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RT Zuzana Kepplová
Len tak cvične si predstavme, že vyjde takýto titulok s radou progresívcom. Nevyjde, samozrejme. Je to somarina, lebo niet masterplanu, aby ľudia v kultúre boli liberálni či progresívni. Nikto im to neporadil, nikto ich nediriguje a nikto takéto titulky nepíše.


RT Sim: robte v tejto krajine cokolvek kradnite, vrazdite, podvadzajte.. ale nepestujte marihuanu a nepreberajte zeleninu lebo..lebo bude zle!


Rest in Peace @VTrillet_Lenoir
Thank you for everything you have done for for all.
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Stéphane Séjourné: Je viens d’apprendre avec une infinie tristesse le décès de Véronique Trillet-Lenoir, députée européenne @Ensemble_UE qui siégeait avec @RenewEurope au Parlement européen.
Les mots sont aujourd'hui bien peu de choses pour dire notre émotion et notre peine.
Modèle d'intégrité,…


RT Tomas Forro
Vystrašené matky s deťmi, voliči a OČTK, my všetci netrpezlivo čakáme na odpoveď bývalého predsedu parlamentu a šéfa ministra obrany za vlády Smer+SNS.
Pre dobrodruhov, ktorí ohrozujú našu bezpečnosť, nemôžeme riskovať. Súhlasíte s naším názorom, @AndrejDanko6?


Sexuálnym obťažovaním je také správanie sexualizovanej povahy, ktoré narúša dôstojnosť inej osoby.
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lgsk: rozmýšľam čo napísal preceda parlamentu na tú bankovú asociáciu ;)


RT Ludovit Odor
V parlamentných voľbách 2023 môžete svoj hlas odovzdať aj zo zahraničia 🌍
Poďme do toho spoločne, každý hlas sa ráta 📨
Link na registráciu, do 9. augusta ⏲️


RT Claire Underwood zo Slovenska: One time Happy girl tourist vo fotobanke na Shutterstock, Next time mladá vlastenka rebelka, čo volí Republiku


RT Extreme Temperatures Around The World
Wild weather in Europe:
Very cool in the West/Center with catastrophic floods in Austria and Slovenia.
Very hot in the East with 41C in Romania
Record heat persists in Arctic Russia,more records:
32.0 Tarko Sale
30.0 Vorkuta tied
25.6 Malye Karmakuly


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Extreme Temperatures Around The World: South America is living one of the extreme events the world has ever seen
Unbelievable temperatures up to 38.9C in the Chilean Andine areas in mid winter ! Much more than what Southern Europe just had in mid summer at the same elevation: This event is rewriting all climatic books


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Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 Making Spaces Great Again 🛸: "Eat for the road" - Russian tourists took 35 kg of food from the buffets in an Antalya hotel.
In all hotels around the world where Russians stay, it is necessary to introduce a rule: check their suitcases before leaving. And bathrooms, in case they like the toilet.


RT Christiane Amanpour
Oil companies “shifted the guilt to people,” says Richard Wiles, head of @climatecosts. “Climate change is not a tragedy – it’s a crime that’s been forced upon [people] by the oil companies, who knew their products were going to do this and went ahead and lied about it anyway.”


RT Dr Robert Bohan
By the time Sinéad O’Connor sang this (1992) some 70,000 children had been sexually abused by Catholic priests &amp; brothers in Ireland. The state, media, bishops, cardinals &amp; pope had covered it up. She was scorned.


RT Rob Barnett
The new solar outlook from @BloombergNEF is 🔥
389 Gigawatts in 2023 says @solar_chase in a new note on @TheTerminal: China Surge Driving New Record Year of Global Solar Build: BNEF


Boli sme varovaní.

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The Real Prof. Katharine Hayhoe: With climate records being shattered weekly, this cartoon is even more apt.
July global avg temp is the latest to fall; a new analysis by @khaustein finds it's the hottest ever recorded, possibly the hottest in 120,000 years.
Here's what this means &amp; why there’s still hope.🧵


RT Braňo Bezák
Obálky mi dáva so slovami; "Wahlen in der Slowakei."
Už aj rakúsky poštár vie, že v 🇸🇰 voľbách sa dá voliť zo zahraničia, tak sa nevyhováraj, že ty nevieš!
Ide to neslovensky bezproblémovo a rýchlo.


RT Srdcom doma o.z.
Do 9.8. požiadaj o voľbu poštou!
Zahraničie otvorilo oči mnohým z nás. Pomôžme Slovensku.
Začnime tým, že sa zúčastnime volieb.
Doprajme našim blízkym v SR lepší štát.
Buď pri tejto zmene!
Buď hrdinom, hrdinkou!
Voľ poštou - zo zahraničia!


RT Claire Underwood zo Slovenska
Za cca. 80 fiatiek zaplatilo OLANO cca. 800.000 eur. Ostanú v majetku hnutia, takže ich nezarátajú do výdavkov kampane.


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Prof. Eliot Jacobson: Yesterday, Antarctic sea ice extent hit a new record statistical low of -6.65σ below the 1991-2020 mean. About a 1-in-70B chance w/o climate change.
This is not a graph of extent or anomaly. It is a graph of standard deviations -- a measure of how abnormal the year's data is.


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