Very glad to meet in Rome the SG of @Piu_Europa @BenDellaVedova and discuss Italian politics and the cooperation with @ALDEParty. These times in 🇮🇹 are challenging for those of us who believe in the safeguarding of human liberties and freedoms and we should support our friends.
RT @Denys_Shmyhal: The 🇸🇪 government's new "winter package" of nearly $338 mln is a great contribution to our victory. Discussed with @SwedishPM restoring 🇺🇦 energy infrastructure, joining 🇪🇺 & post-war reconstruction. Grateful for the equipment that is already helping to restore the power grid.
@vickyford @HouseofCommons @beatED @ChildrensComm @michelledonelan Well done Vicky! 💪💕
RT @MissingChildEU: Join us at our next #PolicySymposium 🗣️ #Lookingbacktomoveforward
Look back at 2022 and reflect on the gaps and main issues in migration and child protection systems that result in children going missing. #ChildrenInMigration
Register now ☟
RT @FinGovernment: The Winter War began on 30 November 1939, when the Soviet Union attacked Finland without declaring war.
The fighting lasted 105 days. Tens of thousands sacrificed their lives so that we could celebrate 105 years of independence on 6 December.
RT @MissingChildEU: Learn more about our impact in different areas:
🔵Supporting professionals
🟡Raising awareness
🔵Advocating for child-centered policy
🟡Child participation
🔵Using scientific data to define priorities
RT @robertosaviano: Il coraggio di #FaridehMoradkhani, nipote dell'ayatollah #Khamenei, che con questo video si schiera in favore dei diritti in #Iran al grido di "Donna, vita, libertà". Ha paragonato suo zio a Mussolini e Hitler, ha chiesto al mondo di non lasciare solo l'#Iran… è stata arrestata.
RT @gvalenti_: Se non è un crimine fare soffrire milioni di bambini, mortificandoli con il fuoco,provandoli con il freddo,proviamo a pensare cosa sia! Bisogna isolare sempre di più il sistema economico della Russia,bloccando così la sua capacità di armarsi #UrsulavonderLeyen #Vaticano #ucraina
RT @NonSoloCartolin: Visita il sito e seguici per altre immagini di ieri
#Salsomaggiore #Terme #Parma #Emilia #Tabiano
#NonSoloCartoline #Italy #Italia #Cartoline #Postcards #Postcard #Collezionismo #Vintage #city #60s #città @tabianocastello
#christmasiscoming! Choose @MissingChildEU #ecard to support the heroic work of our member @NGO_Magnolia in Kiev to bring 🇺🇦 children to safety and reunite them with their loved ones. 💙💛#GiftofHope #GivingTuesday @UA_EUMission @EUDelegationUA @VVChentsov #StandwithUkraine
RT @MissingChildEU: Give the #GiftofHope and send an #ecard to your loved ones. Dedicate #GivingTuesday to the protection of children🧸who have gone missing or are at risk of going missing.
The m…
@EmilioPuccio 👏👍💪🤗
Donate to @MissingChildEU 🇪🇺 strongest federation of hotlines for missing and sexually abused children and youth in need of support. We are devoted to protect and empower children. #givingtuesday #stopviolenceagainstchildren #childrenrights #ChildrenInNeed2022 #missingchildren
RT @MissingChildEU: #GivingTuesday
To prevent&resolve parental abductions, @MissingChildEU coordinates the #FamilyMediators network of ca. 200 trained bi-cultural mediators who engage with …
#donnevitaliberta #MahsaAmini #Iranrevolution
RT @MarianoGiustino: Le donne iraniane spazzano via l'apartheid di genere e si riprendono le strade a capo scoperto. La #Rivoluzione continua fino all'abbattimento di tutti i simboli, i codici, le leggi della Rep.islamica.
Ascolta la mia corrispondenza,@RadioRadicale #Turchia
A 1 anno dal #TrattatodelQuirinale sostengo a fondo il rapporto 🇮🇹🇫🇷. Amici e fratelli con il popolo francese x i valori europei che ci accomunano di libertà, solidarietà, uguaglianza. Lavoriamo insieme per un’🇪🇺 forte, unita e democratica. #ItaliaFrancia @FranceenItalie
I join the brave people of 🇺🇦 in lightening a candle to pay tribute to the victims of #Holodomor. Then, Stalin killed millions of Ukrainians by famine. Now, Putin wants to kill them by freezing. We must help them to resist. #Stoprussia #StandwithUkraine #HolodomorRemembranceDay
@liberioltre 👏💪🇺🇦🇮🇹🇪🇺
RT @ilfoglio_it: "La Grande carestia del 1932-33 venne pilotata dall'Urss di Stalin per colpire il gruppo nazionale ucraino. Riconoscerlo come genocidio è centrale nell’identità di un popolo", dice lo storico dei Diritti umani Marcello Flores. Di @lucianocapone
Combatting and preventing gender-based violence is high on the EU political agenda.
Our accounts are orange 🟠 to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
Because all women and girls deserve to live free from fear. #OrangeTheWorld
Partecipa alla #Write4Rights, la maratona di firme che mobilita milioni di persone. Luis Manuel, Aleksandra, Joanah, Netsai, Cecillia, Nasser e Vahid hanno bisogno del nostro aiuto, ora. Firma un appello, salva una vita. #dirittidelledonne #dirittiumani
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ MEP 2009-2019 🇸🇪 | Executive Chair Tabiano Castello 🇮🇹 | President Missing Children Europe🇪🇺| United4Ukraine 🇺🇦