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RT @mhrubenstein: On Intl Women's Day we salute the brave women who have brought sex discrimination cases. Some of the fruits of their labour can be seen in the new ed. of my book, Discrimination: A Guide to the relevant case law. Available in print, online, or both.


Looking forward to Chairing this Forum on Discoverability in Euro Parliament, 1 pm UK time. How to define this? How do we make sure the most diverse music, films, books & other creative works are findable online ? @vicbain @B_Hayes_ALCS @Directors_UK @bectu @WeAreTheMU @EquityUK
RT @eucoalitions: Join us tomorrow for happening at 14:00 in the European Parliament and co-organised with @CultCreatorsEU
Online registration only for accredited persons h…


RT @jessphillips: A victory. Voted against by our Home Secretary (who normally hates people gathering).


RT @CBarrely: Ce 8 mars, journée internationale des droits des femmes, je le dédie aux femmes iraniennes et afghanes qui se battent et meurent dans un silence assourdissant. Levons-nous toutes, en leur nom et pour elles.


RT @Femi_Sorry: Tom Harwood 's Brexit lies are out of date.

We can already see and feel the damage that people like him have done. @TomHFH


Agreed as long as it’s outside of workplace. Never ever agreed with HS before. On this she is right. Look forward to liberal voices agreeing. @Keir_Starmer @EdDaveyNews @CarolineLucas @soniasodha @guardian
RT @residentadviser: At some point, liberals and “progressives” are just going to have to admit that nobody - and that includes minorities who may experience prejudice - do not have a right not to be offended. Not to experience hate? Yes. Not to experience discr…


And we need even more investment in progs & films made especially for our young audiences. @UKCCD1 calls for levies on large streamers to go to a new national fund to achieve that. See our @ALCS_UK @EquityUK @bectu @WeAreTheMU @TheWritersGuild
RT @LauraPh222: Only the does this for our children:


RT @BrexitFails: Former CEO Siemens Juergen_Maier "I don't know of a business ... that believes diverging from EU regulation makes sense. It creates more cost. We've got red tape coming out of our earholes."


You have support. Drag artists have their place. That is not in front of young children. Widow Twankey in a panto it is not.
RT @CHIMPSINSOCKS: Hang on! I never mentioned the trans community! How on earth is my post transphobic. It never entered my head that the video I posted is transphobic. I won’t be called that I’m afraid, I’m sorry. I’m saying you do not perform that kind of act in front of BABIES. It’s abhorrent.


@guardian please do justice to the great paper you’ve always been …. Up until now …what are you thinking ? Going along with a “faith” that would harm kids/young people and erase sex based rights ? @SexMattersOrg @HJoyceGender @soniasodha
RT @simonjedge: It's now 17 days since the media first reported on @hannahsbee's book Time to Think, which chronicles in detail the medical scandal that led to the closure of the UK's only child gender clinic, GIDS. It has been co…


RT @stellacreasy: The prime minister boasted to businesses in Northern Ireland today of the benefits of being in the single market and customs Union.

Share if you agree we should ensure every business in the UK can benefit from a close trading relationship our neighbours in the European Union.


RT @2022affirmation: Stella O'Malley, a psychotherapist with decades of practice, delivers the final indictment in "Affirmation Generation." Let her words resonate far and wide. @stellaomalley3 @genspect


Michael Rubenstein, my partner and I, wish you a very Happy birthday !
RT @AudreySuffolk: Me on my 57th birthday with a lot of red wine, fish and chips and apple crumble inside me


Where are you living please ? So sorry you have had to go through this.
RT @ohsnapclipclap: I've been meaning to do this for a while, and I know I'm screaming into the void but I think I'm ready to explain what really turned me against gender idealogy. It was when my 11 year old daughters school sent child services to my house to try to get me to transition her. 🧵


RT @WestCountryWRN: Today we celebrate Quaker activist Catherine Impey (1847-1923) of Somerset. She founded Britain’s first anti-racist journal in 1888 after visits to USA where she formed The Society for the Recognition of the Universal Brotherhood of Man with civil rights activist Ida B. Wells.


This article should of course have been in @guardian
RT @LabWomenDec: "In all conflict resolution, there has to be a way given for people to row back, to not be seen to have lost or to have been wrong. How will this come about for those who've argued it was possible, indeed easy, to change sex?"
@UKLabour faces this dilemma.


RT @eucoalitions: 🎙️Our moderators for March 9th EU Discoverability Forum
@CaroleTongue, former MEP and Chair of @eucoalitions and @fandoetlis, Chair of @coalition_fr and DG of @SACDParis will lead the exchanges !
Online registration :


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