It’s time to say goodbye to throwaway culture and embrace reuse again.
People don’t want millions of single use shampoo bottles, or double-packing and shrink wrap, yet we’re forced to buy it and then pay for its recycling.
In addition, packaging calling itself 'recyclable' or 'biodegradable' must adhere to much stricter conditions!
@GraceOSllvn We need to insist that all packaging is compostable within 5 years. I am sick of sorting through and cleaning packaging, when a) the bad stuff should be banned, b) it might not really be recyclable/compostable, c) others presumably don’t do this, d) you guys in Europe could fix the problem with the stroke of a pen.
Also, fund research projects that develop eco friendly packaging massively.
Under the Packaging proposals, most takeaway cups and packaging must be reusable by 2040.
Deposit return schemes will be mandatory.
In Ireland, Min. @smytho introduced our own return scheme just recently!