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So there we have it: the “benefits of Brexit” are bigger bonuses for city execs, while everyone else faces a cost of living crisis

It’s almost as if Nigel Farage was a city trader himself once...


RT @AmyJaneBeer: A right to roam is a right to care, and vital step in the ecological rehabilitation of a whole society. Huge thanks to the unfailingly excellent @CarolineLucas


It’s official: @TheGreenParty is now the party of the countryside

PM is all mouth & no trousers when it comes to actual delivery on positive environment policies, so no surprise rural voters are flocking to Greens in ever greater numbers @AdrianRamsay


So exciting to finally be able to present my Bill in Parliament

We only have public access to 8% of English land - yet access to nature has amazing benefits for our health, economy & climate

This is our land and our countryside - let's take it back



The Govt has a chance to join last-minute talks today to stop rail strikes – but instead it's playing pathetic political games by setting up "petitions" and writing letters to Labour

Time to stop stoking division & start addressing the serious issues being raised by rail workers


RT @carolecadwalla: It did almost crush me.

The only reason it didn't is because of my amazing lawyers & the generosity of 28,887 people.

But here's what you don't know. The judgment is *extraordinary*. 117 pages of FACTS.

About Russia, Brexit & the man who funded it.


RT @GreenPartyMolly: ‘Let me say this to Boris Johnson: don’t you dare shift blame for inflation onto working people’

‘Don’t you dare, after decade of austerity, privatisation and pay cuts, tell working families we have to put up with more pain’

Spot on from @FrancesOGrady


RT @campbellclaret: So this is how our media works. If a Labour PM had tried to appoint a mistress to a top job, virtually every paper would lead on it. Then the @BBCNews and other broadcasters would feel they had to follow suit, for fear of being seen as “woke lefties.” But because the right 1/2


RT @GreenPartyTU: We turned out today to join the @TheTUC march and rally and were joined by @CarolineRussell @TheGreenParty We must keep building TU links to ensure a just transition and


RT @carla_denyer: “The cost-of-living crisis is actually an income crisis.
We fully support @the_TUC’s call for an increase in wages, with public sector increases being funded by the Treasury."

Me for @TheGreenParty in @Independent:



RT @KevinASchofield: Remember this thread the next time any government minister says the UK’s soaring inflation is only caused by global forces.


RT @daisydunnesci: I worry a lot about climate change. Recently I've also been worrying about biodiversity loss.

Many think "biodiversity" just means species, but it really means *everything* that makes up the living world – and a lot of that is going, because of us



So WTO admits Big Pharma held back progress on global vaccines

But overall this (after screeching Govt u-turn) falls desperately short - too many lives lost already & can't wait 6 more months for full waiver "review"



Absolutely shameful that @pritipatel has approved Julian Assange's extradition to US - this sets a dangerous precedent for press freedom & democracy

US authorities are determined to silence him because they don't like what he revealed


The UK has breached legal air pollution limits since 2010, yet new @NAOorguk report shows Govt is doing nowhere near enough to stop it

Perhaps it could start by adopting @GreenJennyJones's to protect our health once & for all


Beautiful tribute👇
RT @jonathanwatts: Dom Phillips’ many friends will have different takes on the meaning of his life and death. This is mine: Let’s carry on his work.


Such a powerful video from @Refill @CitytoSea_ on

More than 150 million tonnes of plastic have accumulated in the world's oceans - small changes like choosing to reuse can make a big impact!


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