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RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon at the Arab League ministerial meeting: Our vision of contributing to @UN Security Council's work includes & mutual respect for the international law and the Charter, encouraging inclusive debates and decision-making based on trustworthy data.


In a bilateral meeting w/ colleague Nasser Bourita I emphasized that plays an important role in ’s & ’s relations w/ the Southern Mediterranean & wider African continent. We’re also like-minded partners in the @UfMSecretariat
🇸🇮 🤝 🇲🇦


RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon & MFA Egypt Sameh Shoukry once again reaffirmed excellent bilateral relations btw our countries. 🇸🇮 appreciates the leading role Egypt played in mitigating latest tensions btw & . On our agenda: boosting economic relations & .


Very glad to meet MFA of @Lamamra_dz on the sidelines of League of Arab States . We agreed on having a bilateral meeting on the margins of in New York to discuss further cooperation
🇸🇮 🤝 🇩🇿


RT @arableague_gs: السيدة/ تانيا فويان، وزيرة خارجية جمهورية ، تلقي كلمة تؤكد فيها دعم بلادها للقضايا العربية لاسيما حق في شامل وعادل ودائم


RT @TheProgressives: Almost 3️⃣0️⃣ years after a devastating civil war, Bosnia is still struggling on the road towards unity and democracy.

Tomorrow we'll discuss the challenges it faces w/ @schieder
@slatal @Alma_Zadic & @tfajon.

Join us @ 14h30 on


Had a pleasure to meet w/ colleague Abshir Omar Huruse. Somalia is the backbone for the stability of the . We discussed security in the region & potential for further cooperation btw 🇸🇮 & 🇸🇴 in climate change & environmental degradation.


RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon and FM Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug of agreed that in water diplomacy, 🇸🇮 & Mauritania🇲🇷 can exchange know-how and good practices, including in groundwater and drought management. Both look forward to deepening cooperation.


RT @strankaSD: Socialni demokrati nadaljujemo s terenskimi obiski. Tokrat bo ministrska ekipa s poslanci SD v petek, 9. septembra, obiskala Novo mesto in Črnomelj.


Arrived in & I look forward to participating at tomorrow’s ministerial of League of Arab States. I met with Sec Gen @arableague_gs Aboul Gheit to discuss the situation in region & our cooperation in multilateral fora.


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon se bo jutri udeležila ministrskega zasedanja Lige arabskih držav, na katerem bo med drugim predstavila kandidaturo Slovenije 🇸🇮 za nestalno članico Varnostnega sveta 🇺🇳. Opravila bo tudi številna dvostranska srečanja z zunanjimi ministri držav članic Lige.


Današnji stiski rok na Golcu - geografski meji med Slovenijo in Hrvaško - so simbol prijateljstva, bližine in zaupanja. Praznik, ki ga praznujejo tri občine iz treh držav, so praznik vseh, ki vemo, da smo združeni močnejši.


RT @strankaSD: Tradicionalno srečanje Socialnih demokratov v Mostecu. Prijetno druženje s prijatelji in tovariši.


RT @CEP_Slovenia: We were happy to welcome the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Ms @tfajon at Jable castle today. Minister Fajon sat down with our ExeDir Katja Geršak and Heads of Programmes to discuss @BledStratForum, our regional activities, stratcom and peace & security programmes.


Danes je prvi šolski dan. Svojega se spominjam z nasmeškom, saj prinaša nova prijateljstva, spoznanja, dogodivščine, pa tudi kakšno razočaranje, ki nas s časom naredi bolj močne. Vsem, posebej pa prvošolčkom, srečno, varno in radovedno. Naj vam dan ostane v najlepšem spominu.


RT @MZZRS: | Na ravni smo sprejeli ukrep za bistveno zmanjšanje števila vizumov za ruske državljane. S tem smo znova obsodili nesprejemljivo rusko agresijo in pokazali, da obstaja pomembna razlika med navadnimi državljani in tistimi, ki podpirajo agresijo. - Ministrica @tfajon.


RT @nicupopescu: Appreciated speaking to ’s foreign minister @tfajon this morning and setting out plans on how to strengthen bilateral ties, advance ’s EU bid and address the interlocked challenges Europe currently faces.


On the second day of meeting in we have many important issues on the table. Political decission is to be taken on the issue of visas for citizens.


RT @MZZRS: Ob robu neformalnega srečanja se je ministrica @tfajon srečala z moldavskim kolegom @nicupopescu.

🔹dvostransko sodelovanje 🇸🇮&🇲🇩
🔹status kandidatke Moldaviji za članstvo v in nadaljnji koraki
🔹posledice ruske agresije na


Amazing team indeed!
RT @BledStratForum: says: "𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 𝐘𝐎𝐔!"

We've come to the end of a successful 17th @BledStratForum, and once again we must point out the following: we are proud to be working with such an amazing & dedicated team!

Thank you to each & every one! 🙏

Until next year!


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