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RT by @CarolineLucas: Music for nature 👉🏻 on our common language of song to

@RNNMarch @WoodlandTrust
@WWF @ExtinctionR
@BeaverTrust @the_ecologist

[2024-06-22 11:29 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Thank you to the people of Patcham for coming along to the big hustings last night and your important questions on the NHS, housing, the cost of living, flooding, and the impact of Royal Mail's mega depot plans! We can win this together, and I've pledged my support to residents.

[2024-06-22 12:19 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: SO, so many people marching to @RNNMarch

Whoever forms the next government must respect existence or expect resistance!

[2024-06-22 12:36 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: I’m here at the march to and guess who we met first?! 😃💚 I’m really happy you like my sign @ChrisGPackham 🥰
Let’s march! 💚🌍💚

[2024-06-22 10:48 UTC]

The silence on nature & climate during this election campaign is deadly. We’re a nation of nature lovers, yet our political leaders are driving its destruction. It doesn’t have to be this way. Nature doesn’t have a voice - you do. Use it to vote to

[2024-06-22 15:43 UTC]

Fantastic energy at the
march in London! Tens of thousands gathered to demand urgent action: a shift to nature-friendly farming; making polluters pay for their damage; fast, fair & effective climate action & a new right in law to a healthy environment 🦋🦋🦋

[2024-06-22 15:30 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: On Windrush Day we celebrate the generation that helped rebuild post-war Britain.

The Green Party is committed to ending the hostile environment that has caused immense suffering for those who have been caught up in it, including the Windrush generation.

[2024-06-22 07:03 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Huge, huge thank you to everyone who has turned out today in Brighton!!!

[2024-06-22 09:32 UTC]

The biggest, most existential issue facing our species is being totally ignored in the election debate. Today’s march to
will be a celebration of nature but also an expression of our grief & anger - the lack of leadership is unforgivable

[2024-06-22 09:29 UTC]

Today’s the day! Looking forward to joining
& many thousands of others in biggest ever demonstration for nature. Our precious natural world is in trouble - it doesn’t have a voice but we do! Show your love by marching to

[2024-06-22 08:53 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Excited to see this in The @Guardian today. The first independent constituency-specific poll in the Waveney Valley constituency (by @Omnisis). It reflects what we're finding on the doorsteps too.

It's Green or Conservative in , so if you want to see change at , on Thursday 4th July.

[2024-06-21 13:30 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Workers Question Time hustings in Brighton tonight with Green candidates @sianberry, @Elaine4Kemptown and @SophieBroadbent big thanks to Brighton Trades Council for organising.

[2024-06-20 18:31 UTC]

RT by @CarolineLucas: Big clap for @sianberry saying she’s been supporting workers on the picket line multiple times over the last couple of years “without being deselected by my party”

[2024-06-20 18:36 UTC]

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