RT by @tfajon: Zunanja ministra 🇸🇮 in🇵🇹 @tfajon in @JoaoCravinho sta se v Ramali srečala s palestinskim kolegom Rijadom al Malikijem @pmofa in predsednikom vlade 🇵🇸.
Sogovorniki so opravili iskren pogovor o tem, kako doseči trajni mir v regiji👉https://www.gov.si/novice/2023-11-24-ministrica-fajon-ob-obisku-bliznjega-vzhoda-mirovni-nacrt-naj-vodi-v-priznanje-palestinske-drzave/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728104869356015657#m
[2023-11-24 17:34 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Ministrica @tfajon ob obisku na Bližnjem vzhodu: "Mirovni načrt naj vodi v priznanje palestinske države".
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728106555084796058#m
[2023-11-24 17:41 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Ministrica @tfajon bo nocoj gostja v oddaji @24ur zvečer.
▶️Tema: obisk na #BližnjiVzhod.
📺Ne zamudite ob 23. uri na POP TV.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728111206505017683#m
[2023-11-24 17:59 UTC]
Very good & sincere talks w/
MFA Al-Malki & prime minister
People in
are experiencing unspeakable horror. The world failed once again the test of humanity. To be child in Gaza today is the most dangerous thing in the world. 1/2
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1728079142615175553#m
[2023-11-24 15:52 UTC]
R to @tfajon: This is why we need a concrete plan, a #PeaceProcess leading to a #TwoStateSolution enabling #Isralies & #Palestinians to live side by side.
#Slovenia will do everything, especially in the role of the #UNSC 🇺🇳 non-permanent member, towards lasting peace in the #MiddleEast.🕊️2/2
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1728079163901239609#m
[2023-11-24 15:52 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: In a meeting of 🇸🇮 & 🇵🇹 MFAs @tfajon& @JoaoCravinho, with their counterpart 🇮🇱 @elicoh1, minister Fajon expressed hope that hostages held by #Hamas will be released and humanitarian pauses will lead to a permanent ceasefire.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728013936329408544#m
[2023-11-24 11:33 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: "Visiting kibbutz was shocking. I understand fear & anger, and strongly condemn terror & all forms of extremism. But witnessing horrific number of Palestinian deaths, thousands of children & women in Gaza, is appalling. Being a child today in Gaza strip is unbearable."- MFEA @tfajon.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728015326388912563#m
[2023-11-24 11:38 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: MFEA @tfajon: "I recall on Israel to respect #IHL. We need political, not military solution. The only guarantee for safety of Israelis is peace process that leads to recognition of Palestinian state."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728015531704295784#m
[2023-11-24 11:39 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Slovenia 🇸🇮 stands ready, also as a member of the 🇺🇳#UNSC, to actively contribute towards 2-state solution and lasting peace in the #MiddleEast.”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728015746259669475#m
[2023-11-24 11:40 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Na srečanju 🇸🇮 🇵🇹 MZZ @tfajon in @JoaoCravinho z MZZ 🇮🇱 @elicoh1 je ministrica Fajon izrazila upanje, da bodo talci, ki jih zadržuje #Hamas, izpuščeni in da bodo humanitarni premori privedli do trajne prekinitve ognja!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728016240931639734#m
[2023-11-24 11:42 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: "Obisk v Kibucu je bil pretresljiv. Razumem strah in jezo ter odločno obsojam nasilje in vse oblike ekstremizma. Toda biti priča grozljivemu številu smrtnih žrtev med Palestinci, na tisoče otrok in žensk v Gazi, je grozljivo. Danes biti otrok v Gazi je neznosno," MZEZ @tfajon.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728016702363812189#m
[2023-11-24 11:44 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: MZEZ @tfajon: "Izrael pozivam, naj spoštuje mednarodno humanitarno pravo. Potrebujemo politično, in ne vojaško rešitev. Edino zagotovilo za varnost Izraelcev je mirovni proces, ki vodi k priznanju palestinske države."
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728017042203144407#m
[2023-11-24 11:45 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: "Slovenija 🇸🇮 je pripravljena, tudi kot članica 🇺🇳VS ZN, dejavno prispevati k rešitvi dveh držav in trajnemu miru na Bližnjem vzhodu," je povedala @tfajon.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1728017584467947766#m
[2023-11-24 11:47 UTC]
We urge for release of all hostages. Met with some of their families today. It’s our responsibility to protect the most vulnerable. Humanitarian truce and delivery of humanitarian aid is a step in the right direction. We had sincere talk about the future political architecture.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1728031001136214304#m
[2023-11-24 12:41 UTC]
Glad to be starting our
tour w/ 🇵🇹 colleague
on the day of the start of humanitarian ceasefire in
& release of first hostages. I sincerely hope it lasts as long as possible & opens window of hope for lasting peace to both
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1727951894318911889#m
[2023-11-24 07:26 UTC]
Obiskala sem klicni center
za pomoč po poplavah, ki ga vodi Andrej Šter
. Hvala prijaznim posameznikom,ki z veseljem odgovarjajo na vprašanja državljanov & pomagajo ljudem v stiski.
Številka 114 ostaja na voljo vsem, ki jih je prizadela ujma🙏🏼
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1727648580196798905#m
[2023-11-23 11:21 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Ministrica @tfajon v Madridu: »Države EU iz Sredozemlja morajo okrepiti glas za premirje in zaščito civilistov v Gazi.« https://socialnidemokrati.si/ministrica-fajon-v-madridu-drzave-eu-iz-sredozemlja-morajo-okrepiti-glas-za-premirje-in-zascito-civilistov-v-gazi/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/strankaSD/status/1727638579189309613#m
[2023-11-23 10:41 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: MZEZ @tfajon: “Jutri skupaj s 🇵🇹 kolegom @JoaoCravinho začenjam obisk na Bližnjem vzhodu. V trenutku upanja, po pravkar doseženem sporazumu o prekinitvi spopadov, je najin cilj prispevati k prizadevanjem za konec nasilja in k trajni politični rešitvi konflikta.”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1727602411294838990#m
[2023-11-23 08:18 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: MFA @JoaoCravinho in the Middle East: tour includes Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Egypt
✔️ Joint visit with the Slovenian counterpart @tfajon;
✔️ Ministers meet with counterparts in all 4 stops and have other high-level meetings.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/nestrangeiro_pt/status/1727603777060974929#m
[2023-11-23 08:23 UTC]
Great news from
I welcome today’s appointment of the last Constitutional Court judge.
It’s an important step in the right direction.
I look fwd to the continuation of reforms bringing
ever closer to the 🇪🇺!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1727435746506891471#m
[2023-11-22 21:15 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Ministrica za zunanje & evropske zadeve/MFA of #Slovenia @MZEZ_RS // Podpredsed. @vladaRS /Vice-president @govSlovenia // Predsednica/Presid.of @strankaSD 🇸🇮