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@HarryJRacing I've called no-one names: I've accurately described the consequences of their actions.

Wasted opportunities and resources.

Wrecked institutions and relationships.

Denying people government when they need it most.


@601Gary I work for people whether they vote for me or not - unionist, nationalist, neither and non-voters.

I simply disagree on this issue of holding our institutions hostage.


@AndrewC18939072 They aren't, though. They've done more damage to it since 2016 than any other party.


@DavidJo39502604 We are over it and have supported the Windsor Framework to address its consequences.

Brexiteers seem to be the ones struggling with winning: it really hasn't worked out as intended.


@mc39763951 @Dave25720402 No, I don't and he apologised for expressing himself so poorly at the time, as it isn't his view either.

He was also disciplined by the Party for what he said.

It was 6 years ago - maybe people need to move on and recognise the good work he does across the community.


@cliff_moffett @allianceparty It is wasting opportunities.

It is wrecking our public services.

I don't use either phrase lightly, or to insult anyone. It's calling this for what it is, Cliff.

We have a duty to do our jobs - all of us - and every day we can't, it's costing real people and doing real harm.


@601Gary I'm including anyone who holds our institutions to ransom. It has to stop.


@JamieBe67329629 We've been working on this for a while (including Stephen). If you send me an email, happy to send you an update.


RT @TEDxStormont: What’s the bravest thing you can do today?

Almost 25 years ago we were brave enough to say YES! Yes to change and to a future of promise.

As celebrates 10 momentous years, we also celebrate 25 years of - the language of possibility, hope and openness.


@StephenDundas12 We aren't passengers here. We can shape our own future and influence the next five years. Fatalism will get us nowhere.


@wwmccrues @chhcalling Happy for those who won't work to have their salaries stopped completely.

Thankfully, it's the voting public and not Twitter, that'll decide whether devolution continues. So far, over 73% are polling in favour.

The government needs to enable that democratic mandate.


@StephenDundas12 And, crucially, if new issues emerge, the relationship between the UKG and EUComm has improved hugely, which allows good will to resolve those.

That's the critical difference to where we were and why an agreed way forward is so much better than unilateral action.


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@StephenDundas12 It will only work if people work it. There have always been businesses who refuse to do business here because it's a hassle.

Brexit multiplied that dramatically: the framework reduces it massively.


Send a message to the wreckers. The blockers. The wasters. Those who take the votes but do nothing for you in return.

You deserve an Assembly and Executive that works, and together, we can deliver it.


RT @CllrMichaelLong: Totally agree. Time for reform and an end to vetoes. If you don't want to do the job, get out of the way and let those who do get on with it!


@BillyA424 @chhcalling There is no inherent nastiness.

Your tweets about us are by far worse than any tweet we've sent you...


This bigoted, sectarian, misogynistic abuse is endemic on @Twitter, and it needs not just condemned but stopped.

The cowards hiding behind anonymity need to be held accountable.

I know @StaceyGraham90 won't be silenced, but many women are. No-one should have to take this.
RT @StaceyGraham90: Another day and another litany of examples of delusional republican trolls projecting their hate by perceiving it in others.

Portraying themselves as the good and righteou…


@StaceyGraham90 No excuse for this abuse, Stacey.

I know it won't deflect you, but it shouldn't be happening.

Take care x


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