RT by @tfajon: Foreign Minister of Slovenia @tfajon on enlargement: There's a political momentum: We want Europe stronger and enlarged. I’m someone who deeply supports enlargement. But we can’t forget the #WesternBalkans!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/FES_Europa/status/1724478227496763414#m
[2023-11-14 17:23 UTC]
Protection of children & civilians should always be our1️⃣st priority. In
we’re witnessing violation of the
&humanitarian disaster. As socialists, we need to fight for
, we should always defend the very fundament of the 🇪🇺-peace.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1724479989779660938#m
[2023-11-14 17:30 UTC]
This is how the
🇪🇺 enlarged family to the
🇦🇱 🇧🇦 🇽🇰 🇲🇪 🇲🇰 🇷🇸 should look like 🤗
Glad to welcome our
colleagues at
meeting in Brussels.
🇸🇮 supports enhanced ccoperation with
partners in the field of Common Foreign and Security Policy
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1724123178279076072#m
[2023-11-13 17:52 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: #FAC 🇪🇺 | MZEZ @tfajon v izjavi za medije pred začetkom zasedanja Sveta #EU za zunanje zadeve: “Razmere v Gazi se dramatično zaostrujejo. Najostreje obsojam napade na bolnišnice, civiliste, otroke. Gre za grobe kršitve mednarodnega humanitarnega prava.”
Celotna izjava 🎬👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1724035088118108588#m
[2023-11-13 12:02 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: “#Slovenija 🇸🇮 je v skupini enako mislečih držav, ki se močno zavzemajo za ambiciozno širitev 🇪🇺, kot je bilo rečeno na Bledu z letom 2030. #EU je pripravljena, pomagajmo državam #ZahodniBalkan, da bodo tudi one.” - MZEZ @tfajon pred zasedanjem #FAC.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1724035762016969110#m
[2023-11-13 12:05 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Minister @tfajon at #FAC: “We have to be actively engaged in the future of the political architecture of #Gaza. Political horizon for #Palestinians, vision of reconstruction & 2-state solution are building blocks of sustainable peace for both, 🇵🇸 & 🇮🇱. Dialogue is the way to go.”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1724040252929577381#m
[2023-11-13 12:23 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: #FAC | On Russian aggression on Ukraine @tfajon reitirated ⬇️
▶️ continued support to 🇺🇦,
▶️ supporting 🇺🇦 path to the 🇪🇺, but we should not forget the #WesternBalkans,
▶️ when supporting #PeaceFormula, we are committed to engage w/ global partners,
▶️ crucial to support @OSCE & its role in the European security architecture.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1724056605203791909#m
[2023-11-13 13:28 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: #FAC | Glede ruske agresije na Ukrajino je MZEZ @tfajon poudarila:
▶️ nadaljnjo podporo 🇺🇦, tudi na poti v #EU, pri čemer ne smemo pozabiti na #ZahodniBalkan,
▶️ podporo mirovni formuli & sodelovanju z globalnimi partnerji,
▶️ podporo #OVSE in njeni vlogi pri evropski varnostni arhitekturi.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1724061470353133636#m
[2023-11-13 13:47 UTC]
Cher Jean
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!
We will miss your wisdom, optimism and your constant fight for the Europan & progressive values in our Foreign Affairs Council
Life goes on, friendships remain 🤗
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1724067588290805942#m
[2023-11-13 14:11 UTC]
Met w/
on the sidelines of
. Following enlarg. reports, we now have to make sure progress by all
countries 🇦🇱 🇧🇦 🇽🇰 🇲🇪 🇲🇰 🇷🇸 is recognized at the 🇪🇺 leaders mtg in December.🇸🇮will continue to be a vocal supporter of the future of the
region within
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1724081446338318794#m
[2023-11-13 15:07 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: #FAC 🇪🇺 | Ministrica @tfajon je v izjavi za medije pred začetkom zasedanja Sveta #EU za zunanje zadeve poudarila: “Želim si, da bi prišli v situacijo, ko se lahko spet resno in angažirano pogovarjamo o rešitvi dveh držav, tudi o priznanju Palestine.”
Celotna izjava 🎬👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1724015825168794069#m
[2023-11-13 10:46 UTC]
Razmere v Gazi se dramatično zaostrujejo.
Najostreje obsojam napade na bolnišnice, na otroke in civiliste.
Gre za grobe kršitve mednarodnega humanitarnega prava
in skrajni čas je za sklenitev humanitarnega premirja v Gazi, da pomoč dejansko doseže ljudi.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1723996280106389695#m
[2023-11-13 09:28 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: On the International Day of #Solidarity with #Belarus, we remember Human Rights and Freedom of expression activists, who are building democratic societies and a better future. They will never be forgotten.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1723742379797090501#m
[2023-11-12 16:39 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: 🇸🇮 Vabljeni k ogledu tedenskega utripa dela vlade
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/vladaRS/status/1723753132100907432#m
[2023-11-12 17:22 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: International Humanitarian Law stipulates that hospitals, medical supplies and civilians inside hospitals must be protected.
We urge Israel to exercise maximum restraint to ensure the protection of civilians.
Full statement: https://europa.eu/!dnjgtw
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/JosepBorrellF/status/1723770458745471252#m
[2023-11-12 18:31 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: Ministrica @tfajon se bo udeležila zasedanja #FAC 🇪🇺.
👉 ruska agresija na Ukrajino;
👉 razmere v Izraelu in regiji ter v Armeniji in Azerbajdžanu;
👉 zunanjepolitična dimenzija gospodarske varnosti.
Sodelovala bo tudi na ministrskem zasedanju #EU – #ZahodniBalkan.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1723689202406039965#m
[2023-11-12 13:08 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: We are energised and determined for the 2024 European elections, as we welcome the new members of the PES leadership team. Together we are stronger! #PESCongress #AdelanteEuropa
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/PES_PSE/status/1723357763298861104#m
[2023-11-11 15:11 UTC]
v Malagi z na novo izvoljenim vodstvom
in s sporočilom: “Vodili bomo Evropo, vpeljali še več naprednih politik, rešitev za spopadanje z globalnimi izzivi in stabilnost!”
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1723311536913944917#m
[2023-11-11 12:07 UTC]
Lepo je mandatarja za oblikovanje nove španske, progresivne vlade
in gostitelja
v Malagi predstaviti z našo srčno, delovno in mlado ekipo
. 💪 Evropa potrebuje več enotnosti kot kadarkoli in z ljudmi v ospredju naših naprednih politik.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/tfajon/status/1723309204625076506#m
[2023-11-11 11:58 UTC]
RT by @tfajon: 🇸🇮🤝🇵🇱
Sincere congratulations to #Poland on the #IndependenceDay. We look forward to further enhancing fruitful cooperation between our two countries.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/MZEZ_RS/status/1723245554954571980#m
[2023-11-11 07:45 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Ministrica za zunanje & evropske zadeve/MFA of #Slovenia @MZEZ_RS // Podpredsed. @vladaRS /Vice-president @govSlovenia // Predsednica/Presid.of @strankaSD 🇸🇮