RT by @weimers: Denmark’s Foreign Affairs Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen talking with a Palestinian anti-Israel protester in Copenhagen
“Are you angry with Hamas for their terror attack on Israel on Oct. 7?”
She answers “No, I’m happy with their decision to attack”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/visegrad24/status/1722892630197961027#m
[2023-11-10 08:23 UTC]
RT by @weimers: Amnesty International activists seen throwing posters about Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas into the garbage bin, in Naples, Italy.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/visegrad24/status/1722926418785353887#m
[2023-11-10 10:37 UTC]
RT by @weimers: There was an attack by 10-15 Muslims on the la Martinière-Monplaisir school in Lyon, this morning chanting "Allah Akbar" using fireworks.
This is the pupil's view.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DaveAtherton20/status/1722939920661016973#m
[2023-11-10 11:31 UTC]
Skicka hem dem
Det hat och den antisemitism som vi sett på våra gator efter Hamas barbari den 7 oktober hör inte hemma i Europa.
På våra gator firade allt för många tortyren, våldtäkterna och kidnappningen av oskyldiga barn, kvinnor och män.
Och många legitimerar och ursäktar det islamistiska barbariet än idag. De må vara européer på pappret men är det inte i hjärtat.
Vi måste agera kraftfullt. Tvångsåtgärder krävs och inte en dag får gå till spillo. Förhoppningsvis börjar även migrationsliberaler förstå att det nu är allvar.
Europas framtid står på spel.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/weimers/status/1722712914757382544#m
[2023-11-09 20:28 UTC]
Why is it so hard for
and the left to unequivocally condemn the Hamas terrorists when they massacre Jews at a scale not seen since the Holocaust?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/weimers/status/1722627617449476211#m
[2023-11-09 14:50 UTC]
RT by @weimers: ”Det kanske är något för El-Haj att ta upp med sina kontakter”
Veckans burn av Tobias Billström på en fråga av Jamal El-Haj, som trots sitt livslånga engagemang mot Hamas glömde nämna dem i sin fråga.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/NiklasGillstrom/status/1722627705777344838#m
[2023-11-09 14:50 UTC]
RT by @weimers: ‘Main Driver Of Antisemitism In West From Importation Of Muslims'. an interview with @JuliaHB1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qimHfnTK0Xg&pp=ygUOZG91Z2xhcyBtdXJyYXk%3D
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DouglasKMurray/status/1722628911274889610#m
[2023-11-09 14:55 UTC]
RT by @weimers: The UK Home Secretary is one of the only politicians in Britain actually speaking for the British people. That people are talking about her being fired for doing so is utter insanity. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/pro-palestine-protest-london-met-police-cbqnxbtv3
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DouglasKMurray/status/1722630498294583697#m
[2023-11-09 15:01 UTC]
RT by @weimers: Dear Muslims,
I said ”The world is scared of us” and many of you called for my death.
I said ”The world is laughing at us” and many of you said I was going to ”burn in an eternal Hell” and that I am ”a CIA agent”.
I said ”The world is worried about us” and many of you said Allah and his soldiers will take care of me.
Do you believe that reflects a ”religion of peace”? When you talk, act, and behave like perpetrators of violence?
I do not claim to speak on behalf of Muslims, but I do speak on behalf of Muslims who risk losing their lives for choosing a peaceful Islam that you do not believe in.
I speak on behalf of myself when I was 12 years old in Muslim schools, when I wanted to learn about art and music, but instead was fed Islamic tales of wars and beheadings – stories no child should be listening to.
I speak on behalf of Raif Badawi, the brave Saudi Arabian writer who started a blog about freedom of speech, liberalism, and secularism in Saudi Arabia, and was flogged in jail for 10 years. Raif was released from jail last year, but he’s still imprisoned in Saudi Arabia, banned from traveling or expressing himself.
I speak on behalf of atheists, Christians, Jews, women, gays, non-Muslims, and peaceful Muslims who don't want to be a part of your destructive narrative.
To those saying I am ”a dirty ex-Muslim,” ”a kaffer,” ”a CIA agent, "a Mossad agent”, who say I know nothing about Islam, who call for my death:
Thank you for proving my point.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JustLuai/status/1722541013221232812#m
[2023-11-09 09:05 UTC]
Calls for a "ceasefire" is double-speak for
losing the war.
That is siding with Hamas.
If Europe was the target, would we call for ceasefire if the butchers promised to continue their attacks?
Europe has a moral obligation to not stand in the way of Israel crushing Hamas.
Terrorists started this war. Israel will finish it.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/weimers/status/1722317114453717376#m
[2023-11-08 18:16 UTC]
RT by @weimers: Perhaps if you are incapable of condemning Hamas you can at least condemn this act of animal cruelty?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/visegrad24/status/1722254209154961579#m
[2023-11-08 14:06 UTC]
RT by @weimers: European Parliamentarians Call For Action To Address Coerced Faith Conversion And Violence Against Minority Women And Girls In Pakistan – OpEd – Eurasia Review https://www.eurasiareview.com/07112023-european-parliamentarians-call-for-action-to-address-coerced-faith-conversion-and-violence-against-minority-women-and-girls-in-pakistan-oped/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JosephjansenVFJ/status/1721943480367280209#m
[2023-11-07 17:31 UTC]
RT by @weimers: Vänsterns förmenta antirasism i sin prydno. Antisemitismen är nu så utbredd att det inte längre lönar sig att "aldrig glömma".
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jonsson_henrik/status/1721855033992413420#m
[2023-11-07 11:40 UTC]
När ska Socialdemokraterna kommentera att deras ”kära systerparti”
deltog i massakrerna den 7 oktober?
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/weimers/status/1721826956478443700#m
[2023-11-07 09:48 UTC]
RT by @weimers: BREAKING:
The 65-y-old Jewish man Paul Kessler has died after having been hit in the head by an anti-Israel protester in
West Lake Village (next to Los Angeles)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/visegrad24/status/1721690076042629356#m
[2023-11-07 00:44 UTC]
RT by @weimers: “I've Had Enough: Worst Predictions Coming True & the Way Forward”. My sit down with @RubinReport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0rYBfa8F6M
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DouglasKMurray/status/1721621599798067495#m
[2023-11-06 20:12 UTC]
Vi såg det komma.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/weimers/status/1721570329221308760#m
[2023-11-06 16:48 UTC]
RT by @weimers: The Israelis continue putting out content far funnier and far more accurate to the times we live in than anything @bbccomedy has produced in years.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/darrengrimes_/status/1721300899216163217#m
[2023-11-05 22:58 UTC]
RT by @weimers: Demonstranter i Köpenhamn kräver att få styras av Koranen och Islam, samt förordar Jihad. Här är alltså de våldsbejakande antisemiterna, den auktoritära teokratin och antidemokraterna i ett och samma tåg.
Ett tips till regeringen som tillsatt en utredning för att försöka lokalisera antisemitismen.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jonsson_henrik/status/1721110312273784900#m
[2023-11-05 10:20 UTC]
RT by @weimers: Odenplan. Femte november 2023. Intifada är ett rop på våldsamt upplopp.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/AronFlam/status/1721135772378530006#m
[2023-11-05 12:01 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ 🇸🇪 Husband. Father of 4. Conservative. Sweden Democrat. Member of the European Parliament and Vice Chair of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group.