There can be no place for antisemitism or hate of any form in our city - the rise in antisemitism and islamophobia is deeply concerning and should be condemned wherever it occurs
[2024-03-29 11:52 UTC]
Renters rights delayed, diluted and now trampled on by Gove's capitulation to his Tory landlord MPs. Renters will be rightly angry to see this letter which shows exactly whose side this Government is on.
'No fault' Section 21 evictions must be banned now
[2024-03-28 18:32 UTC]
is important to
& I've been asking them to do the right thing and give fair increases to Amex pensioners, with pre 1997 pensions, who have had no increase for 10 years. Reports say Amex has said no extra money this year either - I hope they will reconsider
[2024-03-28 15:16 UTC]
It really is crunch time for
Hippodrome and I am hopeful that
will recognise that this is THE opportunity of more than a decade to bring this beautiful and historic venue back into use.
[2024-03-28 10:45 UTC]
This would be a perfect time for
to clarify his plan for water. Public ownership is the only way to get a grip, so why won't
back it?
[2024-03-28 10:27 UTC]
Investors can see the writing on the wall for
. Endless sewage, supply outages and no money to sort it out. It's clear Thames Water cannot run this vital public service - none of these companies can. We need to bring them all into public ownership.
[2024-03-28 10:25 UTC]
I asked about compliance with international humanitarian law. No answer from unelected & unaccountable Foreign Sec, platitudes from his stand in. Yes, food aid to Gaza is critical. No, it doesn’t excuse UK’s complicity in imminent famine or failure to hold Israeli Govt to account
[2024-03-28 10:23 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: The tragedy is that the law is not enforced. Ofwat and the EA have the means to force the water companies to fix it at their own expense. But they lack the will. Instead Water UK wants to stuff the customers with the bill.
[2024-03-27 15:16 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: The Department for Transport’s update to its transport infrastructure planning policy has been highly criticised by the @TransportCttee chair and @TheGreenParty MP @CarolineLucas for its disregard of climate-related targets
Full story:
[2024-03-27 17:16 UTC]
Bottom trawling is destroying our marine habitats. It’s outrageous it's still allowed in our MPAs - our so-called marine ‘protected’ areas. Join me and
to demand the Govt protects wildlife, stops the destruction and bans bottom trawling in MPAs:
[2024-03-27 17:12 UTC]
This failing Govt doesn't have the courage to face voters in May. But when the election does happen, UK democracy faces being attacked & undermined like never before. My piece in
on the threats this antidemocratic Govt is failing to address:
[2024-03-27 16:57 UTC]
This is the inspiring Micheal Abatan. His brother Jay was murdered in
in 1999. Micheal's spent 25 years fighting for justice and he is calling for a new inquiry into the case & its handling. I'm proud to support him.
[2024-03-27 15:12 UTC]
Unbelievable that it's come to this - a desperate citizen taking the Govt to court to force them to restore funding to UNWRA. The humanitarian situation in Gaza in catastrophic and UNWRA is the backbone of the global response. UK must follow other countries and restore funds now.
[2024-03-27 11:02 UTC]
32,000 people dead, famine imminent, UN Special Rapporteur saying reasonable grounds threshold for genocide met. Unconscionable UK is still selling arms to Israel. I joined Parliamentarians of all parties demanding an immediate end to export licenses
[2024-03-27 10:36 UTC]
129% more shit than the year before. 4 million hours of raw sewage poured into England's waterways in 2023. Privatisation has failed. This is a crisis that cannot and will not be fixed unless we bring our water back into public hands
[2024-03-27 09:14 UTC]
I tried to call on him to answer my points which he had ignored but got shown the hand. A Government with no answers and no solutions.
[2024-03-26 19:52 UTC]
RT by @CarolineLucas: This Government has seen the NHS fall to its knees, and Labour promises little better.
The Green Party will defend your right to free, timely, quality, public healthcare, staffed by decently paid health professionals.
We’ll properly fund the NHS through a fairer tax system.
[2024-03-26 17:59 UTC]
The Govt waited for most MPs to go back to their constituencies to dodge scrutiny & hold an important debate on our national travel networks. There is a huge transport sized gap in the UK's plans to cut emissions and reach net zero and this policy does nothing to change that.👇
[2024-03-26 17:58 UTC]
Parents have to battle for years to get children with special needs support & it's a huge issue in
. So while the Govt's announcement of an extra £850m in funding is welcome, if it is new, it also doesn't come close to the scale of the
crisis we now face in the UK.
[2024-03-26 15:59 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, former leader and co-leader of @TheGreenParty, Mum of two. A better world is possible. Let’s make it happen