In European parliament back in 2014-2019 some people thought we are brothers 😄 Good to have a recap of where Europe is standing with one of the cornerstone #EPP figures @krisjaniskarins who is now the longest serving Prime minister of Latvia. #EPPRotterdam
Here they go again! The Chairs of @kokoomus from three different decades at #EPPRotterdam in full swing. We stand with Europe, we stand with you. @PetteriOrpo @alexstubb @jyrkikatainen
Vaikuttaa vahvasti siltä, että jäsenmaat ovat vesittämässä EU:n kuudetta pakotepakettia. Täydellisen tuontikiellon sijaan öljyn annetaan virrata vielä putkia pitkin Eurooppaan, ja täten jatkamme kirkkain silmin #Venäjä’n sotakoneiston rahoittamista. Ei näin!
Journalistiurani suurin esikuva on poissa. En ikinä unohda, miten tärkeää minulle oli tuurata legendaa Washingtonissa kesällä 1993 - ja myöhemmin seurata häntä tehtävässä. Aarne Tannisella oli valtava vaikutus minuun ammatillisesti. Hän oli herrasmies. #täälläWashington #Tanninen
Parlamentin ympäristövaliokunnan päätös oli odotettavissa, mutta ei millään muotoa hyväksyttävä - Euroopan energiatilanne ei missään nimessä salli sitä, että puulta yritetään viedä uusiutuvan energian status.
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri A5. The hardest and most important goal is to do as much as EU can to stop the Ukrainian war, and then help the country to export its main products as it did before the war.
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri It is also important to take measures to curb inflation, which, according to current estimates, may rise to up to 6%. 2/2
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri A4. The main action is to review the whole food chain and ensure the supply chain costs and prices are balanced. In addition to this, the legislation cannot lead to a situation where both producers and consumers are in an unfair situation. 1/2
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri At this point, biofuels do not seem to threaten the food security, but the connection of these two has to be evaluated regularly. 2/2
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri There does not exist an unambiguous reply to this question, since food and energy are the two biggest questions for the EU right now. Cutting the dependency from the Russian fossil fuels requires alternative energy options, and biofuel is one of them. 1/2
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri We also need to recognise the different timelines for securing food production. Securing this or next year’s harvest requires different means than securing food security for 2050. 3/3
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri Legislative measures related to food production, such as nature restoration, plant protection goods, and due diligence, should be postponed until the war's effects are assessed well enough. 2/3
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri A2. We must be extremely careful with the current legislative work to ensure sufficient food production. This means some of the environmental goals must be temporarily re-considered. 1/3
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri ..This means the EU legislation related to European food production must be flexible enough. In addition, decision-makers must have a constant dialogue with all actors of the food chain, from producers to industry and trade. 3/3
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri …Since they have already existed before the war and its consequences. For instance, the increased production costs have been a problem for farmers for a long time. It is crucially important to ensure adequate operating conditions for European farmers. 2/3
@eaAgriFood @EUAgri A1. In addition to energy, food has become an important geopolitical tool for Russia. The EU's response to maintain food security has been adequate, but we must also remember that the problems regarding food production have not raised unexpectedly… 1/3
Venäläisen sotapropagandan levittäminen Suomesta käsin ei ole yksinkertaisesti hyväksyttävää – Yandexin palvelinkeskus Mäntsälässä tulee sulkea ja yhtiö on asetettava EU:n pakotelistalle välittömästi.
@mikkolaakso @KatriMakkonen @jyrkikatainen Perhana sentään, Mikko - etsin omaani Nato-päämajasta hommaamaani kuumeisesti, mutta se on jossain kätkössä. Luovuin varmaan toivosta joskus 10-15 vuotta sitten 🙄 Sun painamasta erästä tuskin on yhtään ylimääräistä…?
Finland, together with Sweden, submitting their applications for membership in #NATO at 8am CET in Brussels. A truly historic occasion for us. It’s time to sit down, take a deep breath and enjoy for a moment - with a Helsinki staple, coffee at the Market Square @FinMissionNATO
@FinMissionNATO @korhonen_klaus @jensstoltenberg It’s a beautiful morning.
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ MEP. Parliament’s #RuleOfLaw negotiator. Vice-Chair EPP Budget & Structural Policies. EPP coordinator in Budgetary Control Committee. Member in AGRI Committee.