R to @jordisolef: With @sinnfeinireland we share the defense of the right to self-determination and its exercise as the best democratic mechanism to make our countries free and fair for everyone
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1717650731098873953#m
[2023-10-26 21:13 UTC]
RT by @jordisolef: We had important discussions on our different experiences of negotiation processes & political strategies to achieve self determination in Ireland & Catalonia, involving @junqueras President of @Esquerra_ERC @jordisolef & @GerryAdamsSF
#ViscaCatalunya #Time4Unity 🎗️🇮🇪
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DeclanKearneySF/status/1717620758673866983#m
[2023-10-26 19:14 UTC]
RT by @jordisolef: The president of @Esquerra_ERC, Oriol @junqueras, and @jordisolef, met today in Belfast with the former President of @sinnfeinireland @GerryAdamsSF
🤝 We strengthen collaboration on negotiation strategies to advance the democratic resolution of the political conflict with Spain
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Esquerra_INT/status/1717497291177599305#m
[2023-10-26 11:03 UTC]
RT by @jordisolef: Very constructive meeting with @junqueras Leader of @Esquerra_ERC & @jordisolef in Belfast about deepening relations between our parties & ongoing cooperation; international relations; & potential for constitutional change & independence in #Catalunya & Ireland
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DeclanKearneySF/status/1717294977393311823#m
[2023-10-25 21:40 UTC]
RT by @jordisolef: Very constructive meeting with @junqueras Leader of @ERC & @jordisolef in Belfast today about deepening relations between our parties & ongoing cooperation; international relations; & potential for constitutional change & independence in #Catalunya & Ireland
#ViscaCatalunya 🎗️🇮🇪
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/DeclanKearneySF/status/1717236193212223740#m
[2023-10-25 17:46 UTC]
This week we are in Ireland, North and South, to strengthen the ties between
. Today in Belfast we discussed the political situation in our countries and the prospects for a reunification referendum, as provided for in the
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1717244869385601028#m
[2023-10-25 18:20 UTC]
Aquests dies som a Irlanda per reforçar els vincles entre
i el
. Avui a Irlanda del Nord hem parlat sobre la situació política dels nostres països i les perspectives d'un referèndum de reunificació de l'illa, tal com preveu l'Acord de Divendres Sant.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1717224564407636223#m
[2023-10-25 17:00 UTC]
Avui al PE juntament amb
hem acollit una jornada sobre
, un projecte sobre preparació i resiliència europea contra els incendis forestals, coordinat des de CAT per
. A part de respondre a emergències cal gestió forestal i del paisatge
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1716892517168549908#m
[2023-10-24 19:00 UTC]
RT by @jordisolef: 🇮🇪 The president of @Esquerra_ERC, Oriol @junqueras, has met today in Dublin with the president of @sinnfeinireland, @MaryLouMcDonald to strengthen relations between both parties and share strategies for the social and national liberation of the Catalan and Irish peoples.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/Esquerra_INT/status/1716779623919374510#m
[2023-10-24 11:32 UTC]
Today I hosted the seminar
and its contribution to EU policies. A great opportunity to promote the potential of this program to safeguard the well-being of our environment, and to highlight the leading role of territories such as Catalonia in Earth Observation
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1716488913861177709#m
[2023-10-23 16:17 UTC]
R to @jordisolef: A iniciativa de @GreensEFA, el text recull suport inequívoc a les investigacions de l'@ICC, reconeixement a la legitimitat de les aspiracions del poble palestí, la urgència de complir amb el dret humanitari internacional, i la necessitat de mantenir el suport financer #UE. (3/3)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1715036759224893567#m
[2023-10-19 16:06 UTC]
RT by @jordisolef: “Demanding respect for international humanitarian law doesn't weaken our condemnation of terror. It rather strengthens our commitment to a rules-based world, even in a world full of hatred." - @jordisolef
Our press release: https://greens.eu/3M5DTWI
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/GreensEFA/status/1714594972987490501#m
[2023-10-18 10:51 UTC]
Avui he intervingut al Ple del Parlament Europeu en el debat sobre la guerra entre Israel i Hamàs, i la situació a Gaza. Demà en votarem una resolució👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1714624867536871512#m
[2023-10-18 12:49 UTC]
RT by @jordisolef: "We're horrified by the massacre in Gaza's hospital. Such criminal acts must be investigated and perpetrators be held accountable.
Demanding respect for international humanitarian law doesn't weaken our condemnation to terror. It strengthens our commitment to a rules-based world"
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/GreensEFA/status/1714548381287108948#m
[2023-10-18 07:46 UTC]
Horroritzat per la massacre de l’hospital de
A l’espera d’aclarir el qui i el com d’aquest crim de guerra, el cert és que és inhumà inflingir tant patiment a població civil innocent
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1714399121329508636#m
[2023-10-17 21:52 UTC]
Un plaer haver rebut avui el primer ministre armeni, Nikol
, a l'Eurocambra.
🇪🇺 ha de denunciar la neteja ètnica que, de facto, pateix
, ajudar Armènia a afrontar la crisi de refugiats i dissuadir l'
de qualsevol altra acció militar.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1714361139973259612#m
[2023-10-17 19:22 UTC]
RT by @jordisolef: .@mounirsatouri présente la résolution proposée par @GreensEFA et portée par notre collègue catalan @jordisolef et qui sera négociée cet après-midi avec les autres groupes avec pour objectif de trouver une majorité avec les groupes PPE, Renew, La Gauche et S&D.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/euroecolos/status/1714190733383471434#m
[2023-10-17 08:04 UTC]
Aquest cap de setmana al Congrés de l'
hem escollit
com els nostres candidats a
per la propera campanya de les eleccions al Parlament Europeu. Per construir una Europa que respecti l'autodeterminació i la diversitat
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1713897741556817972#m
[2023-10-16 12:40 UTC]
RT by @jordisolef: Mental health is wealth.
Housing, income, job conditions, social services & other support impact our mental health.
On #WorldMentalHealthDay, we look back at how these things have impacted our interns' #MentalHealth.
Read their article here: http://greens.eu/37BQzUe
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/GreensEFA/status/1711722662525907037#m
[2023-10-10 12:37 UTC]
📢 On
, and together with more than 75 parliamentarians, I have signed a statement expressing concern at the alarming escalation in the use of the death penalty in
🐦🔗: https://nitter.cz/jordisolef/status/1711743594070003789#m
[2023-10-10 14:00 UTC]
Unofficial automated mirror. No copyright asserted. ∎ Eurodiputat per @Esquerra_ERC al grup Verds/ALE // MEP for @Esquerra_ERC at the Greens/EFA group