RT by @CarolineLucas: It’s either Green or Conservative in the #WaveneyValley constituency.
Vote for real hope and real change.
Vote Green on the 4th July.
[2024-06-27 07:15 UTC]
Solidarity with our
forced to strike to raise the alarm for patients🚨 to save the
and to put paying “junior” doctors properly front & centre at this election. The Green Party backs full
We can’t afford not to invest in them
[2024-06-27 07:40 UTC]
It was the narrowness of the debate that was most shocking. A competition in cruelty about refugees & shameful silence on the Climate Crisis, Gaza, & the economic costs of Brexit. Leaving out other parties from debate is bad for democracy. Me on
[2024-06-27 05:52 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Former @TheGreenParty MP @CarolineLucas described tonight's leader's debate as 'Two men trying to outdo each other with cruelty'.
[2024-06-26 20:56 UTC]
Not only are Conservative central office trying to dupe people by pretending to be fact checkers - look at the way they attack the very foundations of the democratic principle that accused people have the right to a legal defence. They’ve lost any moral compass
[2024-06-26 20:28 UTC]
Freedom of movement was a precious gift - to work and travel and live and love in 27 other countries - we should be expanding the opportunity of people here to benefit from it not competing to rule out its return
[2024-06-26 20:25 UTC]
Wonder if it’s ever occurred to Rishi Sunak that a lot of people might just prefer a country that works rather than the tax cuts he keeps banging on about
[2024-06-26 20:05 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: These are all the wrong lessons from Liz Truss.
Borrowing to invest in capital investment is vital.
The argument they're having is an utter nonsense & clear how Labour have just become the Tories.
[2024-06-26 19:54 UTC]
2 men trying to outdo each other with cruelty to some of most vulnerable people - totally dehumanising debate about refugees & asylum seekers. Note to them both: people seeking asylum are not “illegal migrants” - what we need to stop the boats are safe & legal routes
[2024-06-26 19:49 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Disabled woman asks about sanctions - neither Rishi Sunak or Keir Starmer consider her humanity. Not even for a moment.
Fist past the post partly lead us here - the window of discussion being so narrow it's resulted in the dehumanisation of people who need support.
[2024-06-26 19:36 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: 🗣️ "Surely we're owed a refund..."
@GreenJennyJones on the failure of the privatised water companies.
[2024-06-26 09:23 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: ✅ Only the Green Party is committed to taking water companies back into public hands to be run for people, not profit.
[2024-06-26 10:50 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: "... a society which is more equal and where people can access the services they need."
Glad to represent @theGreenParty on @BBCPanorama.
Whether it's building council homes, investing in our NHS, or building a green economy, only Greens offer real hope & real change in #GE2024
[2024-06-25 07:55 UTC]
Election 2024: which party is best on climate and nature?
, obvs 😎. Don’t settle for imitations - if you want Green,
[2024-06-24 15:38 UTC]
The Green Party’s environment & climate plans have been judged to be *twice* as good as Labour’s. If you want Green, then
[2024-06-24 13:58 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: I completely back @AFR_UK’s campaign for a #HerbiesLaw to race towards animal-free medical research.
[2024-06-23 19:02 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: I'm proud to back the Climate and Nature Bill as your local candidate. If elected on 4 July, I will do everything I can to keep climate and nature action at the top of the agenda. #CANBill
[2024-06-23 19:05 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: Listening to scientists (and children, parents, doctors, engineers, business owners and everyone else on their doorsteps!) then building a costed plan to deliver what nature and the climate emergency demand is how we have won this level of support! #VoteGreen #NoHalfMeasures
[2024-06-24 11:42 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: If you want Green, you have to vote Green.
Today @friends_earth & @greenpeaceuk have released their assessments of the party manifestos & the results show the Green Party has the strongest fully costed policies for the environment.
[2024-06-24 11:00 UTC]
Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to send out the man who called the Rwanda scheme “batshit” to defend a colleague who has called it “crap”
[2024-06-23 08:20 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, former leader and co-leader of @TheGreenParty, Mum of two. A better world is possible. Let’s make it happen