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Eesti geide oht eesti rahva püsimajäämisele on tuhat (või küüditamisi ja venestamist arvestades) 10 tuhat korda väiksem kui see mida NLKP teie aktiivsel osalusele või parimal juhul kindlal vaikimisel korda saatis.


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Kui hakkata 32 aastat hiljem rääkima kunagise Ülemnõukogu liikmena, siis pole vaja imestada kui teised tõstatavad ÜN enamuse kuuluvusest eesti rahva "tühises vähemuses" NLKPs.


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Meil on 32 aastat olnud kuritegeliku NLKP liikmete võrdsus teistega. Ometi olid nad juba toona ise "tühine vähemus."


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Kui loetleda mida grupp (nüüdseks endisi) kommuniste 1991. aastal 2023 aasta kohta ette ei näinud, alates ehk siis internetist ja turumajandusest, see nimekiri oleks päris pikk.

Kommunistide ettenägelikus leidub pigem nende sõnvavõttudes Eesti iseseisvuse kohta 1987. aastal


A bunch of junior Colonels the NatSec community has never heard of or read, a paid Putin shill professor and a former ambassador known as a Russia apologist.

No wonder it's a paid advertisement. Trump used to pay for anti-NATO ads too.

"14 US national security experts", my *ss.
RT @Mylovanov: NYTimes publishes a (paid) letter by 14 US national security experts. Jeffrey Sachs among the signees.

It calls for peace by stopping to support Ukraine.

Every claim i…


Oluline lõng:
RT @mellatonen12: Toompeale oodatakse endisi ÜN liikmeid osalema mõttetalgutel: "Millest ma saadikuna mõeldagi ei osanud." Mõttetalgutel on planeeritud välja anda juhendav teekaart Riigikogule, mis paneb paika, millest kunagi mõeldagi ei osatud ning millega ka täna tegelema ei peaks.


Of course, if you don't want Russia to lose, this is precisely what you plan for.

And aid Ukraine accordingly: just enough to keep them alive but not to win.

It won't just "turn out this way", it requires active work to ensure Ukraine is forced into it.


How does anyone who did to young Russian women what is decribed in "The Exile: Sex, Drugs, and Libel in the New Russia" even bother to ask that question, let alone live with himself?
RT @mtaibbi: Where are the apologies on the Russia hoaxes? How can the journalists who bit on all the Steele stories, the Alfa nonsense, Hamilton 68 — how do you all live with yourselves?


🤣. War criminal coping strategies are pretty funny
RT @GazetaRu: Володин назвал английский язык «мертвым»:

«Давайте будем учить свои национальные языки, языки межнационального общения, китайский язык. Английский — это мертвый язык. Все, время ушло»


When you hear some think tank "analyst" or politician saying Ukraine should cede territory to reward Russian aggressioin, send them this by @joshrogin.

Those people are complicit in the revolting war crimes Russian troops commit in occupied territory


It was like this in Estonia 80 years ago.

Funny how people don't forget.
RT @charliekreuz: Check out Instagram page “@Wallevidence” for a collection of messages scrawled on Ukrainian surfaces by the Russians. Shocking but unsurprising reading. (H/t @francisjfarrell)


Yes, and let's put Russians together with Ukrainians on Western stages so they can "talk it out".
RT @olex_scherba: A girl (18 now) describes surviving in Mariupol. How her dad (48) resuscitated her mom (40). How she got paralyzed. How 🇷🇺 beat him up, so that he went blind & died. How her sister (13) ever since has seizures & can’t stop drawing war.


This is wild:
RT @EHunterChristie: 1-24
An extremist US woman, Randi Lucile Nord, 35, has confessed to painting Nazi symbols on a synagogue, along with the word "Azov", as part of a deliberate plan to undermine U.S. support for Ukraine.
She was radicalised during a 2-year stay in Serbia.


Huomio Suomi! You don’t actually have the prime minister you think you do.

Or you have become a Baltic country again.
RT @francis_scarr: Today on Russian state TV, "expert" Alexei Fenenko achieved something really special

He was talking so much rubbish about the "Finnish prime minister" Kaja Kallas that even Olga Skabeyeva decided she had to intervene

And then he carried on as if nothing had happened


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