RT Nina Gaspari
Kakšen balzam za ušesa, dušo in srce je prisluhniti @JanaSvenska.
Hvala tudi Kseniji Horvat za odlično vodenje pogovora.
Iz prve roke, govoriti z Jano je nekaj najlepšega, kar doživiš. Toliko uvidov, prepletanj misli, pogledov naprej.
Prosim, glejte. Še bolj pa poslušajte! https://t.co/BQRXOmkV4f
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ninagaspari/status/1675754872258306048
RT Council of Europe
The #IstanbulConvention is more than a treaty: it’s a lifeline for women and girls.
It defines and criminalises the various forms of #ViolenceAgainstWomen.
About the Convention: https://www.coe.int/en/web/istanbul-convention/home
#IstanbulConventionSavesLives #EndVaW https://t.co/SqAaY758yx
RT Child Rights Intergroup European Parliament
An unprecedented call from 71 UN MS for the removal of child sexual abuse material online:
The internet is flooded w/child sexual abuse imagery: there should be no hiding places 4 perpetrators.
#EUvsChildSexualAbuse bill is the most powerful weapon to fight these heinous crimes
<div class="rsshub-quote">
GhadaFathiWaly: Protecting children from sexual exploitation online is a global priority.
Every image, every video, represents a child whose innocence has been shattered.
Glad to see 71 States call for the removal of child sexual abuse material from the internet.
👉 https://www.gov.uk/government/news/call-to-action-removing-child-sexual-exploitation-and-abuse-materials https://t.co/24as6VHDAL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Childmanifesto/status/1674382015456477191
RT European Ombudsman
We are delighted to grant a special #EOAward 🏆 to @EU_Justice for going the extra mile when it comes to involving children in producing a new EU strategy on the rights of the child 👏 https://t.co/RxLVtTQKOR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUombudsman/status/1673983251575345152
RT EU Justice
✍️Recognising the importance of young voices in shaping 🇪🇺 policies
#EUChildParticipation Platform will be a way for children to have a say on policies that will affect them both today & in the future.
Explore the platform here
➡️https://eu-for-children.europa.eu/ https://t.co/XNNCtlQxRY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Justice/status/1674095364679368707
Na odboru za okolje je bil danes potrjen predlog revizije evropskih direktiv o zaščiti voda! https://t.co/roUYwkxK1h
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1673630682331992066
RT S&D Group
60% of 🇪🇺 surface water & 30% of groundwater bodies are polluted, mainly due to industrial & agricultural production.
Today @EP_Environment under S&D's leadership approved an ambitious report to monitor pollution & help clean up our waters, for the environment & people’s health. https://t.co/uS3gwamoGN
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TheProgressives/status/1673636089163137025
RT Philippe Seidel Leroy
Care must be recognised as a right across the EU, stresses @milan_brglez at the launch of @CaritasEuropa report on EU's long-term care systems https://t.co/XUcq9viVAQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PhiSeidel/status/1673314788435271683
RT Child Rights Intergroup European Parliament
Our @milan_brglez @ General Assembly of the Child Participation Forum.
This is a dream come true. This is just the beginning: That’s what child leadership looks like.
It’s time we reverse the demographic gap we have in the EU & give children a seat on the table to shape the EU https://t.co/luI28FMOZm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Childmanifesto/status/1673332701204561923
Čez dobri dve uri ima @Europarl_SL priložnost, da se na glasovanju o poročilu o kakovostnih pripravništvih postavi na stran mladih👱🏻♀️🙋🏻. ZA ✅ kakovostna pripravništva, PROTI❌ neplačanim pripravništvom in PROTI❌ izkoriščanju mladih. @strankaSD @TheProgressives https://t.co/1QiPiDoGNL
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1668888003849093121
RT S&D Group
Fanaticism should never cost a woman her life!
Dorota is another victim of the draconian abortion ban in Poland.
We stand in solidarity with her family and all Polish women!
#NotOneMore https://n.respublicae.eu/RobertBiedron/status/1668924706232098816
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Robert Biedroń: Posłanki i posłowie do PE 🇪🇺 łączą się w solidarności z Polskimi kobietami.
Pozycja UE jest jasna: w Europie nie ma miejsca na religijny fanatyzm, za który życiem płacą Polki.
Prawa kobiet to prawa człowieka! ✊
#NigdyNieBędzieszSzłaSama #AniJednejWięcej https://t.co/yWq8nzRiSD
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TheProgressives/status/1668962052050698240
Ekipa @Europarl_SL je naredila svoje. Poročilo je sprejeto‼️ 🎾 je na strani @EuropeanCommiss, da pripravi pravno podlago za prepoved neplačanih pripravništev v 🇪🇺 ter mladim omogoči nabiranje znanja in izkušenj za pravično plačilo. @Mladiforum @strankaSD @TheProgressives https://t.co/5b27zdka8L
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1668980192302321666
RT S&D Group
The UN Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs are our sharpest tool in the box to approach multiplying environmental and humanitarian crises.
For this, we need an EU financing strategy, concrete timetables and full commitment from both the Commission & member states. Time to act! https://t.co/aGPzpt2xvK
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TheProgressives/status/1669016200121135105
RT Catalan Gov. Central Europe
The minister for Foreign Action and EU of #Catalonia met with MEP @milan_brglez to strengthen the exchange on current affairs. #Slovenia https://t.co/6XbFGFKI43
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Catalonia_AT/status/1670725791980703744
Bodimo ponosni na našo domovino in državo tako, kot smo bili leta 1991. Draga Slovenija, vse najboljše! (Vir slike: Borut Kranjc/Delo) https://t.co/eEbqiPVTL0
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1672697449159221250
V iskreno veselje mi je, da se danes lahko udeležujem slovesnosti ob otvoritvi prenovljenih prostorov Slovenskega pastoralnega centra v Bruslju. Čestitke župniku, dr. Zvonetu Štrublju za dolgoletna prizadevanja, da je lahko z današnjim dnem SPC zaživel v svoji novi podobi. https://t.co/uahB4Hklu6
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1672983398195896321
RT @TheProgressives: Pay your interns!
Tomorrow, we expect the European Parliament to keep the promise to young Europeans and call for an EU law to ensure that all traineeships are paid.
It is high time to stop abusing trainees as cheap or free labour! https://t.co/Q8iRzizqjl
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1668683021736615937
RT @Europarl_SL: 🇪🇺 poslanec @milan_brglez o okoljskih vidikih kmetijske vizije EU🇪🇺🧑🏻🌾: “Če želimo zagotoviti prehransko varnost in odpornost kmetijstva na dolgi rok, si ne moremo zatiskati oči pred naraščanjem dezertifikacije, izginjanjem opraševalcev in ogrožanjem neoporečnosti podtalnih voda.” https://t.co/SN89machAy
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1668513457208020993
RT @TheProgressives: Let children be children! To end child labour, we must step up the fight against extreme poverty worldwide and break the business models that profit from children and rob them from their future.
🚫Products made from child labour must be banned from the EU.
#EndChildLabour https://t.co/FQiP99iG2n
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1668268638137188353
RT @Childmanifesto: World Day to #EndChildLabour - more than 160 mil children are involved in labour. No country is immune from this phenomenon.
Today more than ever in we say that
Children should go to schools, not to work - children should never bear the burden of providing for their families! https://t.co/0qm9lOnm6l
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/milan_brglez/status/1668254891196784640
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