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RT by @martinhojsik: Všechno se znovu zastavilo před úsvitem - dveře nezaskřípou, oheň nevzplane

Golubjov: Mitky posílají Brežněva do Afghánistánu

1/ Je zcela mylné představovat si ruskou společnost jako nějaké krvežíznivé orky podporující válku. Většina Rusů si za stovky let vytvořila strategii


[2024-01-07 09:07 UTC]

RT by @martinhojsik: Toto som si požičala od pána Benčíka. Kochajte sa.


[2024-01-04 13:10 UTC]

RT by @martinhojsik: German coal generation is the lowest since 1959.

But the best is yet to come... the wind and solar boom have wiped out hard coal already and brown coal is next, ensuring big CO2 falls this decade.

Germany was too reliant on coal for too long. That era is coming to an end ♥️


[2024-01-05 08:22 UTC]

RT by @martinhojsik: Financovanie krajnej pravice
Starší článok
🇪🇸 Arsuaga (CitizenGo), Vox
🇺🇸 Brian Brown (napr. Political network for Values)
🇩🇪 Krah (AfD)


[2024-01-02 09:13 UTC]

Ficova vláda ešte v novembri odmietla poskytnúť Ukraine 140 rakiet do systému protivzdušnej obrany KUB.
Fotka je z dnešného útoku ruZZka na Ukrainu.


[2023-12-29 12:54 UTC]

RT by @martinhojsik: 🇩🇪 Different countries - same story.
📺NIUS - German Fox News, Reichelt.
Who is funding it and why? "Alternative" media methods and linkages. Excellent work, excellent and important.


[2023-12-27 22:20 UTC]

Na tomto je najlepšie, že na takúto podprou domácnostiam máme miliardy z predaja emisných povoleniek a EU fondov. Ale poriadne to nevyužívame.


[2023-12-28 15:35 UTC]

If you see this tweet you have to mention one of your favourite paintings
Pavol Čejka, Horiace mesto (2012)


[2023-12-27 12:11 UTC]

RT by @martinhojsik: The Jet stream is broken. Rolling Rossby Waves are causing the Polar Vortex to wobble all over the place, leading to wild fluctuations in temperature across many different Northern regions. The is next in line for a cold snap. The stability of the Holocene is over I'm afraid.


[2023-12-27 09:31 UTC]

RT by @martinhojsik: OK, the Visegrád cooperation is now officially dead. Viktor Orbán's political director Balázs Orbán (Hungary's rumored possible next foreign minister) launches a smear campaign against the new Polish government, accuses it of being part of the 'Soros conspiracy'.

There's a lot to unpack here. First, Viktor Orbán claimed a few days ago that, since the Visegrád Group has fallen apart, he is "working on (to figure out) how we can put it back together". Since all political messaging within his government are closely coordinated, his lieutenant's recent attack on the Polish government clearly indicates he wasn't telling the truth. The V4 was instrumental to Orbán as long as it had been an axis of 'illiberal' governments and likeminded leaders (like Andrej Babiš). But it's no use to Orbán anymore, and he's more interested in undermining the new Polish government than trying to mend ties and find some common ground for possible cooperation. These undermining efforts won't hurt Poland much – on the international stage, the country is playing in a very different league than Hungary – but it will further isolate Hungary for sure.

Second, both Viktor Orbán and his (current) foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó, said it many times that "we do not interfere or intervene in the internal political processes of other countries" and do not comment on other countries' internal affairs. Obviously, it is also a lie, however, going as far as attacking Poland's minister of justice based on where he graduated, or shaming the marshal of the Sejm for hosting refugees... well, that's a new low for sure in Hungarian-Polish relations. What's completely new here is that, regardless of their differences on Russia and Ukraine, Orbán's government has so far not applied its super aggressive, completely undiplomatic rhetoric when talking about Poland. Now the gloves are off.

Third, about…


[2023-12-23 09:15 UTC]

RT by @martinhojsik: The Ice sheet is melting at an alarming rate. This relic from the last ice age is disappearing rapidly. The ice sheet is losing &gt;10,000 cubic meters of ice per second - equivalent to one bathtub of water per person globally per day. And People still flock to .


[2023-12-23 11:19 UTC]

RT by @martinhojsik: Incredible heat is blanketing , fueling the . The NW is really intolerable in some places. This is only the beginning of what looks like a long incredibly hot summer. This country will be baked if temperatures continue to rise globally. Mitigation is urgent.


[2023-12-22 19:50 UTC]

RT by @martinhojsik: Zneužiť tragédiu na šírenie svojich propagandistických hlúpostí môže iba totálna hyena.
Fuj, jdu blejt velebnosti!


[2023-12-22 13:03 UTC]

Ďakujeme za vianočný darček od ministra Tarabu. Kvóty na odstrel medveďov sa mu v Bruseli nepodarilo vyrokovať.


[2023-12-21 14:41 UTC]

Zostal som v nemej hrôze.
Úprimnú sústrasť rodinám a blízkym, skoré uzdravenie zraneným. Dúfam, že obetí aj zranených je čo najmenej.


[2023-12-21 15:41 UTC]

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