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Re defender works on labour and pensioners' rights and is serving a 5 year sentence in prison.
Nasrin is struggling with several diseases including osteoporosis, but has been denied medical leave.
She should be released on medical furlough.


Re and are members of the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and the Suburbs Bus Company. 🚍
They were arrested in May 2022 and sentenced to 6 years of prison.
I call for them to be immediately released.
Union activism is not a crime!


Re Lawyer has represented several unions and groups of workers including teachers. 🍎✏️
On 21 May 2023, she was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months prison on the charge of “propaganda against the state”.
She should be released and the charges dropped.


Re Abdi is a teacher and the Secretary General of Iran’s ’ Trade Association.
He has been in prison for 8 years, and is now serving a 10 year sentence handed to him in 2020.
He must be released and the charges against him dropped.


Re is a freelance , who has focused primarily on labour rights. 📰✏️
She was violently re-arrested in March 2023 just hours after being released from Evin prison.
I call for her release & charges to be dropped.


Re defender Rasoul Bodaghi is a member of the board of the ’s Teachers’ Trade Association and a former supervisor of teachers' committee of Human Rights Activists in Iran. 🍎✏️✊
In April 2022, he was sentenced to four years in prison.
He must be released!


Re is a teacher, human rights defender and the inspector at the Iranian Trade Associations. ✏️🍎
Jafar was violently arrested during a raid of his home. He was charged with “propaganda against state” & sentenced to over 4 yrs prison.
He must be released.


Re They are all in prison simply for wanting a better life and working conditions, and voicing their opinions.
The Iranian government & security forces must immediately cease their reprisals against defenders, and release all those who are detained.


<div class="rsshub-quote">
Henning Overgaard: En vigtig dom i Arbejdsretten har slået fast med syvtommersøm, at 3F har ret til at varsle konflikt i arbejdet med at få flere virksomheder til at tegne en overenskomst.💪🏻
Det er en kæmpe sejr for både 3F og den danske model‼️


Frustrating: Tonight's trilogue ends up with no agreement on F-gas ban after all.
Negotiations continue while the waits for action.
I hope the Council will be better prepared next time.


Så er @fredhellemann og jeg klar til klimakamp!💚💪🏼
Forude venter mange timers hårde forhandlinger for at få udfaset og forbudt brugen af de ekstremt klima-skadelige F-gasser!🌍
Kryds fingre for en sejr for klimaet!🤞🏻


RT Breaking the Silence
The IDF spokesperson doesn’t even blink when admitting that 95% of Palestinian construction requests in the oPt are rejected, while 60-70% of Jewish settler requests are authorized. Not even an attempt to conceal the apartheidist policies of systematic discrimination in the oPt


Re @MrMesserschmidt @HelmutScholzMEP @Left_EU @Enhedslisten @EnhedslistenEU Fint med en undskyldning, men det vi er ved at lave lovgivning om her vil lukke grænsen for import af deres tvangs-produkter. Det er en mavepumper til de regimer og virksomheder der i dag lukrer på tvangsarbejdet. For ikke at tale om et forsvar for arbejdspladser i DK og Europa.


Re @ElisabethGehrke @fredhellemann @Enhedslisten @EnhedslistenEU Tusind tak!❤️🙏🏻


Det siger meget om manglen på viden om DKs fortid som en af verdens førende slaveri-nationer at selv en førende borgerlig ideolog ik’ ved at de slavegjorte først blev frigivet, da de gjorde oprør og havde omringet fortet i Frederiksted på Sankt Croix. Guvernøren havde intet valg!
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Christian Egander Skov: Slaveriet er en universel menneskelig institution. Vi fortjener verdens tak for at have afskaffet og bekæmpet det. I stedet får vi at vide, vi skal skamme os. Glem det!


Godt at @Forbrugerombud skrider ind over for bilfirmaers i Danmark!
Naturligvis skal - eller andre bilproducenter - ikke kunne markedsføre sig som "Verdens mest bæredygtige bilproducent", medmindre de kan bevise det.


I eftermiddag er der klimakamp på dagsordenen til langt ud på natten i .
Det sker når jeg, sammen med @fredhellemann, skal til forhandlinger med EU-Kommissionen og EU-landene om forbud mod klimaskadelige F-gasser.
Ønsk os held &amp; lykke!💚


Stop tvangsarbejde!
Sammen med et klart flertal i Beskæftigelsesudvalget i EP stemte jeg i dag igennem at EU bør forbyde import af varer produceret under tvangsarbejde.
Vi skal det moderne slaveri til livs og det globale ræs mod bunden skal stoppes!


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