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RT @laurasilber: Soros believes a new approach to prosecution is urgently needed—focusing on violent crimes while spending fewer public dollars on lower-level nonviolent offenses and treating drug use as a public health issue rather than a criminal one.


RT @laurasilber: During the pandemic, violent crime did rise, alarmingly—but in red states and blue, rural areas as well as big cities, regardless of what political party was in office.


RT @laurasilber: Like many conservatives, Soros recognized that American taxpayers had spent a fortune over the years locking up a substantial proportion of the U.S. population—America has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world—without a meaningful impact on public safety.


RT @laurasilber: Yes, Soros believes that the criminal justice system in the U.S. is badly broken, and in need of reform—a belief that enjoyed broad bipartisan consensus not long ago.


RT @laurasilber: Soros expanded his philanthropic work over time, supporting individuals and organizations that fight for freedom of expression, accountable government, justice, and equality around the world.


RT @laurasilber: Soros began his philanthropic work giving scholarships to Black South Africans during apartheid. He helped support the free exchange of ideas in Communist Hungary and promoted the transition toward democracy following the fall of the Soviet Union.


RT @laurasilber: Rather than hoard his fortune for hedonistic pleasures, Soros decided to invest in causes he believed in passionately—democracy, freedom and respect for individual rights.


RT @laurasilber: When Communists took power in Hungary after the war, Soros went West, working as a railway porter and a nightclub waiter to support his studies. He pursued a career in finance and became one of the most successful hedge fund investors in U.S. history.


RT @laurasilber: George Soros lived through the Nazi occupation of Hungary, which killed 500,000 Hungarian Jews. He and his own Jewish family survived by concealing their background and helping others do the same.


RT @laurasilber: The @nypost last week concluded a five-part series branding George Soros “the most dangerous man in America.” Here's what the Post didn't tell its readers. 🧵


RT @Piu_Europa: Il matrimonio egualitario compie 20 anni in Belgio. A seguire, lo hanno fatto altri Stati Ue.
In il ventennale ritardo è vergognoso.
continuerà a battersi in parlamento e fuori per l'uguaglianza di tutte le famiglie.


@mrctrdsh Suggerisco ottimo rapporto da un leader opposizione russa @v_milov: Why sanctions on 🇷🇺 are working.


RT @BBCRobC: Slovakia’s ⁦@ZuzanaCaputova⁩ has arrived on stage to congratulate ⁦@general_pavel⁩ on his convincing victory over ⁦@AndrejBabis⁩

Both the 🇨🇿 and 🇸🇰 presidents will now be unabashed liberals who value their countries’ membership in NATO and the EU.


RT @shaunwalker7: Viktor Orban to Azerbaijan dictator Ilham Aliyev: “Over the last ten or more years I have learnt a lot from President Aliyev about how to run a country well in a complicated environment.”


Organised crime is one of the greatest internal threats.
As COSAC held their meeting in Stockholm today, I spoke about providing law enforcement with the right tools, and about child sex abuse.
The fight against child sexual abuse is a European priority.


RT @Piu_Europa: Esattamente 75 anni veniva assassinato .
La forza della sua lotta senza armi e violenza, portò alla fine dell’ingiusto dominio straniero sulla sua terra e la sua gente.
Ha lasciato un segno indelebile e una straordinaria lezione su libertà, diritti e stato di diritto.


RT @FareedZakaria: Part 1 of my conversation with @SlaughterAM, @carlbildt and @mahbubani_k from, today's GPS: the politics of sending tanks to Ukraine and what that decision says about the West


RT @FareedZakaria: Part 2 of my conversation with @SlaughterAM, @carlbildt and @mahbubani_k: how India, China and Europe are responding to Russia's war


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