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RT @MZZRS: It also includes actions for by addressing causes of threats to international peace such as inequality, , food & energy security. - Minister @tfajon on 🇸🇮's vision for its @UN Security Council candidature at the Arab League ministerial meeting.


RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon at the Arab League ministerial meeting: Our vision of contributing to @UN Security Council's work includes & mutual respect for the international law and the Charter, encouraging inclusive debates and decision-making based on trustworthy data.


In a bilateral meeting w/ colleague Nasser Bourita I emphasized that plays an important role in ’s & ’s relations w/ the Southern Mediterranean & wider African continent. We’re also like-minded partners in the @UfMSecretariat
🇸🇮 🤝 🇲🇦


RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon & MFA Egypt Sameh Shoukry once again reaffirmed excellent bilateral relations btw our countries. 🇸🇮 appreciates the leading role Egypt played in mitigating latest tensions btw & . On our agenda: boosting economic relations & .


Very glad to meet MFA of @Lamamra_dz on the sidelines of League of Arab States . We agreed on having a bilateral meeting on the margins of in New York to discuss further cooperation
🇸🇮 🤝 🇩🇿


RT @arableague_gs: السيدة/ تانيا فويان، وزيرة خارجية جمهورية ، تلقي كلمة تؤكد فيها دعم بلادها للقضايا العربية لاسيما حق في شامل وعادل ودائم


RT @TheProgressives: Almost 3️⃣0️⃣ years after a devastating civil war, Bosnia is still struggling on the road towards unity and democracy.

Tomorrow we'll discuss the challenges it faces w/ @schieder
@slatal @Alma_Zadic & @tfajon.

Join us @ 14h30 on


Had a pleasure to meet w/ colleague Abshir Omar Huruse. Somalia is the backbone for the stability of the . We discussed security in the region & potential for further cooperation btw 🇸🇮 & 🇸🇴 in climate change & environmental degradation.


RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon and FM Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug of agreed that in water diplomacy, 🇸🇮 & Mauritania🇲🇷 can exchange know-how and good practices, including in groundwater and drought management. Both look forward to deepening cooperation.


RT @strankaSD: Socialni demokrati nadaljujemo s terenskimi obiski. Tokrat bo ministrska ekipa s poslanci SD v petek, 9. septembra, obiskala Novo mesto in Črnomelj.


Arrived in & I look forward to participating at tomorrow’s ministerial of League of Arab States. I met with Sec Gen @arableague_gs Aboul Gheit to discuss the situation in region & our cooperation in multilateral fora.


Congratulations to my friend Foreign Secretary @trussliz on the new position! 🇸🇮 & 🇬🇧 are great allies & partners and I am sure our relations will continue to blossom under your stewardship 👏🏼


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon se bo jutri udeležila ministrskega zasedanja Lige arabskih držav, na katerem bo med drugim predstavila kandidaturo Slovenije 🇸🇮 za nestalno članico Varnostnega sveta 🇺🇳. Opravila bo tudi številna dvostranska srečanja z zunanjimi ministri držav članic Lige.


Današnji stiski rok na Golcu - geografski meji med Slovenijo in Hrvaško - so simbol prijateljstva, bližine in zaupanja. Praznik, ki ga praznujejo tri občine iz treh držav, so praznik vseh, ki vemo, da smo združeni močnejši.


RT @strankaSD: Tradicionalno srečanje Socialnih demokratov v Mostecu. Prijetno druženje s prijatelji in tovariši.


RT @vecer: (POLITIKA) Socialni demokrati so si soboto izbrali za po besedah @tfajon "morda malo pozno", a, tako ocenjuje, uspešno klavzuro stranke pred kongresom, predsedniškimi in lokalnimi volitvami.


RT @metinalista: "It's one thing to deliver a European perspective and a candidate status to Ukraine ... absolutelly necessary, but on the other hand, c'mon, Bosnia and Herzegovina, why not doing the same?"

- @tfajon @MZZRS at @BledStratForum


RT @CEP_Slovenia: We were happy to welcome the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Ms @tfajon at Jable castle today. Minister Fajon sat down with our ExeDir Katja Geršak and Heads of Programmes to discuss @BledStratForum, our regional activities, stratcom and peace & security programmes.


RT @strankaSD: [NAPOVED] Ob robu seje bo glavni tajnik SD @DejanLevanic, danes, 1. septembra, ob 18. uri na Centrali SD podal izjavo o prihajajočem 14. .


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