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RT @SDPHrvatske: Vrijeme je da se uzme onima koji imaju i da se da onima koji nemaju. Digitalni divovi ostvaruju goleme profite, a otpuštaju radnike. Farmaceutske tvrtke prodajom cjepiva postaju bogatije od država. Višak dobiti nekih tvrtki u 2022. će biti 200 mlrd. €. To je ratno profiterstvo!


Digitalni divovi imaju goleme profite, a otpuštaju radnike. Farmaceutske tvrtke su prodajom cjepiva postale bogatije od država koju su javnim novcem platile razvoj tih cjepiva. Višak dobiti energetskih kompanija u ovoj godini će biti 200 milijardi eura. To je ratno profiterstvo!


🔴 Pohlepa je nerijetko jedini razlog rasta cijena. Potrošačima svaki dan stižu računi koje nitko više ne razumije. Trebamo zajedničku nabavu energenata, ograničiti cijene plina, odvojiti cijene plina od struje te zaustaviti špekulacije na energentskom tržištu


RT @TheProgressives: Greed is often the only reason to raise prices. We need to help our citizens.
Solidarity, yes, but that does not mean the citizens should shoulder the burden themselves. Again!
We, progressives, do not simply offer ideas, but solutions.
@BiljanaBorzan explains our plan👇


RT @TheProgressives: Now in we're discussing ways to bring the bills down.
To make it through the winter, we need a plan and to show solidarity. This is why we called for this timely debate.
Follow it live 👉


RT @TheProgressives: Our President & bureau met 🇩🇪 chancellor today, at

✊We must work for Europe
✊We must demand solidarity from those who’ve profited from the crisis
✊We must work with progressive leaders like @OlafScholz to put people back at the centre of 🇪🇺policies


RT @TheProgressives: Winter is coming. And we should have been prepared by now.
We are living challenging times. But this would motivate us to work even harder.

One step to fix this - windfall tax for all profiting from the crisis!


RT @FEPS_Europe: @IratxeGarper @TheProgressives @MChahim @PES_PSE @pvdaeuropa @LaszloAndorEU @YESocialists "We need money for heating & eating. We'll take the money from those who have it and give it to those who don't. Sort of a 'legal Robin Hood' approach. Income taxes, decoupling electricity, joint procurement mechanism (...)" @BiljanaBorzan


RT @TheProgressives: Bring the bills down before winter!

At our request, the European Parliament will tackle this burning topic next week in Strasbourg.

We must help people who are struggling to buy food and keep their home warm. And we must do it now!


Lijepo je ispuniti obećanje, makar taj proces dugo trajao. Moja prva rasprava na ovu temu bila je 2013. kada je Hrvatska tek ušla u Europski parlament. Prema mom istraživanju, čak 92,9 posto hrvatskih građana podržava uvođenje jedinstvenog punjača za male uređaje.


Hello common charger! 🤩 One to rule them all 🥳 @europarl_en danas usvaja zakon po kojem će u jesen 2024. mali elektronički uređaji imati isti punjač!


Neprihvatljivo je da 20% hrane proizvedene u EU završi u smeću, pogotovo u uvjetima krize i inflacije.

U EP radim da:
👉 se uspostavi zakonski zadan cilj smanjenja bacanja jestive hrane
👉se poboljša sustav označavanja roka trajanja


RT @EuropePAN: Avoid . Give 🐝🐦🌼 a chance. Be inspired by professor @DaveGoulson, Mayors @tallinnofficial @AudreyPulvar @LineBarfod @EdoardoPrestant. MEPs @eleonoraevi @anjahazekamp @BiljanaBorzan @martinhojsikand @JLabbeSenat
Today 18hCET/16hGMT:


Čestitke Davidu Pejiću i radnicima Zrna! Zdravi i kvalitetni proizvodi hrvatskih polja su prepoznati diljem Europe i ovo priznanje to potvrđuje🍏🥕🐝
RT @EUAgri: Awards winner – Best organic farmer (male):

🇭🇷 David Pejic (Zrno eko imanje), based in Dubrava (Zagreb County)


RT @IratxeGarper: Today we had a S&D Bureau Away Day to start preparing the 2024 European elections: we are strong and ready for the battle! 🌹


RT @TheProgressives: Our new law on decent is adopted - congratulations @a_jongerius for your excellent work 👏

When prices for food, rent and energy are rocketing, this is a ray of light for millions of Europeans 🇪🇺

There is no time to lose - it is time to apply it immediately


Hrvatska se nalazi pred posebnim izazovima, cijene divljaju, a neki i uvođenje eura koriste za zaradu u mutnom. Kriza se ne smije prebiti preko leđa građana. Moramo osigurati trajan EU mehanizam za krize.


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