Berri bikaina.
Orain bukatu daitezela kontrol arrazistak mugetan!
[2023-10-29 20:48 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: Euskal nazioaren eta erabakitzeko eskubidearen aldarrikapena egiteko momentua den honetan, azaroaren 18an 'Txoria txori' kantatuko dugu Bilbon, sekula egin ez den bezala eta munduak entzun gaitzan.
#NazioaGara · 17:30 · La Casilla
[2023-10-29 18:19 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: Karadzic fue condenado por genocidio por la matanza de casi 8.000 musulmanes en #Srebrenica La actual ofensiva #Israel en #Gaza ha matado ya a más de 8.000 palestinos.
[2023-10-29 18:27 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: [GAUR X URTE] 54 urte bete dira Poliziak Anton Fernandez eta Josu Murueta Erandion tiroz hil zituenetik
[2023-10-29 14:53 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: ▶️ VÍDEO | Valtònyc torna a Palma després de més de cinc anys d’exili
🔶En @valtonyc ja és a Mallorca
[2023-10-29 12:00 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: CONGRATULATIONS #SOUTH_AFRICA 🇿🇦 #SPRINGBOKS 👏👏👏 on winning, yesterday, the #Rugby_World_Cup over #New_Zealand. A remarkable performance of #Madiba’s team. Yesterday’s victory means 🇿🇦 is now outright the most successful team in Rugby World Cup history, with four tournament wins. A great honour of all Africans. My congrats for Amb. #Nkosi and his colleagues in #Geneva. 🇿🇦; the pride of Africa.
[2023-10-29 09:59 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: The number of Palestinians killed in Gaza now exceeds Srebrenica genocide!
[2023-10-28 07:49 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: La Asamblea General de la ONU aprobó por mayoría una resolución que exige un alto el fuego inmediato e incondicional en Gaza, así como la entrega de ayuda humanitaria.
Esta resolución no es legalmente vinculante pero tienen peso político.
[2023-10-27 20:04 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: Keep in mind who voted for and against the motion and who abstained
[2023-10-27 21:52 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: Gaza is under intense bombing.
Telecommunications have been cut.
We can't get through to our family who have been trapped in this war zone for almost 3 weeks.
We can only pray they survive the night.
How many more children have to die before the world says enough?
[2023-10-27 18:15 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: End the slaughter in Gaza. End the slaughter of children. Ceasefire Now. Writers Sq Belfast 12 noon tomorrow. March for peace and justice. @DeirdreHargey @newbelfast @molloy1916 @steviejenkinsSF @tmccartney12
[2023-10-27 18:30 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: Avui comença a Dakar, la 2n conferència organitzada pel Moviment Sahrauí per la Pau de @HachAhmed, associació pantalla de la intel·ligència de el #Marroc (#DGED), segons el #CNI. Per què Zapatero, José Bono i @JFLopezAguilar es presten a participar? @PSOE
[2023-10-27 08:19 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: My Jewish values don’t include slaughter, collective punishment, the intentional starving of people, ethnic cleansing, genocide. My Jewish values cry out, CEASEFIRE NOW!
[2023-10-26 14:51 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: Hoy en La Base analizamos el apartheid por parte del Estado de Israel que soporta el pueblo palestino.
[2023-10-26 15:57 UTC]
My name is Pernando Barrena & I’m a former Basque MEP.
I’m appalled by the silence regarding the war crimes committed by the Israeli government.
I, demand a ceasefire & open humanitarian corridors to facilitate water, food & medicine for Gaza now!
[2023-10-26 14:26 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: Azaroaren 18an, @ehbildu-ren mobilizazio nazionalean, 'Txoria txori' kantatzeko beteko dugu Bilboko Autonomia.
Menpe gaituzten estatuei eta mundu zabalari esateko, Victor Hugok bezala, “Pirinioen bi aldetara abesten eta dantzatzen duen” herri duin bat badela hemen.
[2023-10-26 08:00 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: 🇵🇸Balance terrible de 16 años de bloqueo y asedio
#Gaza #Palestina @naiz_iritzia
[2023-10-26 05:50 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: Azaroaren 18an euskal nazioa aldarrikatuko dugu Bilbon ‘Txoria, txori’ sekula egin ez den bezala kantatuz.
Herri baten doinua munduratzeko saiakera egingo dugu, berezia izatea nahi dugun mobilizazioan. Kantatzen duen herri bat ez da inoiz hilko!
#NazioaGara · 17:30 · La Casilla
[2023-10-26 06:53 UTC]
Mugen berrirekierarekin batera, bertan giza eskubideetan oinarritutako portaera poliziala eskaini behar zaie migrariei.
Mugen itxiera «burujabetza faltaren ikur nabarmena» dela salatu du EH Bilduk Avenida zubian | Euskal Herria | Naiz
[2023-10-25 18:11 UTC]
RT by @pernandobarrena: Read my latest blog.
“Gaza must not become a graveyard for international law.
Ireland must be clear which side we are on.
We must stand on the side of humanity, decency, universal democracy and international law.”
[2023-10-25 18:18 UTC]
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