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RT by @june_mummery: Please share…..
Someone posted this on true!

Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.

Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts

Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.

Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.

When he's gone,
Do not relax,
It's time to apply
The inheritance tax.

Accounts Receivable Tax
Airline surcharge tax
Airline Fuel Tax
Airport Maintenance Tax
Building Permit Tax
Cigarette Tax
Cooking Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Goods and Services Tax (GST)
Death Tax
Driving Permit Tax
Environmental Tax (Fee)
Excise Taxes
Income Tax
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Petrol Tax (too much per litre)
Gross Receipts Tax
Health Tax
Heating Tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Tax
Lighting Tax
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Mortgage Tax
Pension Tax
Personal Income Tax
Property Tax
Poverty Tax
Real Estate Tax
Retail Sales Tax
Service Charge Tax
Telephone Tax
Value Added Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Water Tax
Tax (VAT) on Tax.
And Now they want a blooming Carbon Tax!


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world... We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class,a huge manufacturing base, and Mum stayed home to raise the kids.

What in the happened? Could it be the lying parasitic politicians wasting our money?
Oh, and don't forget the relatively new bank charges....
And we all know what…


[2024-01-21 16:43 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: It all sounds almost too ludicrous to be true.

Thousands and thousands of illegal migrants being put up in luxury accommodation and looked after at taxpayer expense.

Mainly unchecked young males, from cultures that hold no respect for our values.

What the hell are we doing?!


[2024-01-21 08:45 UTC]

This is happening to fisherman too.
Government wants rid of the small scale fisherman to make way for more wind mills.
No science been done to see if windfarms cause damage to our Ocean.
There is no fish off the East Coast, why ?


[2024-01-21 11:26 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: Farmers are being wilfully ignored and their livelihoods destroyed by dreadful governments obsessed with the crass logic of net zero and corporations trying to asset grab farmland. And that’s why farmers are protesting across Europe. As I discussed with @thecoastguy / @GBNEWS


[2024-01-20 20:11 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: I have been bowled over by the warmth shown me in Wellingborough.

Meet lovely Zoe who provided the ⁦@reformparty_uk⁩ team shelter from the freezing weather in her wonderful guesthouse, the Hind.

Like so many I've met she has a message for you ⁦@nigel_farage


[2024-01-20 20:26 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: Thank you so much for supporting our campaign today!

➡️ Wellingborough deserves a fresh start. If you want change,


[2024-01-20 12:20 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: Almost every public service and infrastructure is crumbling. Millions of people are really struggling to survive the cost of living crisis and many are slipping into bankruptcy, bad health, poverty and homelessness. NHS waiting lists are at record levels of over 7 million people facing treatment delays. Farmers are being fleeced by the supermarkets. Small businesses are going bankrupt at record levels. The high street is dying. School buildings are unfit for purpose. The care homes sector is a total mess. Utility services are completely crap, but household and business utility payments have become extortionate.

But nothing ever gets done to fix any of this.

Yet our government continues to spend £billions of our tax money putting up immigrants in hotels, issuing dodgy contracts to various corporations, net zero targets, bombing Yemen and throwing money at Ukraine.

And then to rub salt into the wounds, the government punishes everyone with horrendous levels of taxation and finds numerous ways to create a surveillance society and reduce our freedoms.

It’s a wilful government piss take of the people they are supposed to prioritise - namely, the people who fund them - British taxpaying citizens. It’s completely unacceptable. We are paying them to repeatedly punish us, while at the same time, the biggest transfer of wealth history to the super-rich is happening right under our noses.

Enough is enough.


[2024-01-18 00:59 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: BREAKING NEWS: Reform UK hit 12% in a major poll for the first time!

Together, let’s save Britain!


[2024-01-18 08:09 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: Young Men only, but they can relax the Conservative Party continues to vote &amp; support completely open borders.


[2024-01-17 19:38 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: Predictably, the Tory “rebels” have huffed and puffed then bottled it.

Like naughty schoolchildren, they whimpered into silence when headteacher Sunak threatened detention

Gutless, spineless, they have wasted everyones time over this pointless charade.


[2024-01-17 21:43 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: This is what the map of Britain will look like once ⁦@nigel_farage⁩ announces he’s running for Parliament.


[2024-01-16 22:43 UTC]

Well said Nigel.
The UK fishing industry is on its knees.
Even the South West are complaining , reference the Pollack.
The Tories lied to the fishing industry and stabbed coastal communities in the back.
By the way love the suit, you look very dapper. 🕺⚓️


[2024-01-15 21:31 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: This typifies everything that is wrong with every taxpayer funded organisation in the U.K.: waste &amp; lack of respect for the people they should serve.


Council 'flushed taxpayers' cash down pan' with £7,600 heated toilet seats


[2024-01-15 22:40 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: Tories deserve this punishment for breaking Britain &amp; betraying us all on Brexit, whilst deliberately enabling mass immigration.

But we @reformparty_uk are way more ambitious than this…. this is just the beginning … this space


[2024-01-14 22:43 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: I have never wavered since 2016 in my belief that the world is safer with Trump. Nice to get a shoutout from the big man.


[2024-01-14 20:00 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: If @benhabib6 was running for office in my Town I'd be out campaigning for him every day.
He's charismatic, has a vast knowledge of Government and how it works and he has a genuine will to improve standards and rid us of Woke, NetZero, ULEZ and uncontrolled migration nonsense.


[2024-01-14 07:53 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: I would be a massive voice for Wellingborough in Parliament. I would transform the way debate is conducted in the Commons. Take the fight for Wellingborough to Sunak and Starmer.

What the people need is their interests put ahead of international ones.


[2024-01-14 09:15 UTC]

I love Clacton and the people.
Brexit was a golden opportunity to rebuild its fishing industry, creating some much needed jobs for that area.
and another 186 coastal MPs have done nothing to improve our deprived seaside towns.
1 job at sea is 8 on land.


[2024-01-14 09:56 UTC]

RT by @june_mummery: Wellingborough deserves a fresh start.

Together, we can send shockwaves through Westminster.


[2024-01-13 17:06 UTC]

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