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RT @MtM68: Z zanimivo razpravo o odgovornosti za vojno in mir v Ukrajini se v @BarCukrarna nocoj začenja festival @grounded_si. MZZ @tfajon, dr Peter Verovšek, Tereza Novak in dr Miša Zgonec Rožej na okrogli mizi in preko videa o vlogi in pomoči malih držav Ukrajini. @DC43


RT @BledStratForum: 🌐 Following Russia's aggression on Ukraine, the world order built on universally accepted rules virtually disappeared & Europe woke up to a new reality.

Solving global challenges became even more urgent, so join in addressing them.

For more ⬇️


RT @strankaSD: [NAPOVED] Evropski poslanec @TheProgressives in @MatjaNemec bo nocoj, 9. avgusta, ob 22.05 gost v oddaji 24ur zvečer na POP TV. Tema pogovora bosta njegovi poslanski pobudi glede reševanja in obnove območij, ki so jih prizadeli požari.

Vabljeni k ogledu!


RT @MZZRS: We are concerned about the escalation of violence between and , we regret it caused civilian victims. De-escalation and restraint from violence are key to reduce tensions and to prevent further losses of lives.


RT @strankaSD: »Ajdovščina je bila v tem letu razglašena za razvojno najbolj prodorno občino in je prejemnica nagrade zlati kamen. Številni uspešni projekti, pilotni programi in na tradiciji utemeljen razvoj so občino zavihteli v sam vrh,« izpostavlja Tadej Beočanin ->


RT @strankaSD: , praznik Socialnih demokratov, bo tokrat gostil Ptuj v soboto, 8. oktobra 2022.

Se vidimo! 😊


RT @SLOtoUN: What a busy day! 🇸🇮 FM @tfajon took advantage of the visit in NY to meet with:

🔹President of Switzerland 🇨🇭
🔹FM of Argentina 🇦🇷
🔹FM of Belgium 🇧🇪
🔹dFM of Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬
🔹dFM of Viet Nam 🇻🇳
🔹PO of the State of Palestine 🇵🇸


RT @hadjalahbib: Belgium can count on its excellent relations with to benefit from its valuable and in-depth analysis on crucial issues for the EU, such as the Balkans. My meeting with my counterpart @tfajon was rich and very constructive. 🇧🇪🇸🇮🇪🇺


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon je na srečanju Stockholmske pobude za jedrsko razoroževanje , ki se ji je 🇸🇮 pridružila julija, izpostavila pomen "22 korakov" za zmanjšanje mednarodnih napetosti in jedrskih tveganj ter za obnovitev zaupanja med državami pogodbenicami .


RT @AnnLinde: Great to meet female 🇪🇺 colleagues here in New York. Our commitment to nuclear disarmament is strong. @tfajon 🇸🇮 @ABaerbock 🇩🇪 @hadjalahbib 🇧🇪


Z veleposlanikom Palestine v @UN sva danes v iskrenem in prijateljskem pogovoru govorila o razmerah na Bližnjem vzhodu. Pogovori o doseganju rešitve dveh držav in priznanju Palestine ne smejo zamreti, sva se strinjala. Vsakršno nadaljnje nasilje v regiji je treba preprečiti.


RT @MZZRS: Minister @tfajon met with @antonioguterres regarding Slovenia's 🇸🇮 candidature for a NP seat on the . She also expressed gratitude for his work to reach an agreement on grain exports via Ukrainian ports – a notable sign that dialogue to ease human suffering is possible.


RT @SLOtoUN: On the sidelines of the 🇸🇮 FM @tfajon met with the UN 🇺🇳 Secretary General @antonioguterres. During their first meeting, they addressed a number of topics, including situations in the Western Balkans and Ukraine.


RT @SecBlinken: Productive discussion with Slovenian Foreign Minister @tfajon in New York. The U.S. strongly supports Slovenia as a very well-qualified @UN Security Council candidate. In our discussion, we emphasized the need to support Ukraine and hold Russia accountable for its brutal war.


Na konferenci tudi o aktualnem dogajanju v MS: “Pozdravljam izplutje prve ladje z žitom iz Odese danes zjutraj. Gre za pomemben znak možnosti za dialog v iskanju rešitev za olajšanje človeškega trpljenja v kontekstu globalne prehranske krize.”


RT @MZZRS: 🇸🇮🤝🇺🇸

Foreign Minister @tfajon with Secretary @SecBlinken: Cordial meeting on common challenges to international security, with focus on . They confirmed shared views of the situation in the , ahead of the Bled Strategic Forum later this month.


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon je na 10. pregledni konferenci pogodbenic Pogodbe o neširjenju jedrskega orožja poudarila pomen zaščite dosežkov pogodbe in okrepitve njene pristojnosti. Obsodila je agresijo na 🇺🇦 ter pozvala 🇷🇺 k takojšnji zaustavitvi sovražnosti & umiku iz države.


RT @MZZRS: At , Minister @tfajon stressed the need to strengthen authority, particularly in view of the current security situation in Europe, and condemned 🇷🇺 aggression on . She called on to cease hostilities and withdraw from sovereign 🇺🇦 territory.


Ob današnjem zasedanju konference v New Yorku vstop v dvorano, kjer zaseda Varnostni svet @UN. Slovenija želi tu ponovno zasesti sedež v mandatu 2024-2025.


RT @MZZRS: Ministrica @tfajon bo v New Yorku 🇺🇸 sodelovala v splošni razpravi Konference pogodbenic Pogodbe o neširjenju jedrskega orožja.

👉 jedrsko razoroževanje,
👉 preprečevanje širjenja jedrskega orožja,
👉 miroljubna uporaba jedrske energije.


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