally agree not to supply Ukraine with aircraft and tanks.

Citing its sources in NATO, the German Press Agency reported that alliance members fear Russia could see the delivery of Western tanks and combat aircraft as entering the war.


The EU’s defence of the Protocol is based on a lie. Its stated objectives (keeping sausages out of Donegal etc) are not its real objectives (creating an all-Ireland economy, stopping Britain being too competitive, giving us a kicking for Brexit).


RT @Kilsally: Daniel Hannan: The Northern Ireland Protocol is designed only to cause Britain maximum pain | Conservative Home


RT @Kilsally: Daniel Hannan: The Northern Ireland Protocol is designed only to cause Britain maximum pain | Conservative Home


@cambridgepunted If you pay lots of people to stay home for the better part of two years, and cover the cost with quantitative easing, then the output of real-world goods and services falls while the amount of money rises. More money chasing fewer products means inflation.


You think it’s insensitive to point out links between actions and consequences? Acknowledging those links is the start of maturity. You don’t get to back a series of contradictory feel-good ideas, and then exempt yourself from their consequences because you meant well.


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