EU dairy herds are expected to decline, leading to a decrease of #milk production by 0.2% per year by 2032.
However, this will not jeopardise the EU’s position as the largest global dairy supplier.
- @EUAgri's analyst @andreacapkovic presents the #AgriOutlook for milk & dairy
Dairy cows and milk production in EU
Decreasing numbers of dairy cows and still growing milk production is nothing to be proud of.
Overseas, the subsidized milk powder exports by EU disrupts markets in developing countries, making the live of small farmers more difficult.
At home, this means more intensive milk production per cow. Industrial dairy production has nothing to do with the image of happily grazing cows, but with stabled, high-yielding breeds producing up to 60 kg of milk per day in their painfully swollen udders.
Socially, it means the disappearance of family farms that combined arable crops and livestock. Tjese rural livelihoods are replaced by highly specialized factory livestock farms that require massive investments, but are highly vuñnerable because of their dependence on external inputs.
Therefore: Dear EU, please drop this system reliant on exports and recognize the value of smallscale farmers that sustain rural livelihoods and provide ecosystem services.
@andreacapkovic For more details & data, download the #AgriOutlook report ⤵️