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Many thanks to David Davis MP who told the House of Commons NatWest’s banking license should be in jeopardy. They also disclosed my personal financial details to the media.


RT David Davis
The closure of Nigel Farage’s bank account by Coutts is vindictive, irresponsible and undemocratic.
Today, I asked the PM to require all UK banks to inform the Treasury of all the accounts they have closed for non-commercial reasons in the past decade.


I thank the Prime Minister for his support on this very important issue.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Rishi Sunak: This is wrong.
No one should be barred from using basic services for their political views.
Free speech is the cornerstone of our democracy.


This is not just about Coutts / NatWest. Since I was informed that my accounts would be closed, I have been refused by 10 other UK banks. The whole industry needs change.


Apparently not… for now. @BBCSimonJack wants to keep his mates at the big banks happy.
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Harry Phibbs: Perhaps the BBC might care to correct this?


The even admit they must not be seen to use my “Adverse Press Checks” as the real reason to exit me.
“There is a risk that if we use this commentary to take action, it may well be positioned (by NF) to appear to be taking political sides on this debate”.


RT Good Morning Britain
'He's been censored and cancelled by a bank. Coutts is part of NatWest which is still partly state owned'
'I do worry that my bank might be going through my appearances on GMB'
Nigel Farage claims his bank account was shut by Coutts for political reasons.


RT The Times and The Sunday Times
Nigel Farage has hit out at the “monstrous” political bias of the royal bankers Coutts, after it allegedly closed his bank accounts because his views were not compatible with its values


RT Calgie
The BBC shamelessly trying to shift the blame over to the FT for getting the facts wrong in the Farage/Coutts case.
Absolutely shoddy editorial standards. No correction issued on their original article claiming it was to do with a threshold either.
Any word from BBC Verify?


38.6% of RBS group / Coutts / Nat West is still owned by us, the taxpayer. We bailed out the banks after their greed in 2008.
Now, rather than making sure that taxpayers get a decent return, they're too busy playing political games.


RT Jeremy Vine On 5
Has Coutts been unfair on Nigel Farage?
He says he has proof that the bank closed his account for political reasons - and not because of his finances.
Are you backing Nigel on this one?
@bonsuman | @linmeitalks | @theJeremyVine |


Will @BBCSimonJack and @BBCNews be apologising for their reporting on this story?
His mealy-mouthed tweet of the generic Coutts statement overnight is not enough.
The BBC must correct their original story about me. I will be making a complaint.


It looks like Coutts / NatWest don’t like @rickygervais jokes very much!
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GB News: 'I just hope for Ricky Gervais' sake that he doesn't bank with Coutts!'
@nigel_farage reacts to Coutts' internal report labelling a clip he shared from @RickyGervais' SuperNature Netflix special as a "transphobic comedy sketch."


Hi Jon. Who is the Charlie now?
Looks like it’s you for swallowing the Coutts PR spin.
I look forward to your apology.
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Jon Sopel: You must feel a bit of a Charlie if you’re Nigel Farage, and you claim that it’s all an establishment stitch up that your account’s been closed when it’s just you’re not rich enough for Coutt’s.
Am thinking of starting a ‘go fund me’ page for Nige to get him his account back


We did ask Coutts some of these questions. Answer there came none.
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Andrew Neil: Some questions for @CouttsandCo
Who compiled and agreed the political tests that you used to decide who can be your customers (and resulted in Nigel Farage being banned from banking with you)?
Does it have the approval of your CEO?
Does it have the support of your parent bank,…


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