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"Scholz is one of those who think they're being "pragmatic" or "the adult" when everyone disagrees with them."

A feature of German foreign policy far longer than just Scholz. Indeed it's been so since 1997. Mercantile self-interest is just how you spell "pragmatic" and "adult".
RT @armchairrsdt: We misunderstood Russia (in a way that suited our short-term wishes) here, but the regime does not understand Germany either. An interest…


Coming soon, a new “Horst Wessel Lied”.

Anyone want to bet it won’t happen, @KuldkeppMart?
RT @KuldkeppMart: The martyr cult intensifies. Nothing to inspire the nation like the death of a young woman aligned with the official ideology.

The completely non-credible assassination story is ridiculous for a reason: to filter out true & loyal believers in absurdities from everyone else.


A big policy shift in Finland
RT @HenriVanhanen: Some remarks from PM @MarinSanna foreign policy speech today at the Annual Heads of Mission in Helsinki.

1. On 🇹🇷: The concerns of Türkiye, Finland's long-term friend, have been answered to the best of our ability, because the security of every ally must be taken seriously…”


Last time, as with Soviet/Russian elections, they announced it before it happened… which resulted a rare real heart attack
RT @KremlinTrolls: What, again?


Thread ⬇️
RT @dmarusic: Europe needs to wrap its head around the fact that there is no going back to the easy life. A peaceful, prosperous future is out of reach. It’s time to accept that war has come to Europe, and will be here for a generation at least. Settle in for a miserable long haul. 3/3


The most utterly revolting behavior short of Russians raping, castrating, torturing and killing in Ukraine.

And to think, some European countries say ending tourist visas wouldn't be "nice"
RT @OlenaHalushka: russians are proud that they have kidnapped 1,300 children from Mariupol, 1,000 of which are already placed in families across the terrorist state. Entire 2nd paragraph of the news is dedicated to $ bonuses for families who "…


On the same day in Tallinn in Hirve Park, about the same number of attendees as well... and lots and lots of KGB also.
RT @vmorkevicius: On 23 August 1987, on the anniversary of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, the first unauthorized (by the Soviets) rally of the restoration of independence movement took place in Lithuania — about 3000 people attended, including Jakas. /6


Oluline tähelepanek @kaimarkaru-lt
RT @kaimarkaru: Kui väiklusest, õelusest ja kadedusest saab bränd. Kui teemade mittemõistmine on auasi, mitte õppimisvõimalus. Kui reaalsete inimeste reaalsete murede peal tallatakse, endal nägu äraspidisest õiglustundest säramas.


Attn @DarthPutinKGB. You’ve been good at something at least.
RT @ilvestoomas: Now this might go far to explain all those suspensions for innocuous treats about bad Russian behavior.


It's always an "anniversary". This numerological fixation is bizarre. @Kamilkazani does another analysis. Read it.
RT @kamilkazani: Here we have a problem:

Most analysts would dismiss a hypothesis that numerology plays a big role in Russian scheduling of key events (invasion, important political assassination, etc)

While it is almost certainly true.

Russia is run by state security. Who are not "rational"


The Russian diaspora in Germany doing these completely unco-ordinated complaints to German authorities is getting a bit ancy about the Molotov and Ribbentrop deal, signed today in 1939.

RT @EllaJakobson: @ilvestoomas


Another insightful thread from @kamilkazani
RT @kamilkazani: The mafia boss followed X. closely So when they met he told him:

"Let's talk business. I know Freemasons secretly control everything. And I know you are one of them. How can I join you, guys?"

X. denied his freemasonry. So the mafia boss got angry:

"I knew you won't tell me!"


Important historical thread by Sergej @sumlenny that explains the roots of the mass insanity affecting Russian elites today. Do read⬇️
RT @sumlenny: THREAD I saw many skeptical comments about my take that Dugina's death could have esoteric dressing besides the FSB motive. It looks like too many people have no clue, to what extent Russian elites adopt the worst esoteric ideas. Well, let's dive into this nasty journey. 1/x


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