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Aga a-a-a-automaks!
Ent tõsisemalt, kui suurim hala tuleb avalik-õigusliku meedia enda ajakirjanikelt, siis miks imestada, et vingumine nii levinud on?

[2024-06-30 05:35 UTC]

The irony of the term "Estonisation" is that it was a term among Czech intellectuals: Estonizace.
It reached wider audiences via Milan Kundera's essays and meant the slow elimination and destruction of a national culture by the Russians.
And now the Russians have adopted it to mean principled resistance to their criminal behaviour.

[2024-06-29 05:58 UTC]

Estonians gave their DNA to science — now they’re learning their genetic secrets

[2024-06-26 18:48 UTC]

A serious analysis of the implications for Europe of two different outcomes in the US elections by
Either way, Europe will have to do much more.

[2024-06-26 08:35 UTC]

But Germany's president Steinmayer said Germany owed Nord stream 2 to Russia because of what Germans did to the country while Poland and Ukraine, Germany's main killing fields, or the Bloodlands countries, were vehemently opposed to NS2
Perpetual shame for purposeful ignorance and its weaponisation for mercantile ends.

[2024-06-22 19:08 UTC]

It's tough to be a vassal under the Nork Yoke.
No wonder Alexander Nevsky, vassal of the Golden Horde is his hero.

[2024-06-19 18:33 UTC]

Russian culture at its best performed for its greatest fans and stans, the only ones to genuinely appreciate its greatness.

[2024-06-18 18:51 UTC]

No wonder Western countries told Ukraine not to hit Russian refineries.
If you don't leave a country that started a war, it's your problem when there's blowback.

[2024-06-18 18:35 UTC]

Aga nagu ise kirjutad,
, eelmised kolm on olnud üsna nõrgad, nii oma poliitilise osavuse aga eriti oma välispoliitiliste teadmiste poolest. Mogherini oli eriti nõrk, külastades Ukrainat viie aasta jooksul pärast Krimmi annekteerimist vaid kaks korda (versus 10+ korda Moskvat)
Borell ja Ashton olid samuti sinna pandud, et nad midagi ei kõigutaks ega teeks. Hirm tugeva KEVJP ees on olnud põhiline tegur miks keskpäraseid (või hullemgi) on siiamaani kohale nimetatud.
Kallase väljakutse, kui ta koha peaks saama, on koos ülejäänud EL juhtkonnaga kujundada oma valdkonnast tõsiseltvõetav EL mõõde, mis siiamaani on täiesti puudunud, luues endale pigem USA välisministri roll kui tavalise EL liikmesriigi välisminisri oma kui valitsusjuhi ripats. (vt. nt. saksa või prantsuse VM).
Meie kohalikud Dunning-Krugerlased poliitikas ja ajakirjanduses loomulikult ei adu (või siis ei andesta) Kallase andekust. Eesti värk.

[2024-06-17 08:09 UTC]

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