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RT by @AmbassadorEU: Proud to be part of the excellent discussions with in and talk about prevention among youth, digital violence, education for early detection, and motivating peer-to-peer help and support.


[2023-12-07 10:52 UTC]

At today's anti-corruption open forum organized by the MCIC, I called for greater political will to combat corruption including by the political parties. The EC country report 2023 details what needs doing next.


[2023-12-06 13:54 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: PM @DKovachevski & DG @GertJanEU opened today the first screening meeting on the 6th cluster with 🇲🇰.

The focus was on common commercial policy, development policy & humanitarian aid.

Aligned positions in international economic & trade fora are pivotal for 🇲🇰's 🇪🇺 accession.


[2023-12-06 10:03 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: 🌍 The European Commission has launched 🚀 the 2024 call for proposals , €4.3Bln to support education, training, youth, and sport in Europe. 🎓✨ Including sustainable travel incentives, Apply 👉 🌱🌐


[2023-12-05 08:54 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: Измените во Кривичниот законик носат поголема заштита за сите жени и девојчиња!
„Замисли, вели дека сопругот ја силувал.“
„Ја поддржав да пријави силување во брак во центар за жртви на сексуално насилство.“
Не осудувај. Охрабри, поддржи, придружи.


[2023-12-05 11:03 UTC]

Thank you all for joining us today at the diplomatic charity bazaar dedicated to World Children’s Day and organized in partnership with DMWC! Grateful for all donations that will be used to support children and people with disabilities.


[2023-12-02 12:56 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: EU Opening Statement at the 30th Meeting of the @OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje, 30 November-1 December 2023



[2023-12-01 09:06 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: Many congratulations to 🇲🇰 for successfully hosting the @OSCE Ministerial Council in Skopje – a huge diplomatic & logistic challenge.
Demonstrating once more North Macedonia’s role as a reliable international partner & commitment to our shared values.



[2023-12-01 14:59 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: The Media Ownership Monitor database was launched today at 🇲🇪! It aims at making media ownership more transparent, increasing citizens' & resilience to .

Learn more!6yvNyK


[2023-11-30 17:02 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: 🇪🇺 gathered the regional FIMI-figthting community in Podgorica🇲🇪 to discuss how fact-checking, media literacy, media ownership transparency & AI could help build resilience to foreign information manipulation. This is an important fight our democracies cannot afford to lose. ⚠️


[2023-11-30 10:38 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: The supports the protection of victims & the prevention of gender-based violence in 🇲🇰

With 🇪🇺 support, this women-led project provides help to victims of through an SOS helpline & engages in awareness raising campaigns to eradicate harmful social norms.


[2023-11-29 15:09 UTC]

🟠 today in Kisela Voda, Skopje together with Mayor Orce Gjorgjievski. Everyone can play a role in preventing gender-based violence by speaking out, ensuring support for victims and sanctions for perpetrators.


[2023-11-28 16:27 UTC]

Grateful to all those who took part in the blood donation action organized by the EU Delegation in cooperation with the Red Cross.
We thank you for your solidarity!


[2023-11-27 15:19 UTC]

Ahead of the International Day of Persons with disabilities Europe House Veles organized an art event for children from schools across 🇲🇰 ! Celebrating inclusion together!


[2023-11-27 12:04 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: Thanks to First Lady for organising today's interesting debate on ending domestic and gender-based violence in 🇲🇰 North Macedonia. And everywhere. - but action and protection must continue everyday!


[2023-11-24 17:47 UTC]

RT by @AmbassadorEU: Very pleased @EUInterpreters supports universities in enlargement partners to train future interpreters for the multilingual conferences of the 🇪🇺EU Institutions! >@eu_near @AmbassadorEU


[2023-11-21 17:37 UTC]

My latest interview for MRT 👉
We discussed the 2023 Country Report, the need for reforms and the EU integration of North Macedonia


[2023-11-21 11:00 UTC]

Pleased to visit the Investigative Reporting Lab tonight. Investigative journalism plays a crucial role in democracy. By establishing facts, journalists help ensure public accountability & promote more informed & transparent societies.


[2023-11-20 17:58 UTC]

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