It's #MelanomaAwarenessMonth. 10 yrs ago, I had surgery for malignant melanoma. Thankfully, I caught it early.
Cases are rising, but you can reduce your risk:
✔️Use SPF30+ sunscreen
✔️Check your skin and see your GP about any new/changed moles/lesions.
See your GP if a mole:
▪︎ has changed size, shape or colour
▪︎ is painful or itchy
▪︎ is inflamed, bleeding or crusty
Or if you have a
▪︎ new/unusual mark on your skin that's still there after a few weeks
▪︎ dark area under a nail not caused by injury
Use the ABCDE rule:
▪︎ Asymmetry: the mole isn't symmetrical
▪︎ Border: ragged, uneven, or blurred edges
▪︎ Color: Shades of black, brown, and tan
▪︎ Diameter: Larger than the end of a pencil or has grown in size
▪︎ Evolving: anything new or changing