RT Zuzana Kepplová
Len tak cvične si predstavme, že vyjde takýto titulok s radou progresívcom. Nevyjde, samozrejme. Je to somarina, lebo niet masterplanu, aby ľudia v kultúre boli liberálni či progresívni. Nikto im to neporadil, nikto ich nediriguje a nikto takéto titulky nepíše.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/zuska_kepplova/status/1689202044307922945
RT Sim: robte v tejto krajine cokolvek kradnite, vrazdite, podvadzajte.. ale nepestujte marihuanu a nepreberajte zeleninu lebo..lebo bude zle!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HlavacovaSim/status/1689225535216291840
Rest in Peace @VTrillet_Lenoir
Thank you for everything you have done for #OneHealth for all.
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Stéphane Séjourné: Je viens d’apprendre avec une infinie tristesse le décès de Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, députée européenne @Ensemble_UE qui siégeait avec @RenewEurope au Parlement européen.
Les mots sont aujourd'hui bien peu de choses pour dire notre émotion et notre peine.
Modèle d'intégrité,…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1689330998473785344
RT Tomas Forro
Vystrašené matky s deťmi, voliči a OČTK, my všetci netrpezlivo čakáme na odpoveď bývalého predsedu parlamentu a šéfa ministra obrany za vlády Smer+SNS.
Pre dobrodruhov, ktorí ohrozujú našu bezpečnosť, nemôžeme riskovať. Súhlasíte s naším názorom, @AndrejDanko6?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TomasForro/status/1688183506692661249
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Mačiak: Šach mat, Gubernia.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1688218219079692288
Sexuálnym obťažovaním je také správanie sexualizovanej povahy, ktoré narúša dôstojnosť inej osoby.
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lgsk: rozmýšľam čo napísal preceda parlamentu na tú bankovú asociáciu ;)
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1688233856795557888
RT Ludovit Odor
V parlamentných voľbách 2023 môžete svoj hlas odovzdať aj zo zahraničia 🌍
Poďme do toho spoločne, každý hlas sa ráta 📨
Link na registráciu, do 9. augusta ⏲️
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LudoOdorPM/status/1687732148260786176
RT Claire Underwood zo Slovenska: One time Happy girl tourist vo fotobanke na Shutterstock, Next time mladá vlastenka rebelka, čo volí Republiku
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ClaireUndrwd/status/1687896930603433984
RT Extreme Temperatures Around The World
Wild weather in Europe:
Very cool in the West/Center with catastrophic floods in Austria and Slovenia.
Very hot in the East with 41C in Romania
Record heat persists in Arctic Russia,more records:
32.0 Tarko Sale
30.0 Vorkuta tied
25.6 Malye Karmakuly
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/extremetemps/status/1687528495478407175
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Extreme Temperatures Around The World: South America is living one of the extreme events the world has ever seen
Unbelievable temperatures up to 38.9C in the Chilean Andine areas in mid winter ! Much more than what Southern Europe just had in mid summer at the same elevation: This event is rewriting all climatic books
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1686730257976500224
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Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 Making Spaces Great Again 🛸: "Eat for the road" - Russian tourists took 35 kg of food from the buffets in an Antalya hotel.
In all hotels around the world where Russians stay, it is necessary to introduce a rule: check their suitcases before leaving. And bathrooms, in case they like the toilet.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1686731932770459650
RT Christiane Amanpour
Oil companies “shifted the guilt to people,” says Richard Wiles, head of @climatecosts. “Climate change is not a tragedy – it’s a crime that’s been forced upon [people] by the oil companies, who knew their products were going to do this and went ahead and lied about it anyway.”
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/amanpour/status/1683530661926170624
RT Dr Robert Bohan
By the time Sinéad O’Connor sang this (1992) some 70,000 children had been sexually abused by Catholic priests & brothers in Ireland. The state, media, bishops, cardinals & pope had covered it up. She was scorned.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RobertBohan/status/1684277529731817476
RT Rob Barnett
The new solar outlook from @BloombergNEF is 🔥
389 Gigawatts in 2023 says @solar_chase in a new note on @TheTerminal: China Surge Driving New Record Year of Global Solar Build: BNEF
#Solar #Energy #EFT #EST #Renewables #ONGT
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/barnettenergy/status/1684572473738797061
Boli sme varovaní.
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The Real Prof. Katharine Hayhoe: With climate records being shattered weekly, this cartoon is even more apt.
July global avg temp is the latest to fall; a new analysis by @khaustein finds it's the hottest ever recorded, possibly the hottest in 120,000 years.
Here's what this means & why there’s still hope.🧵
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1684633341289455617
RT Braňo Bezák
Obálky mi dáva so slovami; "Wahlen in der Slowakei."
Už aj rakúsky poštár vie, že v 🇸🇰 voľbách sa dá voliť zo zahraničia, tak sa nevyhováraj, že ty nevieš!
Ide to neslovensky bezproblémovo a rýchlo.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Brano_Bezak/status/1684846957469044736
RT Filip Lachmann: Reakce samozřejmě be like
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LachmannFilip/status/1684908134609928194
RT Srdcom doma o.z.
Do 9.8. požiadaj o voľbu poštou!
Zahraničie otvorilo oči mnohým z nás. Pomôžme Slovensku.
Začnime tým, že sa zúčastnime volieb.
Doprajme našim blízkym v SR lepší štát.
Buď pri tejto zmene!
Buď hrdinom, hrdinkou!
Voľ poštou - zo zahraničia!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/srdcomdoma/status/1685017423152365568
RT Claire Underwood zo Slovenska
Za cca. 80 fiatiek zaplatilo OLANO cca. 800.000 eur. Ostanú v majetku hnutia, takže ich nezarátajú do výdavkov kampane. #transparentne
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ClaireUndrwd/status/1685222015937187841
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Prof. Eliot Jacobson: Yesterday, Antarctic sea ice extent hit a new record statistical low of -6.65σ below the 1991-2020 mean. About a 1-in-70B chance w/o climate change.
This is not a graph of extent or anomaly. It is a graph of standard deviations -- a measure of how abnormal the year's data is.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/martinhojsik/status/1685329856286928896
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ #MEP @RenewEurope #ENVI #ITRE #BUDG
#VicePresident @Progresivne_sk in charge of #Environment and #Climate
Hiker & above all Dad.
Retweet ≠ endorsement