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Mother and boyfriend found guilty of murdering her 15-year-old son after torture campaign… AND another horrendous murder of a child - slips under the radar because of ‘lockdown’ !


RT @sharrond62: Why do the feelings of a few males trump the feelings of every female on the planet? Just asking..


RT @tomhfh: NEW: Boris and Vlod have had another call.
PM & Zelenskyy “talked about the ongoing discussions about the hosting of Eurovision next year. The PM stressed that wherever Eurovision is held it must be an event which celebrates and honours the country and people of Ukraine.”


RT @ChristineMilste: @jfoster2019 @Conservatives Penny is such a natural speaker & I deplore the methods used to undermine her reputation. Many Tories are so disappointed that she was eliminated from the leadership contest & possibly won’t bother to vote now. She has huge potential; her time will come.🤞


RT @CharlotteCGill: London is managed so badly. Such a beautiful, amazing city. Deserves to be run by someone who loves it, not a Mayor using it as a vehicle for his paternalistic fantasies. If Khan could put as much energy into boosting hospitality as he does telling us how to drink water... Well.


@NadineDorries Funnily enough .. I noticed that too 👊 well well . You know I absolutely wanted @BorisJohnson to stay ! However, my candidate of choice @PennyMordaunt was then the victim of smears & ‘character assassination’ before she practically came out of the blocks.
Astonishing isn’t it ?


RT @sharrond62: A trans woman is a trans women & is biologically male. And will always be male….. no amount of wishing or feelings will change that very simple anatomical fact!


@RockyWasYer @grantshapps @CBeaune There’s no excuse.. if you come back here from France 🇫🇷 or Belgium 🇧🇪 for eg - the British immigration officers are efficient & quick - but going from here ? Even St Pancras only ever 2/3 French IOs 👮‍♀️ and Qs often around the station even before Covid ! Not good enough frankly !


@s00nd Problem is while many of us believe you .. the Climate Industry incl the maj of politicians is so powerful it rides roughshod over any other narrative, brainwashing children & silencing any other scientific view !


@grantshapps @CBeaune Seriously ? It’s a joke “we are working closely together” You know perfectly well what they 🇫🇷 say & what they actually do are 2 different things ! Their behaviour is appalling & you need to stop giving them taxpayers money which is never used to alleviate the problems !


@sharrond62 Excellent news .. finally ! Common sense May rule on this but there’s a long way to go ..


@toadmeister Very low numbers ! No herd immunity.. from or with ? and frankly the headline is misleading..This perpetuates the fear factor and continuing hysteria which MSM thrives on, playing in to the narrative they follow !


@SkyNews et al-
the figures for Covid are ‘ESTIMATED’ I’m not saying that no one has tested positive.. what I am saying is - that only ‘authenticated’ pos tests should be recorded ! We had enough of ‘modelling’ on this ..Remember Prof Neil Ferguson ? I need say no more @TVKev


@SamanthaTaghoy Absolutely horrendous.. and it continues. Grooming gangs, as an example..


RT @SamanthaTaghoy: I remember being asked by police whether I consented to sexual activity at any point.

A child cannot consent.

I was abused for nearly a decade by successive men, who took advantage of me while authorities turned a blind eye.

I didn’t consent. No child can.


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