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This, on top of yesterday's news of Russia hacking the Texas water supply system.
Wake. up people. We're not talking about a "far away place about which we know nothing."
For them, it's War.
German police arrest suspected Russian spies over bombing plan

[2024-04-18 12:38 UTC]

In other words when the US pushed Ukraine to give up nukes, strategic bombers and rockets because of US "assurances" it would guarantee Ukraine's territorial integrity was just a big fat lie.

[2024-04-15 23:27 UTC]

Not quite sure,
, with the role its erstwhile constituents Slovakia, Hungary and Austria play today shilling for and selling out to Russia, that this a great thing.

[2024-04-14 01:33 UTC]

Kidnapping children, raping their mothers and killing their fathers and brothers is definitely un-woke and politically incorrect.

[2024-04-11 20:03 UTC]

Thisis a soft, bowdlerized version of "It's not the crime, but the cover-up that will get you."
After the ham-fisted, "we don't care what they do to you, we have an election and need low gas prices",
It's now "don't bomb civilian architecture". Ploesti oilfields in WW2, Iraqi electrical plants in 1990 too, yes?
These comms are melting down from embarrassing to disastrous to full China Syndrome.

[2024-04-10 21:05 UTC]

Ega see pidevalt korrutatud "Keskerakonna maailmavaatel" mingit sisu ka olnud, peale "Vali Meid"

[2024-04-08 07:07 UTC]

So Estonia (pop. 1.3 m) and Czechia (pop 10.6 m) can each find a million shells, but Germany (pop. 82 m) can't find any, and the industrial motor of Europe can't start to produce any munitions. While no Tauruses produced in two years. Because... what?
Try a little harder, perhaps.

[2024-04-07 06:24 UTC]

The term for not arming Ukraine because the Russians might use a tactical nuke is "self-deterrence".
Also, how the US can get hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian killed and raped by listening to Putin's lies, threats and spin.

[2024-04-06 05:34 UTC]

Will they now also be expelled from Belgium?
Or just hang around at the European Parliament?

[2024-04-06 05:27 UTC]

How to get into Russian history textbooks truthfully.
(an accomplishment in and of itself, BTW)

[2024-04-06 05:24 UTC]

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