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Looking very much forward to debate the democratic future of Europe indeed! People deserve to know where EPP stands on future cooperations and the future of the Green Deal!

[2024-04-19 11:08 UTC]

Today in Vilnius, Lithuania, visiting green innovation with solar panels, food banks matching green and social policies and debating forestry policies.

[2024-04-18 14:17 UTC]

RT by @BasEickhout: Croatia, 8PM CEST Ipsos updated exit poll:

Seat projection

HDZ+-EPP|RE: 59 (+1)
SDP+-S&amp;D|RE: 43 (-1)
DP/PP-NI: 13
Most/HS-ECR: 11 (+2)
Možemo!-G/EFA: 10 (-1)
IDS/Socijaldemokrati+-RE: 2
NPS-*: 1 (-1)
Fokus/Republika-RE: 1

+/- vs. 7PM CEST Ipsos exit poll

[2024-04-17 18:11 UTC]

Fully agree. Part of strengthening our democracy is also participating in democratic debates. Can I assume now you will confirm your participation for the upcoming Maastricht debate?

[2024-04-17 14:02 UTC]

Media freedom under attack in Italy. We demand action from the European Commission: Meloni ‘turning Italian broadcaster into megaphone for far right’

[2024-04-17 10:56 UTC]

RT by @BasEickhout: 📣 Green leaders issued a statement criticising EU leaders’ abandonment of environmental and climate policies in the ‘strategic agenda’ they will adopt for the next five years.

[2024-04-17 09:37 UTC]

Next week the European Parliament will vote on the Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact. Basically Draghi clearly says this reform should be voted down since it is austerity 2.0 and making the same mistakes.

[2024-04-17 09:04 UTC]

RT by @BasEickhout: .@BasEickhout “slowing down the EU Green Deal is a disservice for our industry”.

[2024-04-16 10:02 UTC]

European Green NGOs scoring the European political Groups in the European Parliament on their Green Deal voting behaviour of the last 5 years. If the future of the Green Deal matters to you, this figure says it all:

[2024-04-15 13:27 UTC]

RT by @BasEickhout: 📢MEPs LISTEN UP! 📢

New EU fiscal rules will bring back austerity and prevent 24 of 27 EU Member States from making the urgently needed social &amp; green investments.

😡Austerity will fuel inequalities 😡 inequalities are socially corrosive.

‼️There can be no European industrial deal without investment.‼️

[2024-04-15 10:13 UTC]

RT by @BasEickhout: "You got a win. Take the win," Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official.
Hopefully for the sake of everyone in the region a further escalation can be averted.

[2024-04-14 06:23 UTC]

Zo'n ochtend dat je bij het ontwaken niet weet hoe de wereld er bijligt. Schandalige aanval van Iran op Israel; met veel internationale steun grotendeels afgeslagen. Nu weer vrezen op reactie hierop. De-escalatie moet prioriteit zijn; lijkt ook mogelijk. Reactie VN belangrijk nu.

[2024-04-14 06:22 UTC]

RT by @BasEickhout: Er is geen onderwerp waarover politici zo vaak en zo schaamteloos liegen als migratie, stellen experts. Ook Dilan Yeşilgöz gebruikt geregeld niet-bestaande migratiecijfers. En journalisten geven haar daar alle ruimte voor.

[2024-04-13 04:03 UTC]

Goed initiatief! Heb je je medemotie-indiener erop gewezen dat tot nu toe genoemde namen bij zijn Europese fractie zitten? Beetje eigen huis opruimen mag je ook wel verwachten.

[2024-04-12 12:43 UTC]

RT by @BasEickhout: Ursula @vonderleyen, @EPP's lead candidate, has failed to confirm her participation in the Maastricht debate ahead of the EU elections.

European citizens deserve to know what plans &amp; ideas their leaders have for the future of Europe!

[2024-04-12 11:29 UTC]

De campagne is van start! Als
lijsttrekker voor de Europese verkiezingen presenteerde ik mijn nieuwe boek ‘Groen Realisme’, daarin bepleit ik hoe Europa tot een groene en rechtvaardige samenleving kan komen.
kreeg het eerste exemplaar. Wat een fijne avond!

[2024-04-12 10:36 UTC]

RT by @BasEickhout: De opkomst van illiberale leiders in Europa heeft ook impact op de EU. @FTM_nl heeft journalisten uit die landen gevraagd een profiel te schrijven over deze leiders. Zodat we meer inzicht krijgen wie ze zijn en wat hun (internationale) plannen zijn. Vandaag: Viktor Orban 👇

[2024-04-12 04:49 UTC]

RT by @BasEickhout: When I moved to The Netherlands I was clueless about voting. Now that I’m a candidate, I'm on a mission to empower YOU to vote in the upcoming European Elections! Join me at this English-speaking events next week in Hilversum. Let's talk Europe! 🗳️🌍

[2024-04-11 15:35 UTC]

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