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Listen to my media statement following my today’s address to the
🇺🇳 on
My msg today was clear: We need urgent ceasefire. We need humanitarian aid to access civilians. We have to end this conflict.


[2023-11-29 21:39 UTC]

🧵Had a substantial mtg w/ 🇨🇳MFA Wang Yi on the margins of
. We will continue to strengthen our bilateral relations, including in the field of economy & winter sports. I thanked
for organizing today’s
debate on the
. 1/2


[2023-11-29 18:43 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: | Address by the 🇸🇮 Minister @tfajon at the @UN Security Council meeting on : "It is my honour to address this Council for the very first time, and to do this on the day of solidarity with the Palestinian people."

@vladaRS @SLOtoUN

Full address 👇🎞️


[2023-11-29 19:20 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: MZEZ @tfajon na zasedanju Varnostnega sveta o razmerah na : "V čast mi je, da lahko prvič nagovorim Varnostni svet, in to na mednarodni dan solidarnosti s palestinskim ljudstvom."


[2023-11-29 19:29 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: MFEA @tfajon at the meeting on the : "It is my honour to address this Council for the very first time, and to do this on the day of solidarity with the Palestinian people."


[2023-11-29 18:09 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: "Over the weekend I concluded my trip in the , where I held numerous meetings in 🇮🇱,🇵🇸,🇯🇴,🇪🇬. As emotions are running high on this topic, it is of utter importance to make way for diplomacy leading to a political solution.
The @UN & should play a key role in this regard." - MFEA @tfajon
at the meeting on the .


[2023-11-29 18:20 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: "We have failed the test of humanity. The alarm bells in & have been ringing for years. This latest round of conflict is providing neither peace nor security to anyone in the region. @UN SC must step up." - MFEA @tfajon at the meeting on the .


[2023-11-29 18:21 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: "Images of the destruction & rubble in are devastating. Rubble under which many lives & families have been lost. Rubble which children used to call home. Civilians must be protected. A permanent ceasefire is urgent. This conflict must end now." - MFEA @tfajon.


[2023-11-29 18:22 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: "I strongly support the convening of an int. peace conference leading to a 2 state-solution, with & living side by side in peaceful coexistence. 🇸🇮 supports all initiatives seeking a politically viable solution to the conflict." - MFEA @tfajon at the meeting on the .


[2023-11-29 18:24 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: Ministrica @tfajon se danes v New Yorku udeležuje odprtega zasedanja Varnostnega sveta o razmerah na .

Spremljajte V ŽIVO ob 15:30 👀👉


[2023-11-29 08:57 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: MZEZ @tfajon se bo udeležila 30. zasedanja ministrskega sveta . Ministrice in ministri bodo razpravljali o posledicah vojne v 🇺🇦 in konfliktih v regiji. Naslovili bodo tudi aktualno dogajanje v organizaciji in predvidoma sprejeli odločitev o predsedujočem OVSE v letu 2024.


[2023-11-29 11:17 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: Following her visit to the , Minister @tfajon will participate in the meeting where she will present 🇸🇮 positions and the role of the international community in resolving the conflict.


[2023-11-28 08:36 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: NAPOVED 👇

Ministrica @tfajon bo nocoj gostja v oddaji @TVOdmevi na @RTV_Slovenija. Tema: .

Vabljeni k spremljanju! 👀📺


[2023-11-27 18:17 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: MZEZ @tfajon & MZZ 🇵🇹 @JoaoCravinho sta se v sklopu nedavnega obiska danes v Barceloni srečala z GS @arableague_gs A.A. Gheitom.
Govorili so o mirovnem načrtu & nadaljnjih konkretnih korakih do rešitve 2 držav &priznanja 🇵🇸.
Nujna je okrepitev sodelovanja 🇪🇺-Arabska liga.


[2023-11-27 17:35 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: "Več sodelovanja med narodi pomeni več razumevanja, vse pa se začne z mladimi in njihovim izobraževanjem. 🇸🇮 gosti @emuni, prednostni projekt , in predlaga, da dobi vidnejše mesto kot platforma za izmenjavo izkušenj med študenti in akademiki iz regije." - MZEZ @tfajon na .


[2023-11-27 12:59 UTC]

Kultura sovražnosti je nekaj, čemur se moramo odločno zoperstaviti. Ne smemo pristati, da gre za vojno med 2 religijama - judi in muslimani. Ne smemo zdrsniti v to past. Gre za več desetletni konflikt. Strinjamo se s pravico, da Izraelci & Palestinci živijo v miru & dostojanstvu.


[2023-11-27 13:48 UTC]

This is a critical moment. Situation in
is horrifying. We need to protect civilian lives. We demand ceasefire & condemn violation of
. 7 Oct was a shocking event. We condemn
terrorist acts, we call for all hostages to be released. We all want peace🙏🏼


[2023-11-27 10:33 UTC]

RT by @tfajon: "Zdaj moramo začeti delati za jutri. Za rešitev, ki bo zagotovila tudi varnost Izraelcev. Potrebujemo konkreten mirovni načrt z jasno časovnico, ki bo pripeljal do rešitve dveh držav in priznanja Palestine." - MZEZ @tfajon na .


[2023-11-27 11:25 UTC]

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