RT by @tfajon: On #HolocaustRemembranceDay, Slovenia remembers the Jewish, Roma & other victims of the #Holocaust, including many from 🇸🇮.
Educational & commemorative events are traditionally organised under "Shoah – #LetUsRemember" project.
MFEA @tfajon is the keynote speaker at the event @kinosiska w/ the central theme "All Our Children" - poem by Tone Pavček.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1751178343704064076#m
[2024-01-27 09:40 UTC]
🕯️Ob mednarodnem dnevu spomina na holokavst se Slovenija spominja 58.522 žrtev, odpeljanih v koncentracijska taborišča med 2. svet. vojno. Dan spomina mora biti več kot le refleksija; mora biti trden opomin nas in prihodnjih generacij na grozote, ki se ne smejo nikoli ponoviti.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1751148224734220525#m
[2024-01-27 07:40 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Slovenija pozdravlja odločitev @CIJ_ICJ, ki je Izraelu med drugim odredilo, da mora sprejeti učinkovite ukrepe za zagotavljanje nujne humanitarne pomoči civilistom v Gazi in preprečiti genocid v Gazi.
Slovenija pričakuje, da bodo odločitev sodišča spoštovale vse strani.
Ob tem še naprej vztrajno pozivamo k takojšnjemu premirju v Gazi, izpustitvi talcev in k mirovnemu načrtu, ki bo vodil v rešitev dveh držav - edino zagotovilo varnosti v Izraelu in miru v regiji.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1750926758814073128#m
[2024-01-26 17:00 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Energy powers our future. On the first International #CleanEnergyDay, the #GreenGroup 🇨🇻, 🇨🇷, 🇮🇸, 🇸🇬, 🇸🇮 , 🇦🇪 stands united in accelerating the global transition to a sustainable and clean energy future.
We invite you to read our joint statement ⏬
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1750771376053514670#m
[2024-01-26 06:43 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Do you feel #sLOVEnia ? 🇸🇮 @Fly_Norwegian is launching a direct flight connection ✈️ from @CPHAirports to #Ljubljana! 💚
»We are very excited that Norwegian will connect Nordic region with Slovenia with their flights from Copenhagen to Ljubljana,« says @tfajon.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SLOinNordics/status/1750590514913776065#m
[2024-01-25 18:44 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: #WomenInMultilateralism
Ob mednarodnem dnevu žensk v multilateralizmu se spominjamo pomembnega prispevka žensk ob ustanovitvi #OZN. Dan osvetljuje tudi osrednjo vlogo, ki jo ženske igrajo pri spodbujanju človekovih pravic, miru in varnosti, trajnostnega razvoja in enakosti spolov.
1/2 🧵
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1750410614617383013#m
[2024-01-25 06:49 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Ministrica @MZEZ_RS @tfajon se je v New Yorku srečala s predsednico Mednarodnega odbora Rdečega križa Mirjano Spoljaric Egger ter s kolegoma iz Libanona in Jordanije. Tema pogovorov je bila aktualna kriza na Bližnjem vzhodu. https://socialnidemokrati.si/tanja-fajon-v-new-yorku-o-bliznjevzhodni-krizi-tudi-s-predsednico-rdecega-kriza/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/strankaSD/status/1750453047040315820#m
[2024-01-25 09:38 UTC]
Had insightful exchange of views on the situation in
w/ MFAs of
Abdallah Bou Habib. I expressed 🇸🇮’s full support to a concrete
leading to a 2-state solution ensuring safety of Israelis 🇮🇱 & Palestinians 🇵🇸 living side by side.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1750230019702440013#m
[2024-01-24 18:52 UTC]
In a📞call w/ MFA of
I once again emphasized importance of immediate
. We agreed that growing political will on 2-state solution is crucial to establish credible & viable
. Continuous dialogue w/ all partners in the region is key.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1750213368701407292#m
[2024-01-24 17:45 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: In a mtg w/ @ICRCPresident the focus was on the important role of @ICRC in #Gaza.Minister @tfajon echoed the importance of granting #ICRC full access to hostages & thanked them for their efforts. It’s crucial to enable necessary conditions to fully resume humanitarian operations.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SLOtoUN/status/1750218458048889139#m
[2024-01-24 18:06 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Ministrica @MZEZ_RS @tfajon v Varnostnem svetu @UN poudarila potrebo po takojšnjem premirju. https://socialnidemokrati.si/fajon-v-varnostnem-svetu-poudarila-potrebo-po-takojsnjem-premirju/
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/strankaSD/status/1750096758116405529#m
[2024-01-24 10:02 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Statement by Minister 🇸🇮 @tfajon at the #UNSC open debate on the situation in the #MiddleEast, including the Palestinian question.
It's time for a #ceasefire.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1749929965288583676#m
[2024-01-23 22:59 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: “My message today is clear: we need an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and in the region” – Tanja Fajon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Slovenia
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/UN_News_Centre/status/1749887912697618583#m
[2024-01-23 20:12 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Full statement by minister @tfajon:
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1749897780007416147#m
[2024-01-23 20:51 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Deputy PM Tanja Fajon: My message today at the #UNSC is clear - an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and in the region is the only way to protect the civilian population. In 100 days of fighting, there have been high civilian casualties on both sides, majority being women and children.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/SLOtoUN/status/1749904572133363837#m
[2024-01-23 21:18 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: "Moje sporočilo danes v Varnostnem svetu #OZN je povsem jasno – takojšnje premirje v #Gaza in regiji je edini način, da zaščitimo civilno prebivalstvo. V 100 dnevih spopadov je bilo na obeh straneh ogromno civilnih žrtev, med njimi mnogo žensk in otrok." - MZEZ
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1749905326873158096#m
[2024-01-23 21:21 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: "Premirje na #BližnjiVzhod je nujno za vzpostavitev pogojev za mir, zagotavljanje odgovornosti in varno vrnitev razseljenih oseb. Hkrati bo omogočilo dostop do prepotrebne humanitarne pomoči, preprečilo širjenje ekstremizma & konflikta v regiji." - MZEZ
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1749905800254906579#m
[2024-01-23 21:23 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: "Ko govorim o premirju, imam v mislih proces, ki se začne s prekinitvijo sovražnosti na obeh straneh, in vodi k priznanju Palestine, varnosti v Izraelu, miru v regiji ter k mirnemu življenju prebivalcev vseh držav v regiji brez strahu pred terorjem."- MZEZ @tfajon
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1749906570027188656#m
[2024-01-23 21:26 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: (VARNOSTNI SVET) Ministrica @tfajon je v Varnostnem svetu @UN na razpravi o položaju na Bližnjem vzhodu, v katero je bilo vključeno vprašanje Palestincev, poudarila, da je treba nemudoma končati spopade med Izraelom in palestinskim gibanjem Hamas v Gazi.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/vecer/status/1749908968166621303#m
[2024-01-23 21:36 UTC]
Glad to be in the
🇺🇳 to address the
for the 1st time since
🇸🇮 is a member.
My message today is clear and it is only one: we need an immediate
& in the region.
Enough is enough.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1749873239516385335#m
[2024-01-23 19:14 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Ministrica za zunanje & evropske zadeve/MFA of #Slovenia @MZEZ_RS // Podpredsed. @vladaRS /Vice-president @govSlovenia // Predsednica/Presid.of @strankaSD 🇸🇮