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RT by @CarolineLucas: "There could be some benefit in having an English parliament, where we could focus on issues in England," Green MP Caroline Lucas says, as guests discuss St George's Day

[2024-04-23 12:43 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: "I think this is an act of performative cruelty, I think it's illegal, it's immoral and indeed it is unworkable"

Green Party MP Caroline Lucas gives her thoughts on the government's Rwanda bill

[2024-04-23 11:58 UTC]

I read Keir Starmer’s recent article claiming Labour is the true party of English patriotism with rising disbelief, both at his lack of vision for our country, and also his apparent reluctance to even name it. My piece in

[2024-04-23 08:54 UTC]

Happy St George's Day! This should be a day everyone in England can celebrate together, whatever our backgrounds & whether born here or not. All too often Englishness is hijacked by the Right. My new book,
, is my attempt - however small - to try to take it back🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

[2024-04-23 06:21 UTC]

So it looks like battle over
might be over - govt rejected Lords amendment on safety of Rwanda by 312 to 237, while Labour has accepted a “compromise” on Afghan interpreters which will do precisely *nothing* for those still waiting to get out of Afghanistan

[2024-04-22 21:51 UTC]

“Why the left is so allergic to thinking seriously about UK’s largest nation & its lack of a coherent political voice & how it thereby lets rightwing Tories & populists have that terrain to themselves” -thanks
for fab chat & summary of my new book

[2024-04-22 10:39 UTC]

Starmer’s claim that Labour is the true party of English patriotism would be more persuasive if he didn’t muddle English &amp; British throughout whole article. They’re not the same &amp; I explore implications for English identity in my new book

[2024-04-21 20:27 UTC]

“We can only safeguard [nature] from disaster by being joyously &amp; defiantly tangled up in it”
Spot on from ⁦

A radical British politics rooted in nature is spreading – and the establishment doesn’t like it | The Guardian

[2024-04-21 16:05 UTC]

Great to see brilliant
pubs &amp; restaurants recognised in Bravo awards inc
and the amazing Gayle &amp; Paul at the Ladies Mile pub - great community-minded landlords, who also do amazing roast dinners. Congrats all👏

[2024-04-19 15:35 UTC]

After all the corruption we've seen from the Tory party and everything they've done to bring our NHS to its knees, Sunak dares to suggest it's the sick who can't work who are the problem? The very people he and his party have let down so badly? The sheer nerve of it.

[2024-04-19 13:37 UTC]

The climate &amp; nature emergencies make the issue of Englishness more urgent than ever. As does the alarming rise of the Right. We need imagination to tell better, more inclusive and more hopeful stories of Another England, the title of my new book, out now

[2024-04-19 13:06 UTC]

EU to UK: Do you want freedom of movement back for young people?
: We already told you: no freedom of movement. Unbelievable.

[2024-04-19 12:15 UTC]

Today thousands of people are taking to the streets and making their voices heard in the
to demand action at this time of looming climate catastrophe. For people in
who'd like to take part:

[2024-04-19 12:11 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: "We have everything we need to save the planet and build a New England."
I spoke to Caroline Lucas about reclaiming Englishness, leaving Parliament, and finding hope.

[2024-04-19 09:08 UTC]

There are more billionaires than ever before. They are richer than ever before. The need to tax the super-rich has never been so pressing. It's time the
takes a transformative leap forward with a global minimum tax on billionaires.

[2024-04-19 07:43 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Carla Denyer, "So many of these stories that have come out.. And we've got to be honest, it's mostly been from the Conservative party.. One bizarre grubby story after another.. If you behave like that in any workplace, you'd be out on your ears, straight away"

*huge clap from the audience* @carla_denyer

[2024-04-18 21:29 UTC]

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