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RT by @nigel_farage: "I would like to think that what has happened to Alison Rose ends the woke culture in banking."

With NatWest scrapping the majority of the former chief executive's pay out, @nigel_farage says he hopes it stops banks from 'playing politics'.



[2023-11-09 21:12 UTC]

It looks like we are now beginning to see some common sense at last. This would be a good decision for taxpayers.
But don’t feel sorry for Dame Alison Rose — she is still expected to receive a 7 figure sum.


[2023-11-09 21:43 UTC]

RT by @nigel_farage: NEW. "Do you think the protests should be allowed to go ahead or should they be banned?"

Go Ahead 34%
Ban them 50%
Don't know 16%

80% Cons, 76% Leavers say "ban them"
59% Lab, 48% Remainers "go ahead"
57% 18-24 yr olds say "go ahead"
59% 50-64s & 77% pensioners say "ban"

YouGov Nov 7-8


[2023-11-09 13:06 UTC]

RT by @nigel_farage: ‘The Democrats, your Labour Party, the left has gone completely bananas, and until we stop letting the inmates run the asylum, we’ll be on a slow descent to hell with them’

@RubinReport speaks to @nigel_farage about the Democrats' surprising electoral win.


[2023-11-08 20:04 UTC]

RT by @nigel_farage: Disgusting….

Rochdale Cenotaph vandalised by Free Palestine idiots

They disrespect Britain, our history and our sacrifice…..


[2023-11-07 22:21 UTC]

RT by @nigel_farage: @carolecadwalla loses her appeal ri the Supreme Court & the case finally ends. She was found guilty of defamation & ordered to pay most of my costs. Total vindication. Meanwhile she raised a shed load of money from gullible Remain fans. Good night Vienna !


[2023-11-07 13:30 UTC]

The King's Speech today says “life means life” for horrific murders.
Ever since the abolition of the death penalty in the 1960s we have been told this.
It never actually happens!


[2023-11-07 18:23 UTC]

This is an absolute disgrace. We have allowed people into our country that despise everything we stand for. Both Labour and the Tories have done this to us.


[2023-11-07 10:53 UTC]

Sunak says “thanks to this government, crime is down”. Nothing could be further from the truth.


[2023-11-07 07:31 UTC]

Humza Yousaf is putting the politics of the Middle East above the interests of Great Britain, on what is the most solemn occasion of our year.


[2023-11-06 22:46 UTC]

Should the pro-Palestine march take place on Armistice day?
Join me on GB News at 7pm…
📺 Watch GB News on Freeview 236, Sky 512, Virgin 604.


[2023-11-06 18:42 UTC]

RT by @nigel_farage: Mob rule on the streets, vile antisemitism chanted on a weekly basis, protests at war memorials, vandalism to historic paintings in the name of extremist causes, an impotent police force who won't arrest anyone and no prison places to put anyone in.


[2023-11-06 13:01 UTC]

RT by @nigel_farage: Trump leads Biden by between four and 10 points in five of six states that will determine the 2024 presidential election in new New York Times/Siena poll.


[2023-11-05 13:01 UTC]

RT by @nigel_farage: NEW POST. What people REALLY think about the pro-Palestine March on Remembrance Day weekend. Only 1 in 5 of Brits think it should go ahead


[2023-11-04 16:35 UTC]

Our nation and its values are being destroyed before our eyes.
The Met Police and the government will not stand up for us.
I have never felt more depressed about our once lovely country.


[2023-11-04 16:39 UTC]

RT by @nigel_farage: Babe are you okay? You’ve barely touched your Nigel Farage branded bottles of gin.


[2023-11-03 10:52 UTC]

RT by @nigel_farage: The idea that the Leader of the Opposition wore a poppy for a morning engagement and then took it off to record a video on "Islamophobia" but that the emblem's removal wasn't in anyway deliberate is absurd.
Party leaders have teams of image-makers who spend hours on such presentational issues.
Don't lie. Of course the poppy was removed on purpose.


[2023-11-03 12:23 UTC]

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