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RT @RuchOsmiuGwiazd: To jest Roman
Roman jest rosjaninem i pojechał zabijać ukraińskie dzieci
Roman mówi, że morduje cywili, bo są nazistami


RT @donaldtuskEPP: Mr President, dear Emmanuel, no decent Pole supports Madame le Pen, just like no decent Pole supports Orbán or Putin. Poles, in their overwhelming majority are for Europe, Ukraine and freedom, regardless of the rubbish PM Morawiecki says.


RT @yermolenko_v: My attempt to understand why Russians hate / dehumanize Ukrainians so much, -- which is a way to understand one of the major causes of this war. Thread 1/10


Świetna książka Roberta Krasowskiego „O Michniku”. Nie biografia, lecz kawał naszej politycznej historii.


RT @janrostowski: Rymanowski: Nawet Bank PKO (bank państwowy upartyjniony przez PiS) oblicza że aż 2/3 inflacji nie ma nic do czynienia z wojną Putina!😕


RT @EliotACohen: Two possible narratives here. Narrative #1. After a surprising setback the Russian General Staff, drawing on the traditions of Suvorov, Zhukov, etc. regroups, switches its line of effort, and focuses on closing the Slovianka pocket, trapping most of the UA regular army. 1/7


RT @OlenaHalushka: "Stop promising, start acting" rally was held in Berlin today. More than 5,000 people urged German gov't to impose full embargo on russian gas, oil & coal. People laid down on the ground to remind about russian massacres of Ukrainians.
Credit: Sophie Tichonenko / OnFire


RT @olex_scherba: Dear @Bundeskanzler! Dear @karlnehammer! Please listen! Thousands of real lives - men, women, children, elderly - depend on what you decide now!
Thank you, @GuyVerhofstadt!


RT @NikaMelkozerova: You know why Kremlin behaves like it owns the right to kill Ukrainians and is very angry we dare to protect our land and our existence? Because it got away with similar crimes in Moldova, Georgia, Chechnya, Africa. 👇


RT @EPPGroup: “It is ridiculous that the European Union continues to send hundreds of millions of euros every day to Putin's war chest”, says @jeroen_lenaers.



RT @kamil_marc: Trendy sondażowe uzupełnione o najnowsze badanie IBRiS dla „Rz“. Dobre wyniki PiS, KO i Lewicy znajdują odzwierciedlenie w stabilizacji ich poparcia. PSL ponad progiem. PiS wciąż ma 2-3 pp bonus z efektu flagi, który powoli słabnie. KO i Lewica lepiej niż bezpośrednio po inwazji.


RT @LukaszAdamskiPL: Today @MedvedevRussiaE has dispelled any doubts about how to interpret RIA NOVOSTI article calling for the de-Ukrainisation of Ukraine. Kremlin's policy is to conduct the ethnocide of the Ukrainians, i.e. to destroy them as nation not only in political, but also in cultural sense


RT @_KarolDabrowski: @michaldworczyk @donaldtusk Przewodniczący @donaldtusk słynie z tego, że jako premier nie dokonał podwyżki wydatków kancelarii premiera.
Od 2016 do 2022 budżet kancelarii premiera wzrósł o ok. 570 %❗


RT @jan04345527: Sean Penn zaapelował do miliarderów , by kupili Ukrainie szwadron samolotów - 12 F15 i F16 za 300mln $.


RT @SamRamani2: BREAKING: The U.S. will ask the UN General Assembly to expel Russia from the UN Human Rights Council


RT @eugene_finkel: Got questions about why I think it is genocide. Until this morning I resisted applying the term. War crimes? Sure. Heinous rhetoric? You bet. What changed is the combination of more and more evidence, from different places, and even more importantly, explicit official rhetoric /1


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