RT @ElisaFerreiraEC: Importante conferência do Think Tank Combate à fraude no uso de fundos europeus: volumes disponíveis requerem ainda + vigilância de administrações nacionais, UE, órgãos judiciais e de investigação, ONGs e público.
Tolerância zero face à fraude!
Mais 👉 https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/pt/SPEECH_22_7014
🔴A Comissária Europeia @ElisaFerreiraEC participa no evento "Fundos Europeus e Desenvolvimento Económico, Social e Cultural", organizado pelo Think Tank “Grupo de Reflexão Risco de Fraude Recursos Financeiros da União Europeia”⤵️
RT @EUinmyRegion: #informEU, that's a wrap!
We have spent the last three days with rich networking activities and exchanges of best practices on #EUFunds communication.
It is essential to be strategic🎯 if we want to have an impact, and show our support for #EURegions🇪🇺
93% das vítimas de abuso sexual infantil conhecem o seu agressor.
É crucial impedir que os agressores entrem em contacto com as crianças na Internet e que concretizem o abuso na vida real.
Dispomos da tecnologia, competências e recursos necessários para #StopChildSexualAbuse!
RT @ElisaFerreiraEC: Congratulations to the 15 projects competing on this 15th Anniversary of #RegioStars, the flagship competition of #CohesionPolicy funded projects!
These are really inspiring, meaningful and impactful projects for economic, social and territorial cohesion in Europe 🇪🇺!
2022 marca um aniversário especial para o #Regiostars: é a 15a edição do concurso, que teve início em 2008.
A Comissária Europeia para a Coesão e Reformas, @ElisaFerreiraEC, revelou os vencedores na cerimónia Regiostars, organizada hoje em Évora, Portugal.
RT @sms_eur: Congratulations to #regiostars winners! PICSA (Spain) E-Schools (Croatia) Gozo’s Cittadella (Malta) 🥂🇪🇺 #solidarity #JuntosMaisFortes
RT @EUinmyRegion: "#RegioStars will continue to be the flagship competition for #CohesionPolicy. #Sustainability, #Replicability and #CitizenInvolvement are 3 keywords of this amazing initiative. We want to put even more emphasis on the impact of the projects on the ground". @ElisaFerreiraEC
RT @ElisaFerreiraEC: And the winner🏆 of the 15th Anniversary #RegioStars Awards is the Rehabilitation and Restoration project of Cittadella Gozo, in Malta!
This project gave to this beautiful historic monument a new life for present & future generations.
Congratulations @EUfundsMalta 🌟
RT @EUinmyRegion: "A lot of people know about #CohesionPolicy funding, but I think we should focus on how the funding adds value and helps strategic projects that feed a vision and support progress in different #EURegions." @ElisaFerreiraEC
#RegioStars does just that 👉 It adds value across 🇪🇺.
RT @sms_eur: happening now in Évora! #regiostars : 15 projetos fantásticos para uma Europa mais coesa, mais verde, mais justa ⭐️🇪🇺⭐️
A Comissária Europeia para a Coesão e Reformas, @ElisaFerreiraEC, e a Ministra da @coesao_pt, Ana Abrunhosa, participam na Cerimónia do 15º aniversário do #Regiostars, no Teatro Garcia de Resende em Évora.
#EUinmyRegion 🇵🇹🇪🇺
RT @EUinmyRegion: Commissioner @ElisaFerreiraEC, opens the reception of the #CohesionPolicy Oscars Ceremony, the #RegioStars🌟!
This year we put the spotlight on 🇪🇺projects that have changed things at the local le…
📣 Em breve vamos revelar os vencedores do #RegioStars!
🏆 Junte-se a nós para descobrir os 3 projetos vencedores desta edição especial #CohesionPolicy.
👉18h30 em @EUinmyRegion
RT @ADeCoesao: @ElisaFerreira Commissioner is at #informEU, in Évora, discussing #strategiccommunication with all the #EuropeanFunds communication officers.
Celebramos hoje o quinto aniversário do Pilar Europeu dos Direitos Sociais no primeiro Fórum Europeu para o Emprego e os Direitos Sociais, fazendo o balanço dos progressos realizados e olhando para o futuro ⤵️
#ThrowbackThursday #SocialEurope
RT @ElisaFerreiraEC: Happy to host in Évora 🇵🇹 the 2022 REGIOSTARS Awards for best #CohesionPolicy projects in 🇪🇺
After 15 years of the Awards, 15 projects were chosen among finalists & winners of past editions showing innovative & inclusive approaches to regional development & put to a public vote
RT @sms_eur: Que bom voltar à @catolicaporto .obrigada @azeredolopes pelo convite!
RT @vestager: Dear Twitter users, your #FreedomOfSpeech is your fundamental #right. So is your online safety.
The Digital Services Act #DSA comes into force today 💪
It's yours.
Here’s what’s in it for you (thread) 👇
RT @EUinmyRegion: All set for the #InformEU - 3rd Plenary Meeting
More than 300 🇪🇺EU communicators are in Evora🇵🇹 to discuss and exchange best practices on Strategic Communication of #EUFunds
RT @EDirectAMPorto: @sms_eur presente na conferência dos ISP Dialogues, na @catolicaporto.
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